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Mr. Calise Room 205 WELCOME TO ALGEBRA I! Warm-Up 1)Evaluate each expression given: w = 4, x = 5, y = 2, and z = 1 a) x + w = b) y – z = c) 2w – y =

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Calise Room 205 WELCOME TO ALGEBRA I! Warm-Up 1)Evaluate each expression given: w = 4, x = 5, y = 2, and z = 1 a) x + w = b) y – z = c) 2w – y ="— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Calise Room 205 WELCOME TO ALGEBRA I!

3 Warm-Up 1)Evaluate each expression given: w = 4, x = 5, y = 2, and z = 1 a) x + w = b) y – z = c) 2w – y = d) xy – wz = 2) Put these numbers in order from least to greatest: 5, 0, -2, -7, 4.5, 4.499

4 1 – 2 Order Of Operations Algebra I

5 Order, Order, Order What do the words ace, lost, bent, and below all have in common? (hint look at the letters) * All the letters are in alphabetical order.

6 5 steps or more In 5 steps or more explain how you would make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? (Don’t leave out any details)

7 Order Of Operations Put these operations in the order you think is correct. a)Multiplication b)Addition c)Division d)Exponents e)Subtraction f)Parentheses

8 PEMDAS 1)Parentheses 2)Exponents 3)Multiplication/Division (left to right) 4)Addition/Subtraction (left to right) Using the Order of Operation try to evaluate this expression:

9 Example 1)Find the error: 2) Evaluate:

10 Drill 1)Write the numbers in increasing order: 2)Evaluate each expression when x = 6, y = 3 a) b)

11 Algebra 1 Objective: Graphing real numbers on a number line, Classify and order real numbers.

12 Calculating To calculate square roots on the calculator use the 2 nd button, then the [x 2 ] button. To use absolute value bars you use the MATH button, then select abs(, from the list. To change an exponent use the ^ button on the calculator.

13 Algebra I Objective: Objective: Students will be able to distinguish between the different types of real numbers and be able to evaluate square root expressions.

14 Types of Numbers Real Numbers Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers Integers Whole Numbers Natural Numbers

15 Real Numbers (R) All numbers used in everyday life, the set of all rational and irrational numbers. Ex: ½, -3, 4.667, -2.12324

16 Natural Numbers (N) All Integers except negative numbers and zero. Ex: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ….}

17 Whole Numbers (W) All Integers except for all the negative numbers. Ex: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ….}

18 Integers (Z) All non-decimal or fractional numbers including all positive numbers, negative numbers and zero. Ex: {...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}

19 Rational Numbers (Q) Any number, where m and n are integers and n is a non- zero. The decimal form is either a terminating or repeating decimal. Ex: ½, 2.555, 3.25252525

20 Irrational Numbers (I) Any number which can not be written as a fraction. The decimal form neither repeats or terminates. Ex: 2.34628789476373673245…

21 Number Chart Real Numbers (R) (I) (Q) (Z)(w)(N)

22 Examples 1)-4 2)2.5454545454 3)0 4)½ 5)2.549847354748456235….. 6)8

23 Adding Fractions When adding fractions by hand you must have common denominators. When using fractions on the calculator you must ALWAYS put the fractions in parentheses. To change a decimal to a fraction on the calculator press (MATH) select  FRAC then on the screen it will say Ans  Frac then press (ENTER)

24 DRILL 1) -3 + -8 – 5 = 2) 3)

25 Algebra I Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

26 Multiplying Fractions To Multiply Fractions we simply multiply the numerators and than multiply the denominators.

27 Reciprocal A reciprocal is a number you have to multiply by to get 1. To get a reciprocal you simply make the number a fraction if it is not already and flip it.

28 Dividing Fractions When you divide by a fraction you simply multiply by its reciprocal.

29 Drill 1)How do you find perimeter of an object? 2)What would be the perimeter of a square if one side is 8 feet? 3)Evaluate a + b + c, if a = 4, b = 12, and c = 13

30 Chapter 1 Using Formulas Chapter 1 Using Formulas Algebra I

31 Formulas What are some things that you can use a formula for in math and in the real world?

32 Substitution When substituting make sure to put parentheses around the number or numbers you are plugging into the expression or formula. Ex: 4a + 3x – 5, if a = 7 and x = 6 4(7) + 3(6) – 5

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