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Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Greg Ganger Natassa9 Ailamaki Mike Reiter Priya Narasimhan Chuck.

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Presentation on theme: "Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Greg Ganger Natassa9 Ailamaki Mike Reiter Priya Narasimhan Chuck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carnegie Mellon Increasing Intrusion Tolerance Via Scalable Redundancy Greg Ganger Natassa9 Ailamaki Mike Reiter Priya Narasimhan Chuck Cranor

2 Carnegie Mellon Technical Objective To design, implement and evaluate new protocols for implementing intrusion-tolerant services that scale better  Here, “scale” refers to efficiency as number of servers and number of failures tolerated grows Targeting three types of services  Read-write data objects  Custom “flat” object types for particular applications, notably directories for implementing an intrusion-tolerant file system  Arbitrary objects that support object nesting

3 Carnegie Mellon Expected Impact Significant efficiency and scalability benefits over today’s protocols for intrusion tolerance For example, for data services, we anticipate  At-least twofold latency improvement even at small configurations (e.g., tolerating 3-5 Byzantine server failures) over current best  And improvements will grow as system scales up  A twofold improvement in throughput, again growing with system size Without such improvements, intrusion tolerance will remain relegated to small deployments in narrow application areas

4 Carnegie Mellon The Problem Space Distributed services manage redundant state across servers to tolerate faults  We consider tolerance to Byzantine faults, as might result from an intrusion into a server or client  A faulty server or client may behave arbitrarily  We also make no timing assumptions in this work  An “asynchronous” system Primary existing practice: replicated state machines  Offers no load dispersion, requires data replication, and degrades as system scales with O(N 2 ) messages

5 Carnegie Mellon Our approach Combine techniques to eliminate work in common cases  Server-side versioning  allows optimism with read-time repair, if nec.  allows work to be off-loaded to clients in lieu of server agreement  Quorum systems (and erasure coding)  allows load dispersion (and more efficient redundancy for bulk data)  Several others applied to defend against Byzantine actions Major risk?  could be complex for arbitrary objects

6 Carnegie Mellon Evaluation We are Scenario I: “centralized server setting” Baseline: the BFT library  Popular, publicly available implementation of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication (by Castro & Liskov)  Reported to be an efficient implementation of that approach Two measures  Average latency of operations, from client’s perspective  Peak sustainable throughput of operations Our consistency definition: linearizability of invocations

7 Carnegie Mellon Outline Overview Read-write storage protocol Some results Continuing work

8 Carnegie Mellon Read-write block storage Clients erasure-code/replicate blocks into fragments Storage-nodes version fragments on every write Storage-nodes F3F3 F1F1 F2F2 F4F4 F5F5 Client Data block Fragments F1F1 F2F2 F3F3 F4F4 F5F5

9 Carnegie Mellon Challenges: Concurrency Concurrent updates can violate linearizability Data 45123 Servers 45123

10 Carnegie Mellon Challenges: Server Failures Can attempt to mislead clients  Typically addressed by “voting” Servers ???? 31245 4’

11 Carnegie Mellon 54 Challenges: Client Failures Byzantine client failures can also mislead clients  Typically addressed by submitting a request via an agreement protocol Servers Data? 1234’?2’

12 Carnegie Mellon Consistency via versioning Leverage versioning storage nodes for consistency Allow writes to proceed with versioning  All writes create new data versions  Partial writes and concurrency won’t destroy data Reader detects and resolves update conflicts  Concurrency rare in FS workloads (typically < 1%)  Offloads work to client resulting in greater scalability Only perform extra work when needed  Optimistically assume fault-free, concurrency-free operation  Single round-trip for reads and writes in common case

13 Carnegie Mellon Our system model Crash-recovery storage-node fault model  Up to t total bad storage-nodes (crashed/Byzantine)  Up to b ≤ t Byzantine (arbitrary faults)  So, t - b faults are crash-recovery faults Client fault model  Any number of crash or Byzantine clients Asynchronous timing model Point-to-point authenticated channels

14 Carnegie Mellon Read/write protocol Unit of update: a block  Complete blocks are read and written  Erasure-coding may be used for space-efficiency Update semantics: Read–write  No guarantee of contents between read & write  Sufficient for block-based storage Consistency: Linearizability Liveness: wait-freedom

15 Carnegie Mellon R/W protocol: Write 1. Client erasure-codes data-item into N data-fragments 2. Client tags write requests with logical timestamp  Round-trip required to read logical time 3. Client issues requests to at least W storage-nodes 4. Storage-nodes validate integrity of request 5. Storage-nodes insert request into version history 6. Write completes after W requests have completed

16 Carnegie Mellon R/W protocol: Read 1. Client reads latest version from storage-node subset  Read set guaranteed to intersect with latest complete write 2. Client determines latest candidate write ( candidate )  Set of responses containing the latest timestamp 3. Client classifies the candidate as one of:  Complete  Incomplete  Repairable For consistency: only complete writes can be returned

