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rd Quarterly- 6th Grade Science Jeopardy Review

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1 10 20 30 40 50 3rd Quarterly- 6th Grade Science Jeopardy Review
Weather and the Layers of Atmosphere Water Cycle and Wind Clouds and Precipitation Air Masses and Fronts Weather Instruments 10 20 30 40 50

2 Question: Identify at least 4 gases in Earth’s atmosphere
10 points Question: Identify at least 4 gases in Earth’s atmosphere Answer: Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, water vapor, argon

3 Answer: Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
20 points Question: Identify the layers of our atmosphere from highest to lowest altitude. Answer: Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere

4 Answer: Ozone in the stratosphere
30 points Question: The earth is protected from ultraviolet radiation by 1) what gas, 2) in which layer of atmosphere? Answer: Ozone in the stratosphere

5 40 points Question: What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in each of the layers of atmosphere? Answer: Troposphere- altitude increases and temperature decreases Stratosphere- altitude and temperature both increase Mesosphere- altitude increases and tempearture decreases Thermosphere- altitude and temperature both increase

6 50 points Question: Identify something you might find in each layer of atmosphere. Answer: Troposphere- planes, Stratosphere- ozone, Mesosphere- meteorites, Thermosphere- spaceships, Exosphere- satellites

7 10 points Question: Identify each of the 5 steps in the water cycle
Answer: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, collection

8 Answer: High pressure, Low pressure
20 points Question: Air always moves from areas of ______________to areas of _______________. Answer: High pressure, Low pressure

9 30 points Question: How does the wind direction differ during land breeze and sea breeze? Answer: Land Breeze = air moves towards the land Sea Breeze = air moves towards the sea

10 40 points Question: Identify two differences between global winds and surface winds? Answer: Global winds- larger, coriolis effect, jet stream Surface winds- smaller, no coriolis effect

11 50 points Answer: cT- dry and warm – warm front
Question: Identify each type of air mass and the characteristics that each would have. Then, reveal what fronts you would find with each of them. Answer: cT- dry and warm – warm front cP- dry and cold – cold front mP- moist and cold – cold front mT- moist and warm – warm front cA- dry and very cold – arctic front

12 Question: What does the word ‘cumulus’ describe about a cloud?
10 points Question: What does the word ‘cumulus’ describe about a cloud? Answer: Shape

13 20 points Question: Identify the three types of cloud shapes.
Answer: cumulus, stratus, and cirrus

14 30 points Question: What controls the type of precipitation that falls? Answer: Air temperature

15 40 points Question: How does the amount of time precipitation lasts for in a cold front compare to that of a warm front? Answer: Precipitation lasts for a short time in a cold front, and a long time in a warm front.

16 50 points Question: What are 4 unique differences between hail and rain? Answer: Rain is liquid, Hail is ice Hail forms from updrafts, Rain simply falls Hail is made of layers of ice, Rain has no layers Hail is heavier than rain

17 10 points Question: What are the two properties of air masses?
Answer: moisture and temperature

18 Answer: Continental/Maritime, and Tropical/Polar
20 points Question: What words are used to describe the amount of moisture and temperature in an air mass? Answer: Continental/Maritime, and Tropical/Polar

19 Answer: Stationary Front
30 points Question: What type of front results when two air masses slide past each other? Answer: Stationary Front

20 40 points Question: Describe where each of the air masses originates form, and what type of front might be associated with each: continental polar, martime tropical. Answer: Continental Polar: over land at high latitude, and a cold front Maritime Tropical: over the ocean at lower latitude, and a warm front

21 50 points Question: In at least four unique ways, how do cold front differ from warm fronts? Answer: Temperature, precipitation, storms produced, duration of precipitation, shape of front

22 Question: Which weather instrument measures the air pressure?
10 points Question: Which weather instrument measures the air pressure? Answer: Barometers

23 20 points Question: What is the weather intrument and units used to measure air temperaure Answer: Thermometer

24 30 points Question: When measuring relative humidity, what is the % humidity being measured “relative” to? Answer: Temperature

25 Question: Identify six (6) weather instruments and their functions.
40 points Question: Identify six (6) weather instruments and their functions. Answer: Barometer- air pressure, Thermometer- temperature, Anemometer- wind speed, Wind Vane- wind direction Sling Psychorometer- relative humidity, Rain Gauge- liquid precipitation

26 1) the stalk would point up to the North
50 points Question: If a wind vane pointed south, 1) how would this be shown on a station model, and 2) in what directions would you find the high and low pressure systems? Answer: 1) the stalk would point up to the North 2) The high pressure would be to the North, while the low pressure is to the South.

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