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Overview of ONC’s Consumer Preferences Requirements Document A HITSP eTown-Hall Meeting Presenters:Co-Chairs/Facilitators of the Consumer Preferences Tiger.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of ONC’s Consumer Preferences Requirements Document A HITSP eTown-Hall Meeting Presenters:Co-Chairs/Facilitators of the Consumer Preferences Tiger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of ONC’s Consumer Preferences Requirements Document A HITSP eTown-Hall Meeting Presenters:Co-Chairs/Facilitators of the Consumer Preferences Tiger Team Mureen Allen, MD|Walter Suarez, MD Johnathan Coleman|Elliot Sloane enabling healthcare interoperability Tuesday October 13, 2009 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (Eastern) Co-Sponsored by the HITSP Consumer Preferences Tiger Team and the HITSP Education, Communications and Outreach Committee 0 enabling healthcare interoperability

2 Slide 1 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Outline  Overview, Process, Timeline (5 minutes)  Consumer Preferences Defined; What is in scope; What is out of scope (20 minutes)  Stakeholders; Issues and Policy Implications; Perspectives and Scenarios (20 minutes)  Process Diagrams and Information Exchanges (35 minutes)  Functional Needs and Dataset Considerations (35 minutes)  Concluding Comments (5 minutes) [Slides will be available at the HITSP Webinars site -]

3 Slide 2 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Learning and Discussion Objectives  During this 120-minute eTown-Hall, participants will: — Learn about the Consumer Preferences (CPs) Requirements Document released by ONC for public comment — Discuss specific areas of the document — Provide comments, questions, requests for clarifications and suggestions for improving the document — Focus discussion on information exchange needs and interoperability issues associated with CPs, as presented in the document  Comments, suggestions, clarifications will be brought to the Consumer Preferences Tiger Team (CP-TT) — CP-TT performing a more in-depth analysis an discussion/comment on the document — Consolidated comments will be prepared and finalized this week  Everyone encouraged to send comments to ONC — - go to ‘Standards and Certification’ on left panel, then ‘Use Cases and Requirements Documents’

4 Slide 3 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Overview  Consumer preferences and, in particular, privacy preferences has been an important priority topic for ONC — 2006-2007 – Use Cases included some of the core elements of CPs  2006 Consumer Empowerment  2007 Consumer Access to Clinical Information — 2008 – AHIC recommendations on gaps/extensions included CP — February, 2009 – Consumer Preferences Extension — October, 2009 – Consumer Preferences Requirements Document

5 Slide 4 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability National Health IT Process  ONC develops a document defining the scope, business processes, information exchanges, stakeholders, and functional requirements related to consumer preferences  HITSP evaluates the requirements, identifies needs for interoperability standards, evaluates and recommends standards to meet interoperability needs, identifies gaps and a roadmap to address the gaps  Recommended harmonized standards are tested and refined  Standards are incorporated into the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) certification requirements

6 Slide 5 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Timeline  Draft document issued October 5; comments due October 16  ONC addresses comments (October/November 2009); a final detailed requirements document is expected by December, 2009  HITSP performs its standards harmonization work between October, 2009 and January, 2010, prepares and delivers HITSP products (Interoperability Specifications, Capabilities, Service Collaborations, and Constructs)

7 Slide 6 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Consumer Preferences Defined (2.0) Per ONC document:  For the purposes of this document, the term “consumer preferences” is used to collectively represent several inter-related capabilities including, but not limited to: — The ability for a consumer to define permissions for who is permitted to access information in their EHR and under what circumstances this access is appropriate, — The ability for a consumer to express preferences for how and under what circumstances their health information would or would not be made available by their healthcare providers, — The ability for a consumer to authorize the release of their health information to another provider or third party; and — The ability to establish various types of consumer preferences including but not limited to consents, advance directives and other potential types outlined in the Dataset Considerations section of the document.

