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The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966.
HARYANA AT A GLANCE The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966. Geographical Area (GA) 4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) Cultivable Area (CA) m ha (86.35% of GA) Cultivated Area m ha (94.50% of CA) _____________________________________________________ Gross Cropped Area m ha Cropping Intensity 182% Irrigated Area m Ha (84 %) Canal Irrigation m Ha (42%) Groundwater Irrigation m Ha (58%) Under-ground Water 54 % brackish Farming Families lac (2001 Census) Marginal Farmers lac (46.1%) (own 3.16 lac ha – 8.9%) Small Farmers lac (19.2%) (own 4.21 lac ha – 11.9%) Others lac (34.7%) (own lac ha – 79.2%) ___________________________________________________ 2 2
MILESTONES… Record productivity of Wheat i.e kg / hectare during 2nd Largest Contributor of food-grains to the central pool. Contributed lakh MT of Wheat to the Central-Pool during 100% treatment of certified seed of Wheat during 1st in Basmati Rice Export (60% of India’s export). Pioneer in Zero-tillage Technology (covering > 25% area ). 14.90 lac Soil Health Cards issued to the farmers. Village-level Fertility Maps have been prepared.
RAIN-FALL Total 333.4 500.8 - 33.4 426.8 530.2 -19.5 Month 2012 2011
(in mm) Month 2012 2011 Actual Normal %Dep. April 8.6 7.2 19.4 7.6 5.6 May 1.1 13.9 -92.0 25.7 84.9 June 1.6 51.0 -96.9 93.2 46.5 100.4 July 72.0 180.4 -60.1 85.6 184.4 -53.6 August 184.6 190.9 -3.3 111.0 182.3 -39.1 September (till 21/9/2012 ) 65.5 57.4 14.1 103.7 (Up to 30th ) 95.7 8.4 Total 333.4 500.8 - 33.4 426.8 530.2 -19.5 Highly erratic and uneven rains received during July, 2012. Deficiency of rain was more than 50% in 18 districts by the end of July, 2012. Deficiency is more than 33% by 21st September, 2012.
KHARIF CROPS 2011 & 2012 Total Kharif Food-grains 1,925 2,609 5,022
Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hects. Production in 000 tonnes/bales 170 kgs of each. S. No Crops 2011 2012 (Target) 2012 (Anticipated) Area Av. Yield Prod. Av. Yield 1. Rice 1,235 3,044 3,759 1,200 3,250 3,900 1,082 3,148 3,407 2. Jowar 65 500 33 80 40 71 35 3. Maize 9 2,666 24 15 2,750 41 11 2,500 28 4. Bajra 577 2,040 1,177 610 2,050 1,250 298 1,752 523 5. Kh. Pulses 39 750 29 50 1,050 715 25 Total Kharif Food-grains 1,925 2,609 5,022 1,955 2,701 5,281 1,497 2,684 4,018 6. Sugarcane 95 73,253 6,959 110 72,000 7,920 107 70,000 7,490 7. Cotton 603 739 2,621 600 2,647 525 700 2,162 8. Kh. Oilseeds 8 800 6 10 850 783 5 9. Guar 215 1,350 290 300 360 352 1100 387 Targeted area could not be achieved in Rice & Bajra crop. Area under Guar crop increased by 1.37 lac ha as compared to last year. No major incidence of insect-pest & disease. Condition of Kharif crop are normal.
