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Presentation on theme: " Results from the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey AHS V NEXT STEPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results from the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey AHS V NEXT STEPS

2 Next Steps Workshop Purpose of the next steps workshop is to… ▪Share the results of the BC AHS V back to community and young people ▪Ensure that young peoples perspectives on health topics/trends are included in discussion of the health of young people in BC ▪Promote reflection on health of young people in your community and how explore action that could be taken to improve youth health

3 Agenda ▪Introductions ▪Icebreaker and group agreement ▪About the BC AHS ▪Fast Facts Game ▪Risk and protective factor activity ▪BREAK ▪Project development ▪Closing

4 Group Agreement 1.What would make our group/this workshop work well for me? 2.What would make this a safe and respectful place for us to work in? 3.What would make this group a good space for learning?

5 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey

6 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey (AHS) ▪29,832 surveys were completed ▪1,645 classrooms ▪56 school districts ▪325 PHN’s and nursing students

7 AHS Fast FactsAHS Fast Facts

8 BC Youth Question 1: What percentage of youth were born outside of Canada? A.9% B.15% C.19% D.29%

9 BC Youth Question 2: How many youth reported speaking only English at home? A.13% B.51% C.65% D.71%

10 BC Youth Question 3: What percentage of youth identified as Aboriginal? A.2% B.10% C.15% D.25%

11 BC Youth Question 4: When comparing to the 2008 survey, which of the following is true?? A.There was a rise in the percentage of male students who identified as bisexual B.There was a rise in the percentage of female students who identified as bisexual C.There was an increase in the percentage of female students who identified as lesbian D.All of the above

12 Physical Health Question 5: Eight percent of youth missed out on medical care when they thought they needed it. What was the most common reason youth gave for not getting health care? A.They thought or hoped that the problem would go away. B.They did not want their parents to know. C.The service was not available in their communities. D.They were too busy.

13 Physical Health Question 6: When asked to rate their physical health, who was more likely to rate their health as excellent? A.Males. B.Females. C.Males and females were equally likely to rate their health this way.

14 Physical Health Question 7: From the list below, which were the two most commonly reported health condition or disability? A.Severe allergic reaction(s) B.Mental or emotional heath condition C.Learning disabilities D.Long-term or chronic condition such as diabetes or asthma

15 Sleep Question 8: The National Sleep Foundation recommends that youth aged 12-19 get around 9 hours of sleep a night. What percentage of youth reported they had slept 9 or more hours the night before they completed the 2013 BC AHS survey? A.24% B.49% C.74% D.99%

16 Sleep Question 9: Good/excellent mental health ratings were higher...... students got older B.for females compared to males C.when students got more sleep D.when students were bullied

17 Mental Health Question 10: What percentage of youth rated their mental health as good or excellent? A.10% of males and 25% of females. B.87% of females and 76% of males C.25% of males and 10% of females D.87% of males and 76% of females.

18 Mental Health Question 11: Which of the following is true? A.the percentage of students who experienced extreme stress was higher among older students than younger ones B.15 year olds are the age group most likely to report extreme stress C.Older youth reported experiencing less stress than younger youth D.12 year olds and 18 year olds reported the same levels of stress

19 Injuries and Injury Prevention Question 12: What percentage of youth reported they had experienced a concussion in the past year? A.5% B.8% C.16% D.25%

20 Injuries and Injury Prevention Question 13: Youth were less likely to report that they always wore a seatbelt while in a motor vehicle in 2013, compared to 2008. A.True B.False

21 Nutrition Question 14: Youth were asked what they ate and drank the day before taking the survey. Which was being consumed more in 2013 compared to 2008? A.Fast food B.Pop C.Sweets and candy D.Energy drinks

22 Nutrition Question 15: What were the top three reasons young people gave for not eating breakfast at home? A.They got their breakfast at school. B.They didn’t have time. C.They felt sick when they ate breakfast. D.They were not hungry. E.There is nothing they like to eat at home.

23 Body Weight and Body Image Question 16: Compared to 5 and 10 years earlier, the percentage of youth in 2013 who were a healthy weight... A.Increased (more youth are a healthy weight) B.Decreased (less youth are a healthy weight)

24 Body Weight and Body Image Question 17: How many healthy weight females were trying to lose weight? A.Around 1 in 2. B.Around 1 in 5. C.Around 1 in 10. D.Around 1 in 20.

25 Sexual Behaviour Question 18: Have the rates of youth who reported having had sex increased or decreased since 2003? A.Increased B.Decreased C.Stayed the same

26 Sexual Behaviour Question 19: The majority of youth (69%) who had ever had sexual intercourse reported using a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse. How many youth reported having used a condom or other barrier the last time they had oral sex? A.17% B.25% C.50% D.70%

27 Tobacco Question 20: Compared to previous years, the percentage of students who have tried tobacco has _________ A.Increased B.Decreased C.Stayed the same

28 Tobacco Question 21: In 2013, were males or females more likely to have tried tobacco? A.Males B.Females C.Both equally likely

29 Alcohol Use Question 22: What percentage of youth reported having tried alcohol? A.5% B.23% C.45% D.74%

30 Alcohol Use Question 23: Binge drinking is defined as having 5 drinks for males and 4 drinks for females over a couple of hours. Among those who drank the Saturday before taking the survey, what percentage binge drank? A.15% of males and 25% of females. B.45% of males and 38% of females. C.13% of males and 13% of females. D.67% of males and 59% of females.

