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UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Denise LIEVESLEY UNESCO Institute for Statistics Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Denise LIEVESLEY UNESCO Institute for Statistics Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Denise LIEVESLEY UNESCO Institute for Statistics Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO

2 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Challenges facing us n To determine the policy needs for data n To share information on existing data collections è To build on the work of OECD, Eurostat etc (to meet the needs of both cutting and trailing edge countries) n To work together to develop new methodologies n To balance the need for cross-nationally comparable data and nationally specific data

3 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Principles... n data should not be collected for their own sake but because they are needed for policy purposes n response burden on countries should be minimised n co-ordination with other international agencies is paramount (no turf battles, respect lead agencies) n methodology should be used which is appropriate to the circumstances (not everything needs to be nationally representative etc)

4 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Principles contd... n Countries should be fully involved in determining what data should be collected, with what frequency and how n We should recognise that data collection requires resources, and expertise (So the technical capacity building (not just for the NSOs) must be integrated with the data strategy) n Data are owned by countries and the cross national data should be returned to them n Data should be collected and used in a way that is culturally sensitive other principles ….?

5 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Tension between nationally specific and cross-nationally comparable data - a balance is needed Purpose of global cross-national data n To provide the global picture è for advocacy è resource mobilisation, engaging donors, demonstrating commitment è accountability of governments n For purposes of comparison è learning from one another - to show what can be achieved è benchmarking è act as a catalyst for debate

6 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS UNESCO’s interests è promoting understanding across the World è countering prejudice and cultural imperialism è empowering ‘ ordinary ’ people as well as governments è reducing inequities in access and opportunities between and within countries è fostering a sense of identity, and social cohesion è valuing cultural diversity è improving the quality of life è promoting freedom of information

7 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Use of ICTs in relation to n Education at all levels, formal and informal n Science and technology especially research and development and to foster the spread of scientific benefits n Supporting cultural diversity n Ensuring good governance and empowerment through participation

8 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Measuring the information society … n Focus on ICTs n The use of ICTs for development è The importance of human and social capital è Education is key to this

9 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS ICTs and Education n Availability of ICTs in formal education, their costs and benefits, their use, equity of access, their impact in terms of educational outcomes n Use of ICTs to support non-formal education in the home, through NGOs and via other community facilities, including the use of distance learning

10 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Education for ICTs n Information literacy - The education required for the general population to make effective use of existing technologies n The expertise required by specialists (IT professionals and others with special needs such as teachers) in order to promote the wider and more informed/effective use of ICTs

11 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS n Not just the emerging technologies but older technologies too n Not just infrastructure but also usage, content, purpose and impact n Promoting pluralism – cultural sensitivity of content and the avoidance of language dominance

12 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS We must not neglect the broader issues … n The digital divide is a reflection of other socio- economic divides n Overcoming the divide must be integrated with the other targets regarding hunger, poverty, education, health and the environment (the MDGs) n The plan of action of WSIS should be used as a framework for the statistical development

13 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Existing cross-national surveys of schools –the Asia Pacific Survey on ICTs in Education (APRS) –the school survey of Latin America (LABORATORIO) –Monitoring Learning Activities Survey in Africa (selected countries only) – (MLA2) –Some African countries (PASEC) –OECD countries plus selected non OECD countries in future (PISA) –Primarily European and North American (PIRLS) –Some African Countries (SACMEQ) –Selected countries that have computers in schools only (SITES – 1) –Selected countries across the world - Third International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS and TIMSS-R) – –Selected countries across the world - World Education Indicators- Primary School Survey - WEI-SPS

14 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS n There are many existing sources – from household and from institutional surveys n And some are cross-nationally comparable n But many are focussed on infrastructure and are supply driven n So methodological development is critical to explore issues of greater relevance to development

15 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Immediate plan n Gather information about the data which are already collected, seek commonalities n Integrate with contextual and policy information n Identify priority areas for the development of new indicators n Establish pilot countries to work together in these activities

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