RABI CROPS 2011 & 2012 Total Rabi F/Grains 2,709 4,919 13,325 2795
Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hects. Production in 000 tonnes/bales 170 kgs of each. S. No Crops (Target) Area Av. Yield Prod, 1. Wheat 2,522 5,182 13,069 2505 4,950 12,400 2. Gram 79 911 72 130 950 124 3. Barley 42 3,633 153 50 3,680 184 4. Rabi Pulses 6 1,000 10 5. Summer moong 60 417 25 100 800 80 Total Rabi F/Grains 2,709 4,919 13,325 2795 4,579 12,798 Rabi Oilseeds 535 1,396 747 600 1,650 990 6. Sunflower 1,750 18 15 1,700 26 7. Sugarcane 95 73,253 6,959 107 70,000 7490 Highest ever wheat production and productivity during Mustard production and productivity affected badly due to intense cold wave/frost. Area under gram & mustard crops likely to increase during
Kisan Melas at each district HQ Farmers Training Camps at each block. One exposure visit from each block. Farmers Field Schools (FFSs) Wheat Gram Mustard Sugarcane IPM programme on Gram & Mustard Use of Mass Media- Extensive use of print and electronic media. Radio Jingles from AIR. Krishi Samvad Free of Cost in all the villages.
Focus on Timely Sowing - 80% sowing by 30th November. Seed Replacement Rate to be increased to 52 %. > lakh qtl. certified seed of wheat available. PROMOTION OF AREA SPECIFIC VARIETIES WH-542, PBW-550, DBW-17, DPW & HD-2967 in North-eastern part. WH-711, WH-147, UP-2338, Raj-3765 in South-western part. HD-2851, PBW-590, WH-1021, PBW-509 under late sown conditions. SEED TREATMENT Seed Treatment campaign from 1st November to 30th November, 2012. 100 % Treated Certified Seed to be supplied to the farmers. 75 % subsidy on fungicide for the treatment of farm saved seed. Other Steps Promotion of Zero Tillage Technology Integrated Weed Management Monitoring & management of yellow rust disease. Frequent & Light Irrigation to cope-up the rise in temperature during grain-formation stage. Contd.
Special Focus on Bhiwani, Mewat & Panchkula Districts
Contd. Special Focus on Bhiwani, Mewat & Panchkula Districts Productivity is lower than the state average during Bhiwani kg./hect. (Area 1,51,000 ha) Mewat kg./hect. (Area 71,000 ha.) Panchkula kg./hect. (Area 16,000 ha.) State Average kg./hect. (Area 25,15,000 ha.) Factors responsible for Low Productivity have been delineated. Poor adoption of improved crop practices, low Seed Replacement Rate (SRR), cultivation of out-dated varieties and inadequate irrigation facilities are mainly responsible for low productivity.
Contd. Awareness Campaign from 1st Nov. to 30th Nov., 2012.
STEPS FOR IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF WHEAT IN DISTRICTS HAVING LOW PRODUCTIVITY Awareness Campaign from 1st Nov. to 30th Nov., 2012. Organization of Farmers’ Camps in cluster of 4-5 villages. Seed Replacement Rate to be increased from 30% to 40 %. Adequate stocking of certified seed will be ensured in these districts. DBW-17, WH-711, PBW-550, WH-147, PBW and HD-2967 to be promoted. Additional Seed Sale Points to be opened. 300 Zero till seed-cum-drill to be provided on subsidy.
Management of Yellow Rust
Contd. Management of Yellow Rust Promotion of DBW-17, WH-542, HD-2967, DPW & PBW-550 varieties in Susceptible Areas. Regular and joint Surveillance of the disease. Awareness Campaign to educate the farmers about Symptoms & Control measures. Supply of Propiconazole 25 % EC on 50% Subsidy in case of symptom of yellow rust disease appeared. Contd.
