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Study report on SMM process 2007. 12. 6 Tae-Hoon Lim and Tae-Sul Seo ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting Seoul, Korea.

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Presentation on theme: "Study report on SMM process 2007. 12. 6 Tae-Hoon Lim and Tae-Sul Seo ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting Seoul, Korea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study report on SMM process 2007. 12. 6 Tae-Hoon Lim and Tae-Sul Seo ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting Seoul, Korea

2 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 2 Background  According to the resolution of SC32 New York meeting (SC32N1604a), the study on Semantic Harmonization of Metadata was performed.  Reference: SC32N1658

3 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 3 Summary  Title was changed.  The procedures were modified.  Name of each step was changed  The 2 nd and 3 rd steps can be replaced by each other.  A description system for mapping was established.

4 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 4 Title change  From “semantic harmonization of metadata”  To “semantic metadata mapping (SMM) process”  The later is more specific expression than the former.

5 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 5 Procedure modification 1 st Surveying metadata sets 2 nd Constructing common DECs based on 11179 4 th Completing crosswalks 3 rd Grouping data elements by the DECs 1 st Collecting metadata schema 2 nd Grouping attributes 4 th Mapping into a table 3 rd Finding common DECs

6 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 6 Overall Process 1 st Collecting metadata schema 2 nd Grouping attributes 4 th Mapping into a table 3 rd Finding common DECs The 2 nd and 3 rd steps can be replaced by each other. Semantic Metadata Mapping Process

7 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 7  Survey and identify candidate metadata schema in a domain.  Surveying form includes:  Domain name, Service DB name, or an other equivalent name.  Number of fields  Sample data  Value domains 1st. Collecting metadata schema Semantic Metadata Mapping Process

8 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 8  Selecting a metadata set as a primary metadata set.  The simplest or the highest level metadata set is desirable to be the primary one.  For all available metadata schema, attributes should be aggregated by the attributes of the primary metadata set.  There may exist attributes which aren’t fitted to any of them.  Some attributes, which are not important, may be removed.  The remaining are grouped separately.  Metadata experts should perform the work along with domain experts. 2nd. Grouping attributes Semantic Metadata Mapping Process

9 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 9  Analyzing each attribute of the primary metadata set and find out an object class and a property hidden in and related to the attribute.  Constructing common DECs based on ISO/IEC 11179 standard using the object classes and the properties.  If there exists an attribute which isn’t fitted to any of the DECs, a new DEC may be constructed for them. 3rd. Finding common DECs Semantic Metadata Mapping Process

10 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 10  Finally, arranging all attributes into a table by the common DECs.  Comments on the types of mapping can be included in the table as bellow.  Same, no difference: no description  Level difference: upper/lower terms  Domain difference: generic/specific (book, technical report, article, …)  Term difference: synonym, antonym or preferred term  Naming rule difference: Order or representation rules  A recommended set of metadata can be provided for guiding future standardization. 4th. Mapping into a table Semantic Metadata Mapping Process

11 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 11  Domain: e-Book  (1 st ) Available metadata sets: OpenEBPS, MODS and TEI  primary metadata set: OpenEBPS Application to e-Book OpenEBPSMODSTEI header Domain nameDescription of Electronic Book Description of Library resources Encoding methods for machine-readable texts Number of fields15About 60 (top level: 20)Over 20 Sample datayesnoyes

12 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 12  (2 nd ) Grouping attributes Application to e-Book OpenEBPSMODSTEI titletitleInfor:titlefileDesc:titleStmt:title titleInfor:subTitlefileDesc:seriesStmt:title titleInfor:partNumberfileDesc:seriesStmt:idno titleInfor:partName titleInfor:nonSort creator(role)name:role creator(file-as)name:namePartfileDesc:titleStmt:author name:displayForm name:affiliation name:discription subjectsubject:topicprofileDesc:textClass:keyword classificationprofileDesc:textClass:classCode subject:catographicsprofileDesc:textClass:catRef subject:occupation

13 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 13  (3 rd ) Constructing common DECs based on 11179:  Object class: e-Book  Properties: title, author, subject, abstract, publisher, distributor, authority, contributor, publication-date, genre, format, extent, identifier, language, coverage-geographic, coverage-temporal, right, location, edition  DECs: ebookTitle, ebookAuthor, ebookSubject, ebookAbstract, ebookPublisher, ebookDistributor, ebookAuthority, ebookContributor, ebookPublication-date, ebookGenre, ebookFormat, ebookExtent, ebookIdentifier, ebookLanguage, ebookCoverage-geographic, ebookCoverage-temporal, ebookRight, ebookLocation, ebookEdition Application to e-Book

14 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 14  (4 th ) Mapping into a table Application to e-Book DECOpenEBPS MODS TEI Recommaned DE ebookTitletitle titleInfo:title titleStmt:title ebookTitle titleInfo:subTitle seriesStmt:titleT:preebookSubtitle ebookAuthorcreator(role) name:role creator(file-as)T:prename:namePartD:gentitleStmt:authorN:repebookAuthorName ebookSubjectsubjectN:repsubject:topicT:pretextClass:keywordN:repebookSubjectWord classificationN:reptextClass:classCodeN:repebookSubject-classCode textClass:catRefT:pre L - up: upper term/lo: lower term D - generic: gen/… T - syn: synonym/ant: antonym/pre: preferred term N - ord: order/rep: representation

15 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 15 Future plan  The SMM process will be elaborated more in order to be proposed as a new work item in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 next year.

16 2007-12-06 SC32 WG2 Interim Meeting, Seoul, Korea 16 Thank you!

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