8 Slide 7 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Consumer Preferences Defined (2.0) Consumer expressions of choices, desires or directives in two general areas:  Health information privacy (consents or authorizations)  Establishing access restrictions and management parameters on health information  Defining privacy preference “conditionants” including:  By type of information (all data, segmentation of data)  By role and criteria based access, including type of encounter, embargoed records (VIP, legal restrictions)  By time (start, end, duration)  By level of participation (opt-in, opt-out, with or without additional classifications, with or without additional granularity)  By purpose of use  Content, Communication and Representation  Status and/or designation, including advanced directives, DNR orders, healthcare proxies, living wills, medical surrogates, access to family members  Care or associated services needs and communication needs, including appointment reminders, lab results  Comfort needs, including non-medical dietary restrictions, language needs, cultural needs, clergy preferences

9 Slide 8 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability What is IN SCOPE? (2.2)  The Consumer Preferences Requirements Document describes a framework for handling the preferences that consumers may need in order to control access to their information and potentially sensitive health information (SHI). The scope of this Requirements Document includes a high level description detailing: — Key actors involved in the expression and creation of consumer preferences, namely the consumers, providers and organizations handling this information, — Descriptions of the expression, transmission and application of consumer preferences, — How consumer preferences are exchanged between electronic systems, — The exchange of health information authorized by a consumer preference, — The potential types of consumer preferences; — The location of a consumer preference’s origin and storage.

10 Slide 9 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability What is OUT OF SCOPE? (2.2)  Certain aspects of the handling of consumer preference data are outside of the scope of this document including:  The details surrounding consumer education processes and requirements,  The process for reconciling situations where multiple preferences exist for one consumer/patient  Policies regarding whether or not a consumer preference is expected to be honored or accepted when sent from one entity to another,  The consequences of not following appropriate consumer preference procedures as prescribed by state, local, or entity policy,  The process and requirements for classifying and segmenting demographic and clinical information supporting consumer preferences regarding what they have deemed as sensitive health information and;  The mechanics of consumer auditing and tracking of this information, this area has been addressed in the 2007 Consumer Access to Clinical Information Use Case.

11 Slide 10 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Facilitated Guide to Q&A  Consumer Preferences Defined  Is definition sufficiently clear?  What are the challenges of combining privacy preferences with content/communication/representation preferences?  Are there areas or ‘conditionants’ of the privacy preferences missing?  Are there other areas within the content preferences that need to be considered?  In Scope / Out of Scope  Are there items currently in scope that need to be clarified or that need to be defined as out of scope?  Are there other/additional items that need to be considered in scope?  Are there items currently out of scope that need to be clarified or that need to be reconsidered as in scope?  Are there other/additional items that need to be defined as out of scope, for clarity purposes?

12 Slide 11 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Consumer Preferences Stakeholders (3.0)

13 Slide 12 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Issues and Policy Implications (4.0)  Consumer Participation  A national policy may be needed to address the variations in policies regarding Opt In/Opt Out, classifications, and granularity requirements  Consumer Education  The consumer must be educated on the content of their electronic health record, their rights and the implications of disclosing or not disclosing their medical information  Access Control and Disclosure  Privacy controls as well as the means for restricting data access are not standardized nor entirely supported by policies or regulations  Segmentation of Health Information  There is a lack of a definition of sensitive health information and how that information might be classified  Liability and Accountability  Additional guidance may be needed to reconcile and resolve situations where consumer preferences are in conflict

14 Slide 13 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Perspectives and Scenarios (5.0)  Perspectives/Roles  Consumer: Any recipient or legal proxy of a recipient of healthcare who wishes to create preferences regarding aspects of their care and how their health-related information (HRI) is accessed or shared. `  Primary Receiving Organization: Any organization (provider, information exchange or other information recipient) who receives and may act on or manage a consumer preference and its related health information.  Secondary Receiving Organization: Any organization (provider, information exchange or other information recipient) who receives from another organization and may act on or manage a consumer preference and its related health information.

15 Slide 14 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Perspectives and Scenarios (5.0)  Scenarios The Process Diagram explains business processes surrounding consumer preferences including descriptions of events and actions. The Diagram is broken into two scenarios and 29 events  Scenario 1: Creation of a Preference – The process by which the consumer creates a preference by expressing their preference an organization.  Scenario 2: Preference Management: Application, Exchange and Replacement – The process by which the an organization identifies and/or retrieves, applies, and exchanges a consumer’s preference to another organization.

16 Slide 15 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Facilitated Guide to Q&A  Stakeholders  Are there differences between stakeholders? Stakeholders missing?  Are the roles/relationships of ALL stakeholders clearly described and noted throughout the document?  Issues and Policy Implications  Comments on the issues and policy implications?  Perspectives and Scenarios  Are the Actors/Perspectives/Roles clear and sufficient? Are there any missing actors or perspectives?  Are the two scenarios sufficient? Is the second scenario too complex by including both the management of consumer perspectives the exchange of consumer perspectives?

