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STORYTELLING IDEAS ECE: Art, Music & Language Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "STORYTELLING IDEAS ECE: Art, Music & Language Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 STORYTELLING IDEAS ECE: Art, Music & Language Arts

2 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR Use the overhead projector as a storytelling aid. Material Ideas: doilies, colored acetate, string, lace...

3 Clothesline Stories Suspend a clothesline near the circle time area. Hang pictures sequentially as the story is told.

4 Story in a Box Put various props in a box to tell the story or nursery rhyme.

5 Draw and Tell Stories Draw a story while you tell a story. It can be drawn on a chalkboard or a large sheet of paper.

6 Magnetic Stories Tell a story with a steel cookie sheet or magnetic chalkboard. Back the characters with magnetic tape.

7 Plastic Pocket Stories Make a pocket chart with pages out of a photograph album. Put the characters in the pages and pull out or put the characters in while you tell the story.

8 Make Your Own Book Write a book that includes all of the children in your classroom. Use real photographs of your children or their drawings.

9 Act out Stories Choose simple stories that can be acted out easily. Try to have quite a few characters so that a group of children can participate.

10 Peeker Stories Make an object that is central to the theme of the story. Make a hole so that just a portion of a character shows as you tell the story.

11 Flannel Board Story Tell a story with a flannel board and pieces of the story Have children participate by putting the pieces on the board

12 Props Use a prop that corresponds with the story Beanies Hats Masks Noses Etc.

13 Story With An Extension Some stories can be extended into other activities easily. You may be able to connect a cooking activity, nature walk, or an art activity.

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