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Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Technical Assistance Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Technical Assistance Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Technical Assistance Center

2 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program Act State-local partnership Create innovative programs for people with mental illness and/or substance abuse in criminal justice system 23 grants awarded first year  12 Planning (1 year)  11 Implementation (3 year)


4 Statewide Programs Planning counties focused on strategic planning Implementation counties include  Mental health courts  Pre-trial diversion programs  Forensic ACT team  Jail diversion programs

5 Technical Assistance Center Placed in the Mental Health, Law and Policy Department within FMHI at USF Duties  Aid grantee counties in planning  Provide information on best practices  Evaluate impact of program for legislature and Governor  Provide suggestions on program revisions

6 Assistance to Date Application of the Sequential Intercept Model Assistance with grant preparation Guidance for choosing a target population Monitoring the effect of a proposed intervention Strategic planning and local system development Cost effectiveness, cost offset and avoidance methods Sharing HIPAA expertise Clearinghouse for CJMHSA data System wide and county specific data analysis Website






12 Visit us at Contact Us John Petrila, J.D. LL.M 813-974-9301 Nicolette Springer, M.S. 813-974-7966 Join Join us on Facebook

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