Cluster demonstration on wheat & Gram (NFSM) ha. 200 Wheat demonstration on closer spacing cm 200 Wheat demonstration on Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed (FIRB ) system. 100 Wheat demonstration on Happy Seeder. Rs.5,000/- per ha. will be provided. Demonstrations on other crops Mustard ,000 ha. Sunflower ha. Summer Moong ,000 ha. (12000 ha A3P ha. diversification) Gram under A3P ,000 ha. Minikits Demo Minikits of Wheat (DPW , HD-2967 & HD-2851) Minikits of Mustard (RH-9304, RH-9801, RGN-145 & CS-56) Minikits of Gram (HC-5, HC-3 & HC-1)
Promotion of Summer Moong
Contd. Promotion of Summer Moong Promotional programe of summer moong affected due to delayed harvesting of wheat during Summer, 2012. 60,000 ha area during Summer , 2012. Targeted 1 lac hectare area during Summer, 2013. Awareness camps to be organized in each block to educate the farmers. Short duration variety SML-668 , SATYA & MH-421 to be promoted. Certified Seed to be supplied under seed village programs and state plan schemes. Adequate stocking of micro-nutrients and gypsum to be ensured before sowing. 12 units of Summer Moong under A3P. Demonstrations on summer moong under state plan scheme. Contd.
Water Management Promotion of UGPL. Promotion of Sprinkler System
Contd. Water Management Promotion of UGPL. 50 % of the cost or Rs.60,000 per beneficiary for UGPL. An area of 96,000 ha covered under UGPL so far. Plan to bring 45,000 ha area during under the system. Provision of Rs.45 crore made for UGPL. Promotion of Sprinkler System 50 % of the cost or Rs.7,500 per hectares for Sprinklers. So far 1.30 lac sprinkler sets supplied on subsidy to the farmers. An area of 26,500 ha. targeted during under sprinkler system. Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose. Promotion of Drip System Drip irrigation in 2,000 ha. of sugarcane area on pilot basis. Installation of Data Loggers 23 data water loggers already installed. 17 more will installed during Rabi season. Plan to install water logger in every block by the end of 12th plan. 15
CERTIFIED SEED Rabi-2012-13 Adequate availability of Certified Seed.
Qty. in Qtls. Crop Req. Availability Last Rabi Sale HSDC Kribhco/ IFFCO NSC HAFED SFCI HAU Pvt. Total Wheat 317022 84542 25400 90640 9165 5989 771755 Barley 30200 10095 1492 990 21000 33577 26000 Gram 8300 1781 130 1068 60 6468 9377 8319 Lentil 500 359 255 614 594 Mustard 20500 3251 288 356 1264 1070 16284 22157 19570 Toria 1000 122 1135 1257 970 332630 84830 25886 12989 8109 816897 Adequate availability of Certified Seed. Availability of lakh qtl. against the last year sale of lakh qtl. certified seed of wheat Newly released varieties like DBW-17, HD-2851, HD-2967, DPW and HD 2894 to be promoted
SEED REPLACEMENT RATE CROP 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
(In percentage) CROP (Target) Wheat 24.00 25.90 34.00 37.00 50.63 52.00 Gram 11.00 10.51 13.39 15.00 24.47 25.00 Barley 54.00 62..00 90.00 82.5 85.00 Oilseeds 72.00 75.76 93.53 95.00 97.00 Increased SSR of Wheat, Gram, Barley & Oilseeds targeted. Focus on Varietal Replacement.
FERTILIZERS 2011-12 Rabi 2012-13 UREA 11.25 11.34 10.65 DAP 4.00 5.79
Lakh MTs Rabi Fertilizer Requirement Availability Consumption UREA 11.25 11.34 10.65 DAP 4.00 5.79 3.92 MOP 0.40 0.36 0.35 NPK 0.50 0.46 0.34
Govt. of India has been requested to postpone the work of renovation of NFL Panipat plant till the end of February 2013 or make some reliable alternate arrangement to supply Urea fertilizer in the state during Rabi Pre-positioning of DAP and Urea Fertilizer has been finalized and Hafed will pre-position by , a total of 1.50 lakh MT DAP and 4.50 lakh MT Urea for the ensuing Rabi season. Govt. of India is requested to ensure that fertilizer suppliers ensure smooth movement of the same to the state agency. Govt. of India (Ministry of Railways) may be requested to allocate adequate number of railway rakes to the suppliers. Monitoring of fertilizer stocking, availability and sale on day to day basis. Supplier may be advised to adhere to their supply plan.
