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“24 hours in the life of a weather radar network”.

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Presentation on theme: "“24 hours in the life of a weather radar network”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “24 hours in the life of a weather radar network”

2 Over report No echo Under report under report Under report No echo Over report Over report Over report Under report Problem: The Environment


4 Segmenting the DQ Adjustment Algorithms Wind Turbines RLAN RV dilemma Noise Conver sion to “P” Data correction ZDR calibration Ant pol errors; Noise processing Orographic enhancement Recursive issues!

5 The Steps Assume radar is electronically calibrated, elevation pointing angle is good (<0.1 o )! Static/ground clutter correction Target identification – eg biological, precip Problem identification – attenuation, partial beam blocking, radome wetting Problem correction Precipitation Echo identification (C vs S) VPR computation Data selection VPR correction Z-R bias “calibration” – see Isztar’s technique Z-R or Z-S Z-R for convective or stratiform Network data merging Space-time advection Products for hydrology etc

6 Elevation Pointing Errors Good Bad

7 Almost A Perfect Radar! Michelson, SMHI Accumulation – a winter season log (Raingauge-Radar Difference) No blockage Rings of decreasing value Difference increases range! almost 1O1O 0.65 O

8 55 day accumulation

9 Sensitivity MDS

10 Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity 1.Beam smooths the data AND 2.Overshoots the weather Explains increasing radar-raingauge difference with range Joss-Waldvogel

11 No correction VPR correction FMI, Koistinen

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