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26. Giving Everything Mark 12:38-44 p. 936 1. Giving: Biblical Picture  Why does this widow bring an offering? Cain & Abel (Gen 4) Abram- tithes to.

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2 26. Giving Everything Mark 12:38-44 p. 936

3 1. Giving: Biblical Picture  Why does this widow bring an offering? Cain & Abel (Gen 4) Abram- tithes to Melchizedek (Gen 14:18 ff) The Law:  Confirmed the tithe (10%)  Many other Offerings (could be up to 25% some years - see Lev.)

4 1. Giving: Biblical Picture...  Purpose Acknowledges everything is from God (Deut 8:10f; Mal 3:7F) Protects us from forgetting God (Prov 30:7-9) It extends Shalom to the Poor and Needy (Deut 14:28f; 15:7f) It provides for Ministry & Ministers (Deut 14:29; Neh 13:10)

5 2. Giving Lessons from a Widow  She gave “all she had to live on” (v 44) Important: not the amount but the dedication of the giver Paul (2 Cor 9:6-8):  Give what you’ve decided  Not reluctantly  Cheerfully

6 3. Giving Today  Framework: keep the OT teaching in our heads Part of how God works in the world  University Chapel: God has entrusted us with the Land We have an important task  Need to fund the work of ministry  Need to renovate the building

7 3. Giving Today...  Good News: Funding is not our problem. God will provide  Our part: Be faithful with what we have Providing for our families is part of it (1 Tim 5:8)

8 3. Giving Today...  Principles: Tithing is a good guide – not the only standard God decides on the distribution – not each of us privately Tithe locally (Jer 29:4-7) God will supply his work We are called to be faithful


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