Micronutrients Gypsum
Adequate arrangement of micronutrients fertilizers Micronutrients on 75 % subsidy Area to be covered Zn - 1,76,760 ha. Fe - 2,41,000 ha. Mn - 40,000 ha. Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose. Gypsum Adequate arrangement of Gypsum made Gypsum to be supplied on 60 % subsidy Rs.3 lakh ha area targeted for gypsum application Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose.
State has notified 323 Insecticide, 358 Fertilizer & 83 Seed Inspectors. Four State Pesticides Testing Laboratories located at Karnal, Rohtak, Sirsa & Panchkula with annual analysis capacity of 4,400 samples annually. Three Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratories located at Karnal , Rohtak & Hisar with annual analysis capacity of 5,100 samples. Two notified State Seed Testing Laboratory situated at Karnal & Sirsa. Each has annual analysis capacity of 10,000 samples. Action are taken against defaulters as per provisions of relevant Act, Order and Rules. Distribution of fertilizers is effected in State through 3,024 institutional and 4,371 private, insecticides through 870 institutional and 6,040 private and seed through 8,393 outlets.
Green Manuring with Dhaincha Crop promoted Supply of Dhaincha Seed on subsidized rate. An area of 4.25 lakh hect. brought under Green Manuring since Soil Health Cards More than lakh Soil Health Cards distributed. Plan to cover all the farmers by the end of October, 2012. Micro Nutrient Subsidy Micro-nutrients specially Zinc Sulphate supplied on 75% subsidy. Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratories 20 Soil Testing Laboratories equipped for micro-nutrients testing All 33 laboratories will be upgraded by the end of 4 New Soil Testing Laboratories and 3 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories to be established during 1 mobile Soil Testing laboratory established under PPP mode at Manesar, Gurgaon. 1.5 lakh Soil Samples analyzed annually for Micro-nutrients. Application of Gypsum Gypsum on 60% subsidy to mitigate Sulphur Deficiency. Use of Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Bio-fertilizers to be conducted. Bio-fertilizers on 50% subsidy.
Zero-Tillage technology to be promoted. Area to be increased from 5.75 to 6 lakh hectares. 2,000 Zero Till Seed Drills to be distributed on 50% subsidy Provision of subsidy of Rs. 3 crore made during Zero-tillage FIRB system will be promoted. 245 Ridge Furrow Planter will be provided on subsidy. of the cost subject to maximum of Rs.15,000/- per machine. 200 Demonstrations to be organized during Rabi Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed System Contd.
Contd Laser Land Leveler Straw Reaper Happy Seeder
1,000 Laser Land Levelers to be distributed on subsidy. of the cost subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per machine. Provision of Rs. 5 crore made during Laser Land Leveler 1,000 Straw Reapers will be distributed on subsidy. Subsidy Rs. 40,000/- per machine. Provision of Rs. 4 crore as subsidy during Straw Reaper 128 Happy Seeders to be provided on subsidy. of the cost subject to maximum of Rs.25,000/- per machine. 100 Demonstrations of 1 acre each will be organized during Rabi Happy Seeder
S.No. Name of the Implement No. Subsidy 1. Seed drill 245 Rs.15,000/- or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 2. Subsoiler 320 Rs.5,000/- or 50 % of cost whichever is less 3. Multi crop planter 900 Rs.10,000/- or 50 % of cost whichever is less 4. Mulcher 10 Rs.40,000/- or 50 % of cost whichever is less 5. Straw Baler 64 Rs.1,00,000/- or 50 % of cost whichever is less 6. Maize cutter 20
Fodder crop will be promoted under Accelerated Fodder Development Programme. Provision of Rs crore made during Production kits amounting to Rs.3,200 per hect. to be supplied. Kit contains critical inputs like seed, fungicides, micro-nutrients & PP chemicals. Kits of Barseem seed for an area of 17,664 hect. to be provided. Minikits of Oat seed for 1,580 hect. Seed minikits of Spring maize for an area of 7,000 ha. Supply of post harvest tools like sickles, power operated chuff cutter & fodder block making machine.
