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Winter 2006EE384x1 EE384x: Packet Switch Architectures I a) Delay Guarantees with Parallel Shared Memory b) Summary of Deterministic Analysis Nick McKeown.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter 2006EE384x1 EE384x: Packet Switch Architectures I a) Delay Guarantees with Parallel Shared Memory b) Summary of Deterministic Analysis Nick McKeown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter 2006EE384x1 EE384x: Packet Switch Architectures I a) Delay Guarantees with Parallel Shared Memory b) Summary of Deterministic Analysis Nick McKeown Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University

2 Winter 2006EE384x2 Delay Guarantees  Problem :  How can we design a parallel output-queued router from slower parallel memories and provide delay guarantees?  This is difficult because  The counting technique depends on being able to predict the departure time and schedule it (before, we assumed that the output queue is FCFS).  In policies such as strict priority, weighted fair queueing etc., we don’t know a cell’s departure time when it arrives.

3 Winter 2006EE384x3 Delay Guarantees one output, many logical FIFO queues 1 m Weighted fair queueing sorts packets by finishing time constrained traffic PIFO models  Weighted Fair Queueing  Weighted Round Robin  Strict priority one output, single PIFO queue Push In First Out (PIFO) constrained traffic push-in

4 Winter 2006EE384x4 Theorem A parallel output-queued router can give delay guarantees (within a bounded error) with 4N –2 memories that can perform at most one memory operation per time slot.

5 Winter 2006EE384x5 Intuition for Theorem 2 N=3 987456321 2.5 Departure Order … 8763452.521 1.5 … Departure Order 8763452.521 N-1 packets before cell at time of insertion 987456321 DT = 3 DT= 2DT= 1 … 7652.53421.51 N -1 packets after cell at time of insertion PIFO: 2 windows of memories of size N-1 that can’t be used FIFO: Window of memories of size N-1 that can’t be used Departure Order

6 Winter 2006EE384x6 Proof A packet cannot use the memories: 1.Used to write the N-1 arriving cells at t. 2.Used to read the N departing cells at t. Time = t DT=t DT=t+T Cell C Before C After C 3.Used to read the N-1 cells that depart before it. 4.Used to read the N-1 cells that depart after it.

7 Winter 2006EE384x7 With a PIFO per output c3b3a3a2b2c2c1b1a1 DT = 3 DT= 2DT= 1 c4b4a4 DT = 4 c3b3a3a2b2c2c1b1a1 a2’ c4b4a4 c3b3a2a2’b2c2c1b1a1c4b4a3 Relative order of (a3,b3) reversed after being placed in memory Therefore, departure is not in PIFO order. By how much can the order differ?

8 Winter 2006EE384x8 Permute departure order DT = 3 DT= 2DT= 1 DT = k N1N1b1a1N2N2b2a2N3N3b3a3Nkbkbkakak akaka2a1bkbkb2b1ckckc2c1NkN2N2N1N1 a2’ akaka2a1bkbkb2b1ckckc2c1NkN2N2N1N1 Cells are correctly resequenced by each output. Therefore, maximum delay is k -1 time slots. a (k-1) a2’a1bkbkb2b1ckckc2c1NkN2N2N1N1

9 Winter 2006EE384x9 Summary - Routers with delay guarantees Marriage2NR6NR3R2N -2NR2NR2NR/kNk - NR2NR2RNCrossbar Input Queued None2NR 1BusShared Mem. Switch Algorithm Switch BW Total Memory BW Mem. BW# Mem.Fabric NoneNRN(N+1)R(N+1)RNBusOutput-Queued PSM C. Sets6NR3N(N+1)R3R(N+1)/kNkClosPPS - OQ C. Sets6NR 6RN C. Sets8NR4NR4RN Edge Color5NR4NR4RN Xbar C. Sets4NR 4NR/kkBus C. Sets6NR 6NR/kNk Clos Time Reserve 3NR6NR3R2N Crossbar PPS – Shared Memory DSM (Juniper) CIOQ (Cisco)

10 Winter 2006EE384x10 Summary of OQ Switches  Output queued switches are ideal  Work-conserving.  Maximize throughput.  Minimize expected delay (for fixed length packets).  Permit delay guarantees for constrained traffic.  Output queued switches don’t scale well  Requires N memory writes per time slot.  Memory bandwidth (dictated by the random-access time of a memory) is a bottleneck.  Parallelism is not straightforward.

11 Winter 2006EE384x11 Summary of OQ Switches (2)  Parallelizing packet switches has problems  Resource conflicts.  Packet mis-sequencing.  Methods to analyze parallel OQ switches  Constraint Sets (based on pigeon-hole principle) Parallel packet switches Parallel shared memory Distributed shared memory Extension to PIFO  Parallel packet buffers  Hybrid SRAM-DRAM FIFO queues.  With and without lookahead buffer.

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