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Activities Outcomes – Impact Short Term Medium Term Long Term Recruit and maintain enrollment of 650+ elementary and middle school children at 4 sites.

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Presentation on theme: "Activities Outcomes – Impact Short Term Medium Term Long Term Recruit and maintain enrollment of 650+ elementary and middle school children at 4 sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities Outcomes – Impact Short Term Medium Term Long Term Recruit and maintain enrollment of 650+ elementary and middle school children at 4 sites Facilitate the creation of an education portfolio (EP) for each child Provide academic services based on a summer-long theme (literacy projects, technology lessons, reading/writing workshops, & independent reading) Provide social/cultural experiences (museum, theater, restaurant,and historical site trips; community walks, guest speakers, dance, art, music, & cultural diversity events, etc.) Provide recreational & fitness activities (games, sports, etc.) Provide community service activities Provide leadership & character education opportunities Explore cultural activities via the Cultural Resource Center Update databases by due dates & maintain complete files Problem statement: Youth, especially low-income youth, suffer significantly from loss of academic skills over the summertime. These losses accumulate each summer, and contribute to an achievement gap that can mean the difference between going to college or dropping out of high school. Children also gain weight three times faster during the summer. When not in school, children lack access to educational activities/resources and health & fitness-promoting activities. Outputs Staff Volunteers Time Money Research Materials Equipment Technology Partners Space # of students who enroll and participate in camp # of EPs completed # of children who participate in academic enrichment and literacy activities # and types of activities provided # of children who participate in cultural activities # and types of activities and events provided # of children who participate in recreational activities # and type of activities provided # of children who participate in community service projects # of hrs of community service # of community partners # and types of service projects # of children who participate in leadership activities # and types of leadership opportunities Testimonials of impact and photos of activities # of staff trainings Logic Model: Power Academy Summer Day Camp Academic achievement increases (via the preservation of school year learning gains each summer) Personal growth and exposure to a wider world of ideas and experience increases Health and fitness levels increase Campers demonstrate literacy skills equal to or better than what they entered camp with; Campers do not suffer academic losses over the summer Campers demonstrate increased understanding of the summer’s theme & walk away with a body of work surrounding the theme Campers experience personal growth socially & culturally Campers are physically active & fit Campers maintain or gain literacy and academic skills throughout summer months Campers build knowledge about the summer’s theme Campers are exposed to new ideas & experiences Campers develop new skills through a variety of recreational activities, including socialization & sportsmanship skills Campers learn the importance of health & fitness Campers learn the importance of community issues and service Campers develop leadership skills Campers learn about other cultures and traditions Adopted: 8/17/2010 Updated 3/26/2013 Inputs Developed by New York City Mission Society Department of Quality & Evaluation

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