31 Marijuana Question 24: The percentage of youth who had tried marijuana: A.Increased B.Decreased C.Stayed the same

32 Marijuana Question 25: 26% of youth reported having ever tried marijuana. How many reported having used it in the past month? A.11% B.15% C.23% D.71%

33 Substances other than alcohol & marijuana Question 26: The 2013 BC AHS asked youth if they had used specific substances other than alcohol or marijuana (for example prescription pills without a doctors consent, cocaine, heroin, mushrooms, amphetamines and hallucinogens etc.). Did the percentage of youth who reported using any of these substances increase or decrease between 2008 and 2013? A.Increased B.Decreased C.Stayed the same

34 Substances other than alcohol & marijuana Question 27: Which substance did students most commonly report having used (after alcohol, marijuana and tobacco)? A.Cocaine B.Hallucinogens C.Prescription pills without a doctor’s consent D.Mushrooms

35 Peer Relationships Question 28: True or False? Youth who felt that their friends would be upset with them if they were involved in certain risky behaviours (for example getting arrested, dropping out of school or using substances) reported poorer mental health than those whose friends would not be upset for this reason. A.True B.False

36 Peer Relationships Question 29: What percentage of youth who had been in a dating relationship had been the victim of physical violence? A.0% B.2% C.6% D.15%

37 School Question 30: True or false? The majority of students felt like a part of their school, were happy at school, and felt safe there? A.True B.False

38 School Question 31: Where did youth feel least safe at school? A.Classroom B.Washrooms C.Cafeteria D.Outside School Property E.Library F.Hallways

39 School Question 32: Students who reported feeling connected to school were more likely to: A.Report positive mental health B.Expect to continue their education beyond high school C.Both of the above D.Neither of the above

40 Bullying and Discrimination Question 33: What percentage of youth reported that they experienced at least one type of discrimination in the past year (such as racist or homophobic discrimination)? A.5% B.15% C.35% D.45%

41 Bullying and Discrimination Question 34: What percentage of youth reported being cyberbullied in the last year? A.4% B.14% C.24% D.34%

42 Bullying and Discrimination Question 35: Among youth who were socially excluded by their peers in the past year, what percentage had ever seriously considered suicide? A.7% B.12% C.22% D.40%

43 Transportation Question 36: What percentage of youth reported hitchhiking somewhere in the past month? A.1% B.3% C.6% D.11%

44 Transportation Question 37: What percentage of youth reported that they did not use public transit? A.7% B.17% C.27% D.57%

45 Family Relationships & Supportive and Caring Adults outside the family Question 38: True or false: youth who felt that their family paid attention to them were more likely to have made safer decisions than their peers who felt that their family did not pay attention to them? A.True B.False

46 Family Relationships & Supportive and Caring Adults outside the family Question 39: How many youth felt they had an adult outside their family they could turn to if faced with a problem? A.About a quarter B.About a third C.About half

47 Family Relationships & Supportive and Caring Adults outside the family Question 40: If a youth with a mental health challenge approached a teacher for help and found this experience helpful how did this relate to the likelihood of the youth attempting suicide? A.They would be more likely to attempt suicide B.They would be less likely to attempt suicide C.It didn’t – if a teacher is helpful or not does not affect the likelihood of a youth with a mental or emotional health condition attempting suicide

48 Physical activity, sport and leisure Question 41: Were males or females more likely to regularly take part in organised sports (sports with a coach such as school teams) and informal sports (sports without a coach such as skateboarding and hiking)? A.Males B.Females C.They were equally likely to take part

49 Physical activity, sport and leisure Question 42: Students who took part in organised or informal sports on a weekly basis were more likely than their peers who took part less often to: A.Rate their mental health as good or excellent B.Report feeling happy in the last month C.Have slept nine or more hours the night before taking the survey D.All of the above E.None of the above

50 Physical activity, sport and leisure Question 43: Students who took park in weekly cultural activities were more likely than those who did not to: A.Rate their mental health as good or excellent B.Feel good about themselves C.Feel that the activities they were involved in were meaningful D.Feel that their ideas were listened to and acted upon E.All of the above

51 Discussion ▪Where there any results you found surprising? ▪Where there any results you found interesting?

52 Risk and Protective Factors

53 Risk Factor ▪Risks factors are things that are present in someone’s life that might make it more likely they will experience poorer health than someone without these factors ▪Risk factors are behaviours or experiences that make young people more vulnerable to poorer health outcomes ▪Just because risk factors are present does not mean that a person will inevitably have poor health.

54 Protective Factor ▪Protective factors are things present in someone’s life that may make it more likely that they will have positive health outcomes ▪Having a protective factors present in someone’s life can help them experience more positive health outcomes even if there are risk factors present

55 Rock-Bucket Activity Part 1 ▪How do you think these risk factors could affect someone? ▪How do you think risk factors could negatively impact both individual health and the community as a whole? ▪What might lighten the carriers load? What are some things that might contribute to overcoming risks and remaining healthy?

56 Rock-Bucket Activity Part 2 ▪What do you see happening? ▪Why do some people with many risk factors seem to maintain healthy lives? ▪What was the difference between the risk factors and the protective factors?

57 Using the Results

58 Discussion ▪What has been the most surprising thing you learned? ▪What were you not surprised to learn? ▪What are some factors that can protect a young person from unhealthy outcomes, even if they have risk factors? ▪What do you think would help to promote protective factors in your school/community? ▪What would you like to see happen in the community to increase protective factors?

59 Youth Action Grants (YAGs) ▪The Youth Action Grants (YAG) are a project of the McCreary Youth Advisory & Action Council (YAC). ▪The YAGs are a $500 grant which provide BC youth (ages 12-19) from school districts that participated in the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey, the opportunity to deliver a project which aims to improve youth health in their school or community.

60 Please fill out the feedback forms! Evaluations


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