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Published byImogene Jennings Modified over 9 years ago
Prvi razpis programa Jugovzhodna Evropa potek razpisa Tomaž Miklavčič Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Direktorat za evropske zadeve in investicije Novo mesto, 17. April 2008
Dve vrsti razpisov: običajni razpis (competitive call) ciljni razpis (strategic call) Običajni razpisi potekajo v dveh fazah: pred prijavnica – Expression of Interest (EoI) prijavnica - application form Ciljni razpisi potekajo v eni fazi: prijavnica - application form Razpisi programa Jugovzhodna Evropa
Shematski potek razpisa
Spremljajoči dokumenti: Objava razpisa - call for proposals announcement Programski priročnik - programme manual Prijavni obrazec - application templates Navodila za prijavo - Applicants` Guidelines Prvi razpis (19.4.2008)
Objava razpisa Objava (spremno besedilo) vsebuje: 1.formalne zahteve 2. pogoje za administrativno ustreznost – Eligibility criteria in 3. izbirne pogoje – Selection Criteria
1 Formalne zahteve Prioritete: razpis odprt za projekte v vseh treh prioritetah Splošni postopek razpisa: razpis v dveh fazah Omejitve proračuna projektov: ni formalnih omejitev Financiranje iz ERDF + IPA (ENPI ni na voljo) ERDF 58.287.044,00 IPA Hrvaška 400.000,00 Makedonija 500.000,00 Albanija200.020,00 BiH453.020,00 Črna gora670.000,00 Srbija1.114.228,00
1 Formalne zahteve Financiranje iz javnih sredstev Trajanje projektov: največ 36 mesecev Časovni potek razpisa STARTENDDURATIONTASK 19.4. 0823.5. 085 weeksCall is open for Eol 2.7. 08Proposal pre selection by MC 26.6.08Letter of MC decision to pre selected ideas (JTS on the basis of a listsigned by MA) 11.7. 0812.9.0810 weeksCall is open for AF (AF document available on webside since June 08), translation seminar to be held in this period 2.12.08MC meeting: project approvals
1 Formalne zahteve Način oddaje EoI le v elektronski obliki (upload) Način oddaje AF v elektronski obliki (upload) podpisan izvod tudi v fizični obliki po pošti
2 Administrativna ustreznost Projektni partnerji partnerji iz vsaj treh držav območja sodelovanja od katerih je vsaj ena članica EU vrste partnerjev: javni, zasebni, “public equivalent”
2 Administrativna ustreznost Upravičene aktivnosti so navedene v Operativnem programu in: prispevajo k trajnostnemu teritorialnemu razvoju; spodbujajo investicije, razvojne priložnosti; spodbujajo inovativnost, podjetništvo, razvoj ekonomije znanja in informacijske družbe; Prispevajo k integraciji območja.
2 Administrativna ustreznost Posebna pravila upravičenosti: DA - pravilo 10% fleksibilnosti; NE – pravilo 20% fleksibilnosti.
3 Izbirni pogoji 1. Step Light Assessment 2. Step Full Assessment 1. Formal Check Timely submissionXX Completeness of submitted applicationXX The application form includes: 1)The Signed Declaration from each partner (standardised document with sections a-e), -X 2)The Common Partnership Agreement and-X 3)Lead Partner Declaration (containing a statement that all contents of the submitted application are true and a draft text for the relational obligations of the partners) -X
3 Izbirni pogoji 1. Step Light Assessment 2. Step Full Assessment 2. Eligibility Check 1)Project fulfils minimum requirements for transnational partnershipsXX 2)Project complies in general with the operational programme and has impact in the programme area XX 3)Project partners have secured own financing (public co-financing)X (only indication of type of sources) X 4)Applicant and project partners are eligibleXX 5)The proposed types of activities are eligibleXX 6)Project implementation has not started prior to the submission of the application and can be finalised within the programme period (before 31 December 2014) XX 7)Beneficiaries shall cooperate in at least two of the following ways: joint development, joint implementation, joint staffing and joint financing (according Art. 19 ERDF Regulation) XX
3 Izbirni pogoji 1. Step Light Assessment 2. Step Full Assessment 3. Quality Check Quality of Partnership 1.1Composition of transnational partnershipXX 1.2Quality of transnational co-operationXX 1.3Project management and coordination-X 1.4Internal and external communication / dissemination, knowledge management -X Quality of Content 2.1Project’s contribution to the overall objectives of the programme and to EU principles XX 2.2Project’s specific contribution to the Priority Axes and Areas of Intervention of the programme XX 2.3Quality of work plan and description of types of activities-X 2.4Concreteness and usability of the projects deliverablesXX 2.5Value for moneyX (only overall coherence) X
Transnationality Partnership target towards the objectives of the project Institutional / technical capacities of the partners Internal and external communication abilities Qualification of the project with the objectives within a transnational Programme Consistency of the project with the objectives and strategy of the Programme Cross-sectoral and integrated approach Clear definition of the expected outputs / results and their use and transferability Sound budget planning Quality Criteria
Expression of Interest Dokumenti na voljo: Navodila za prijavo - Applicants` Guidelines Prijavni obrazec - application templates
Expression of Interest THE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER What challenge or problems is your project addressing? What are the main objectives? How does your project intend to achieve these objectives (main activities)? What concrete outputs and tangible results will then be producted? Why do you need transnational cooperation? Why the SEE programme? How much money do you indicatively need? ERDF? IPA? Which are the actors that will work with you (partnership)? Why you all have decided to work together? Why should your project be approved?
Način ocenjevanja projektnih predlogov Oceno EoI pripravijo JTS in ACP MC odloči kateri projektni predlogi se povabijo v drugo fazo razpisa Oceno AF pripravi JTS ob podpori ACP (po potrebi se vključuje ekspertna mnenja) Končno odločitev o financiranju projektov sprejme MC
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