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Elements and Principles of Design

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1 Elements and Principles of Design
Line Shape Form Color Value Texture Space Principles: Balance Emphasis & Focal Point Contrast Movement Variety Pattern & Repetition Unity Harmony/Gestalt

2 Line A line is defined as a mark with length and direction, created by a point that moves across a surface. A line can vary in length, width, direction, curvature, and color. Contour, Diagonal, Broken, Curved, Outline, Implied, Vertical, zigzag, Horizontal, Wavy, Slanted, Continuous, Solid, Narrow, Bold Jasper Johns, 0-9 (continuous line) Gesture drawing

3 line Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm

4 LINE Andy Goldsworthy

5 Keith Haring

6 Matisse, from the series “Jazz”
Shape Shape is an enclosed space defined by other elements of art. Shape is 2-Dimensional Shape can be: Geometric: Angular, man-made concept Organic: curvilinear - found in nature Fernana Leger, The City Matisse, from the series “Jazz”

7 Picasso, Three Musicians

8 FORM 3 Dimensional Shape. Volume

9 MC Escher, Self Portrait

10 Vincent Van Gogh, Shoes Tamara de Lempicka Portrait of Ira P. 1925

11 Value is an especially important element in works of art
An element of art that refers to luminance or luminosity – the lightness or darkness of a color. Value is an especially important element in works of art when color is absent. This is particularly likely with drawings, printmaking, and photographs Kathe Kollwitz, Self portrait

12 Value Chuck Close (made w/ thumbprints!) Edward Weston, Pepper

13 Texture Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object, such as roughness, smoothness, or softness. Actual texture can be felt while simulated textures are implied by the way the artist renders the surface area Oppenheim Fur-lined cup

14 Texture Actual and Implied
Albrecht Durer Rhinocerus Golsdworthy

15 Color Is an element of art with three properties
1) Hue, the name of the color, e.g. red, yellow, etc. 2) Intensity or the purity and strength of the color 3) Value, or the lightness or darkness of the color Jasper Johns, Target (primary colors) Delauney

16 Primary Colors

17 Wassily Kandinsky Piet Mondrian

18 Warm Colors Colors that are often described as being higher in temperature Reds, oranges, yellows Associated with fire and sun Optically, appear to advance Stimulating and passionate

19 Ex. Warm

20 Cool Colors that are often described as being lower in temperature
Greens, Blues, and Violet Associated with water, sky, and spring Optically, they appear to recede Calming and depressing

21 Ex. Cool

22 Picasso, the Old Guitarist
Color and Mood Van Gogh, the Night Cafe Picasso, the Old Guitarist

23 Space Space is the empty or open area between, around, above, below, or within objects. Shapes and forms are made by the space around and within them. Space is often called three-dimensional or two- dimensional. MC Escher

24 Space Positive space is filled by a shape or form. Negative space surrounds a shape or form.

25 Space/Depth May be created by overlapping, change in scale, perspective placement, color theory, or projection toward the viewer. David Hockney Place Furstenberg, Paris, August 7,8,9, #11985

26 Balance Balance is a sense of stability in the body of work.
Balance can be symmetrical (formal) or assymmetrical (informal) Wayne Thiebaud, Around the Cake (formal balance)

27 Symmetrical/Formal Balance
Diane Arbus, Twins

28 Symmetrical Balance Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper

29 Edgar Degas (informal balance)
Asymmetrical Balance Edgar Degas (informal balance)

30 Asymmetrical Balance

31 Variety When elements are changed in scale, color, or form.
Stuart Davis Andy Warhol

32 Edward Munch, the Scream
Movement Movement adds excitement to your work by showing action and directing the viewers eye throughout the picture plane. Edward Munch, the Scream

33 Movement Umberto Boccioni, Unique forms of continuity in space
Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending Staircase

34 Dominance & Subordination
The part of a composition that is emphasized, has the greatest visual weight, the most important, powerful, or has the most influence.

35 Emphasis & Focal Point Emphasis - Any forcefulness that gives importance to some feature or features of an artwork; something singled out, stressed, or drawn attention to by means of contrast, anomaly, or counterpoint Focal Point = portion of an artwork's composition on which interest or attention centers David Hockney

36 Emphasis & Focal Point Barbara Kruger Rene Magritte

37 Arts and Crafts Movement
Pattern & Repetition Involves multiples of the same element. Repeated elements can vary in size, color, or axis placement. Repeated elements can create a pattern. The use of repetition may be applied to all Visual Elements. Motion can be created by repetition. William Morris Arts and Crafts Movement

38 Chuck Close, Self Portrait, detail
Pattern & Repetition Chuck Close, Self Portrait, detail

39 Contrast A large difference between two things,
such as light and shadow, color and black/white Andy Warhol

40 David, the Death of Marat
Contrast David, the Death of Marat

41 Economy


43 Unity & Harmony The quality of wholeness or oneness (Gestalt) that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of design. Claude Monet Haystacks

44 Unity Cezanne Wayne Theibaud

45 Van Gogh “Starry Night”
Unity Van Gogh “Starry Night”

46 What Elements and Principles stand out?

47 What Elements and Principles stand out?
Goya, “The 5th of May”

48 What Elements and Principles stand out?

49 What Elements and Principles stand out?

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