17 Slide 16 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Process Diagrams (6.0) – Scenario 1

18 Slide 17 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Process Diagrams (6.0) – Scenario 1

19 Slide 18 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Process Diagrams (6.0) – Scenario 2

20 Slide 19 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Process Diagrams (6.0) – Scenario 2

21 Slide 20 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Information Exchanges (7.0)

22 Slide 21 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Information Exchanges (7.0)

23 Slide 22 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Facilitated Guide to Q&A  Process Diagrams  Are there any elements from the process flow in Scenario 1 not clear, incorrectly positioned or missing?  Any comments on the Scenario 1 Events and Actions?  Are there any elements from the process flow in Scenario 2 not clear, incorrectly positioned or missing?  Any comments on the Scenario 2 Events and Actions?  Information Exchanges  Are there any information exchanges that are not clear, incorrectly positioned or missing from the chart?  Is there a need to clarity any of the 11 legends/descriptions of information exchanges? Any additions/missing ones?

24 Slide 23 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Functional Needs (8.0)  Functional Needs describe the combination of end-user needs and system behaviors that support interoperability and information exchanges  Universal Functional Needs  Identity Verification: Consumer, Primary Receiving Organization, Secondary Receiving Organization  Consumer Functional Needs  Express Preference  Amend Preference  Replace Preference  Primary/Secondary Receiving Organizations Functional Needs  Create Preference  Transmit Preference  View Preference  Store Preference  Apply Preference  Amend Preference  Request Exchange  Request Audit  Replace Preference  Transmit Update of Preference  Reconcile Conflicting Preferences  Acknowledge Receipt of Preference (or Update)  Maintain Audit Log of Preferences  Classify Data

25 Slide 24 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Dataset Considerations (9.0)  General Considerations:  Consumers, at the highest level, require the capability to opt in or opt out of the exchange of their health information.  Consumers may also request that only certain classes of information be shared.  These classes of information and preferences could be classified at varying levels of granularity.  Defining the needed levels of granularity is not focus of this Consumer Preferences Requirements Document.  Data Set Considerations, provides a comprehensive (not exhaustive) framework that can be used to support standards development and to accommodate the major types of consumer preferences

26 Slide 25 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Dataset Considerations (9.0)  Examples of Dataset Types (1):  Identity and Preference Verification  Consumer ID Information - addressed in 2006-2009 AHIC Use Cases  Primary/Secondary Organizational ID Information  Consumer Preference Information (identification and audit)

27 Slide 26 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Dataset Considerations (9.0)  Examples of Dataset Types (2):  Data Classification (possible types of consumer preferences/classifications)  Access Restriction & Management  Consent & Disclosure of Information – Sequestering or disclosing PHI and/or sensitive health information (categories may include HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Genetic Information, STDs, etc.)  Role & Criteria Based Access (Organization, Role, Encounter Based Access & Authorization, Embargoed Records, Time Limited Access, etc.)  Content preference – The actual preference surrounding delivering care or associated services  Status and/or designation (advanced directives, DNR, etc)  Care or associated service needs – Communication needs (appointment reminders, lab results, etc)  Comfort Needs or Palliative Care (non-medical dietary restrictions, language needs, cultural needs, etc)

28 Slide 27 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Dataset Considerations (9.0)  Examples of Dataset Types (3):  Components of Access Restrictions/Management and Content Preferences  Level/Status of Participation (opt-in/opt-out, with/without granularity)  Consent Information (by type of requestor, purpose, type of data, etc)

29 Slide 28 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Facilitated Guide to Q&A  Functional Needs  Are there any changes, additions or considerations needed on the Universal Functional Needs?  Are there any changes, additions or considerations needed on the Consumer Functional Needs?  Are there any changes, additions or considerations needed on the Primary/Secondary Receiving Organization Functional Needs?

30 Slide 29 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Facilitated Guide to Q&A  Dataset Considerations  Are there any issues of clarity or scope regarding the general dataset considerations?  Any questions about the Identify and Preferences Verification dataset examples/considerations?  Any questions about the Data Classification – Access Restriction and Management examples/considerations? (i.e., are there other types of data segmentation to consider?)  Any questions about the Data Classification – Content Preferences examples/considerations?  Any questions about the Data Classification – Components of Access Restrictions/Management examples/considerations?

31 Slide 30 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability Additional Discussion / Questions

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