17 Carnegie Mellon R/W protocol: Read classification Based on client’s (limited) system knowledge  Failures and asynchrony lead to imperfect information Candidate classification rules: Complete: candidate exists on  W nodes  candidate is decoded and returned Incomplete: candidate exists on  W nodes  Read previous version to determine new candidate  Iterate…perform classification on new candidate Repairable: candidate may exist on  W nodes  Repair and return data-item

18 Carnegie Mellon D 0 determined complete, returned Example: Successful read (N=5, W=3, t=1, b=0) Time ØØØØØ D0D0 D0D0 D0D0 D1D1 T0T0 T1T1 Storage Nodes D0D0 D1D1 D0D0 T1T1 Client read operation after T 1 12345 ØD0D0 D 1 latest candidateD 1 incompleteD 0 latest candidate

19 Carnegie Mellon Example: Repairable read (N=5, W=3, t=1, b=0) Time ØØØØØ D0D0 D0D0 D0D0 D1D1 T0T0 T1T1 T2T2 Storage Nodes D0D0 D1D1 D2D2 T2T2 Client read operation after T 2 D2D2 12345 D2D2 D2D2 D2D2 D 2 repairableRepair D 2 D2D2 D2D2 D2D2 D2D2 Return D 2 D 2 latest candidate

20 Carnegie Mellon Protecting against Byzantine storage-nodes Must defend against servers that modify data in their possession Solution: Cross checksums [Gong 89]  Hash each data-fragment  Concatenate all N hashes  Append cross checksum to each fragment  Clients verify hashes against fragments and use cross checksums as “votes” Data-item Data-fragments Hashes Cross checksum

21 Carnegie Mellon Protecting against Byzantine clients Must ensure all fragment sets decode to same value Solution: Validating timestamps  Write: place hash of cross checksum in timestamp  also prevents multiple values being written at same timestamp  Storage-nodes validate their fragment against corresponding hash  Read: regenerate fragments and cross checksum Data-items Data-fragments ≠ Example: Byzantine encoding with “poisonous” fragment F1F1 F2F2 F3F3 F4F4 F5F5

22 Carnegie Mellon Experimental setup Prototype system: PASIS 20 node cluster  Dual 1 GHz Pentium III storage-nodes  Single 2 GHz Pentium IV clients 100 Mb switched Ethernet 16 KB data-item size (before encoding)  Blowup of over the data-item size  Each fragment is the data-item size

23 Carnegie Mellon PASIS response time 1234 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Mean response time (ms) Total failures tolerated (t) 1-way 16KB ping Writes b = t Readsb = t Writesb = 1 Readsb = 1 Fault models b = t and b = 1 N = 2t + 2b + 1 N = 17N = 11 Decode computationNW delay: redundant fragments

24 Carnegie Mellon Throughput experiment Same system set-up as resp. time experiment Clients issue read or write requests  Increase number of clients to increase load Demonstrate value of erasure-codes  Increase m to reduce per storage-node load Compare with Byzantine atomic broadcast  BFT library [Castro & Liskov 99]  Supports arbitrary operations  Replica (with multicast): limits write throughput  O(N 2 ) messages: limits performance scalability

25 Carnegie Mellon Reduce per storage-node load with erasure-codes BFT uses replication which increases per storage-node load PASIS vs. BFT: Write throughput 02468 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Throughput (req/s) Clients PASIS BFT mNb = t = 1 25 36 14 60% PASIS has higher write throughput than BFT

26 Carnegie Mellon PASIS vs. BFT: Read throughput 02468 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Throughput (req/s) Clients PASIS BFT mN 25 b = t = 1 36 14

27 Carnegie Mellon Continuing work New testbed: 70 servers connected with switched Gbit/sec  experiments can then explore higher scalability points  baseline and our results will come from this testbed Protocol for arbitrary deterministic functions on objects  built from same basic primitives Protocol for objects with nested objects  adds requirement of replicated invocations

28 Carnegie Mellon Summary Goal: To design, implement and evaluate new protocols for implementing intrusion-tolerant services that scale better  Here, “scale” refers to efficiency as number of servers and number of failures tolerated grows Started with a protocol for read-write storage  based on versioning and quorums  scales efficiently (and much better than BFT)  also flexible (can add assumptions to reduce costs) Going forward (in progress)  generalize types of objects and operations that can be supported

29 Carnegie Mellon Questions?

30 Carnegie Mellon Garbage collection Pruning old versions is necessary to reclaim space  Versions prior to latest complete write can be pruned Storage-nodes need to know latest complete write  In isolation they do not have this information  Perform read operation to classify latest complete write Many possible policies exist for when to clean what Best to clean during idle time (if possible)  Rank blocks in order of greatest potential gains  Work remains in this area

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