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Mr. Tom Schulte 1. Who I am I am 29 years old I have a BBA from Morehead State with a focus in Information Systems I have a Masters degree in Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Tom Schulte 1. Who I am I am 29 years old I have a BBA from Morehead State with a focus in Information Systems I have a Masters degree in Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Tom Schulte 1

2 Who I am I am 29 years old I have a BBA from Morehead State with a focus in Information Systems I have a Masters degree in Teaching Business and Marketing I live in Bath County I’ve worked in the Bath County School system the past 2 years. 2

3 What happened to Mr. Sexton? Mr. Sexton was planning on retiring in a few months. On the second day of school he had a heart attack He is doing better, day by day He should be back for a few weeks in September to help. 3

4 My Expectations I think that each of my students can achieve anything, just as long as they work hard at it. Don’t lie or be disrespectful to me or your fellow students. Likewise, don’t be a bully The bell at the end of the block doesn’t dismiss you, I do. 4

5 My Rules I’ve got a few rules in how I want things done. Not to worry they are based on common sense, nothing to unusual. 5

6 Things To Do Be on Time to class 6

7 Things To Do Leave any attitude at the door and come to class ready to learn 7

8 Things To Do Bring something to write with, and just as important, bring something to write on. 8

9 Things To Do Be respectful to everyone including yourself. 9

10 Things To Do Treat the equipment and supplies in the room as if they were your own. You wouldn’t want someone trashing your things would you? 10

11 Things To Do Come tell me if you find something missing or broken, even if you had something to do with it. Honesty is very important. 11

12 Things To Do Go use the Restroom before class. Individual bathroom breaks during class will be few and far between. 12

13 Things To Not Do Don’t get up and wander around, stay in your seat. 13

14 Things To Not Do No food or drinks around the computers! This includes gum and candy. 14

15 Things To Not Do No Hats allowed. Also, no hoodies covering your head. 15

16 Things To Not Do No profanity, no one needs to hear how many bad words you can string together. 16

17 Things To Not Do NO gaming on the computers, also NO inappropriate images or streaming unapproved content. 17

18 Things To Not Do Don’t leave your possessions unattended, sometimes things go missing that way. 18

19 Things To Not Do Do not bother other peoples belongings. 19

20 Chairs…. Sit in your chair the right way. Not leaning back and not backwards, and certainly not perched up on the backrest. Also, no feet on chairs or on desks 20

21 End of the Block…. There are four things I want done at the end of the block. 1.) Log off 2.) Turn off the monitor 3.) Straighten up your area 4.) Stay seated until you are dismissed. 21

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