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1. 2 What You Will Do Explain how positive behaviors can lead to healthy weight management. Describe how nutrition and physical activity affect weight.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 What You Will Do Explain how positive behaviors can lead to healthy weight management. Describe how nutrition and physical activity affect weight."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 What You Will Do Explain how positive behaviors can lead to healthy weight management. Describe how nutrition and physical activity affect weight control. Identify the steps in a healthy weight- management plan.

3 3 Terms to Know weight cycling

4 4 Methods for Weight Control Managing your weight in a healthy way will have a positive impact on your health and personal fitness.

5 5 Achieving and Maintaining a Healthful Weight A first step toward making behavioral changes that will lead to a more healthful weight is understanding the effect of unhealthful weight gain or loss.

6 6 Healthy Weight Control After you start a personal weight management plan, it is important to be patient and consistent so that you can avoid weight cycling. Weight cycling The cycle of losing, regaining, losing and regaining weight. Term to Know

7 7 Diet and Physical Activity for Weight Control Check with your physician or health-care professional if you are unsure about your weight-loss goals. If your BMI is too high or too low, have your body composition measured by a health care professional and set a goal to bring your BMI within the healthy range for your age and gender. The following list offers a guide for a realistic plan for managing weight:

8 8 Diet and Physical Activity for Weight Control Use the ABCs and the Food Guide Pyramid for healthy eating. Adjust calorie intake and energy expenditure, depending upon your needs. Work 30 to 60 minutes per day or 225-300 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. The following list offers a guide for a realistic plan for managing weight:

9 9 Diet and Physical Activity for Weight Control Allow plenty of time (20-30 weeks) for long-term results. Retest body composition every three months. Keep a log of your progress and re-evaluate how your plan is working every three months. The following list offers a guide for a realistic plan for managing weight:

10 10 Diet and Physical Activity for Weight Control Reward yourself in a positive way as you meet your goals. Continue to make new short-term weight-loss goals every three months until you achieve your goal. The following list offers a guide for a realistic plan for managing weight:

11 11 Lesson 4 Review 1.Vocabulary What is weight cycling? 2.Recall Explain how unhealthful weight loss or weight gain can lead to further weight loss or weight gain. 3.Recall What is the first step in determining your weight goals? Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary Weight cycling refers to losing, regaining, losing, and regaining weight. 2. Recall Weighing too much or too little can lead to decreased levels of personal fitness and increased disease risks. 3. Recall Check with your physician.

12 12 End of Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents

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