National Food Security Mission
NFSM UTILIZATION OF FUNDS 2011-12 Particular Wheat Pulses A3P Total
(Rs. In Lakh) Particular Wheat Pulses A3P Total Allocation 448.23 904.00 Unspent balance 85.087 41.688 48.131 Funds released 406.73 864.00 Total funds available Funds utilized 413.63 Unspent balance* 93.732 41.023 98.714 % Utilization 95.91 92.24 89.33 93.25 * Including interest accrued during
NFSM 2012-13 Action Plan of Wheat was approved for Rs. 2466.03 lakh.
Action Plan of Pulses was approved for Rs lakh. Action Plan of A3P was approved for Rs lakh. A provision of Rs lakh made for Local Initiatives. Rs lakh released by GOI under NFSM Wheat. Audited UCs for , , & submitted to GOI. Provisional UCs for also submitted to GOI. Audited UCs of will be submitted in due course. 2 units of Arhar implemented under A3P during Kharif, 2012. 5 units of Gram allocated under A3P for Rabi 12 units of Moong allocated under A3P for Summer
Rs. In lakh Year Allocation Actual released by GOI Utilization Submission of UCs % Utilization of Funds & 100 99.48 67.81 ( lakh released by State Govt.) -
Project Approved by SLSC Funds Released Till Date
PROGRESS UNDER RKVY Department Project Approved by SLSC Funds Released Till Date Stream-I Agriculture Horticulture 284.00 Fisheries 200.00 100.00 Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department LLRUVAS, Hisar 435.70 215.00 Board & Corporations 814.01 10.00 CCSHAU, Hisar 210.80 116.20 Total Stream-II 362.00 308.50 Total (I +II) Admin. Expenses 80.00 Grand Total
Contd. Sub-Schemes Agriculture
Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP). Previous year unspent (revalidated) 500.00 256.00 Initiative for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets Promotion (INSIMP) 535.00 342.00 Total Horticulture Project for Vegetable Initiatives for Urban Clusters under RKVY Scheme during the year 600.00 Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department National Mission for Protein Supplements. (NMPS) Dairy Fisheries Goatery 0.00 Total (Sub Schemes) Total (Stream I + Stream II + Sub Scheme) Committed liability of Grand Total
Agriculture Promotion of Underground Pipe Line(UGPL). Farm Mechanization. Promotion of Sugarcane Cultivation. Seed Treatment. Reclamation of Saline & Alkaline Soil. Animal Husbandry & Dairying Reproductive Health Management. “In-situ” preservation of top quality Murrah Buffaloes. Modern Technologies in High Tech Dairy units. Use of 4th Generation Technology of Sexed Semen. Contd.
Horticulture Fisheries
Contd. Horticulture Promotion of Hybrid Vegetables & Mushroom Production. Post Harvest Management. Promotion of Bio-pesticides. Fisheries Strengthening of State Diagnostics Labs & Training Infrastructure
PROGRESS UNDER RDMIS 118 projects under Stream-I implemented since Information completed for 62 projects, which is 52% of the total project. Feeding of Information for rest of the projects is in progress.
All Districts may be covered under NFSM-Wheat for increasing wheat production Development of Yellow Rust Resistant and Terminal Heat Tolerant varieties of wheat & frost resistant varieties of Mustard. Funds under NFSM –Wheat and Pulses should be released timely. State may be allowed to utilize funds for SC category farmers in proportion to their share in the farming community i.e. about 2.5%. Subsidy on Wheat Certified Seed should be increased from Rs.500/- to Rs.700/- qtl. Under MMA funds have been released under the category of ST farmers during & These funds may be diverted or allowed to be utilized for general category as there is no ST farmer in the State.
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