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The 19 th century in France. An overview.. The era…  The 19 th century in France was an unstable time during which there were seven different political.

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Presentation on theme: "The 19 th century in France. An overview.. The era…  The 19 th century in France was an unstable time during which there were seven different political."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 19 th century in France. An overview.

2 The era…  The 19 th century in France was an unstable time during which there were seven different political regimes  and on top of this, three revolutions!

3 What types of government were there?  The revolutionary ideas of liberty developed into a series of little revolutions and alternating authoritarian and liberal governments  Consequently, it was a time where there were great divisions and contrasts in daily life;

4 Contrasts 1.  The comfortable middle class and industrialism  Wealth versus poverty The life of the comfortable middle class.

5 Contrasts 2.  Conservatives versus Scientists;  Monarchists versus Republicans; Emperor Napoléon III

6 Contrasts 3:  Romanticism versus Naturalism  Religion verus Atheism  Conservatism versus Socialism. Emile Zola – a realist Victor Hugo - a romantic

7 Outstanding progress This era was characterised by:  Outstanding scientific and technical progress  Important medical discoveries  Industrialisation  Rapid mecanisation of manufacturing industries  Extension of the rail network

8 Problems: The Industrial Révolution created its own problems:  Workers’ and women’s rights  The hours of work  Child labour  The question of working for a fair wage

9  However, there was economic stability and a general optimism.  Capitalism was triumphant. Les passages – the Arcades - provided a sheltered and pleasant atmosphere to stroll and shop.

10 Political life It was an era of great political movements.  liberalism  communism  socialism  anarchism  nationalism  nationalism Jean Jaurès, was a socialist who was assassinated on the eve of World War One.

11 La Belle Epoque.  The last 20 years of the 19 th century and the period immediately preceding World War I are today called: "la Belle Époque".  During this time, pleasure reigned, and a 'joie de vivre' characterised the daily lives of some, while others had to face day to day difficulties.

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