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Unit 8 Translation Analysis Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedures  Skill-learning  Warming-up Activities  Text Interpretation Practice  Homework.

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2 Unit 8 Translation Analysis Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedures  Skill-learning  Warming-up Activities  Text Interpretation Practice  Homework

3 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting

4 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting Phase One: I=L+M+N

5 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting Phase One: I=L+M+N Phase Two: I= Rem+Read+P

6 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting 1.2 Short-Term & Long-Term Memory 1.2 Short-Term & Long-Term Memory

7 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 2.Tactics of memorizing information-- Visualization

8 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 2.Tactics of memorizing information-- Visualization 2.1 General principles of memory in interpretation2.1 General principles of memory in interpretation --over-all comprehension of the original speech --over-all comprehension of the original speech --categorizing --categorizing --comparison/contrast --comparison/contrast --description of a scene --description of a scene

9 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 2.Tactics of memorizing information-- Visualization 2.1 General principles of memory in interpretation2.1 General principles of memory in interpretation 2.2 Visualization 形象化记忆2.2 Visualization 形象化记忆

10 Unit 8 Translation Analysis 1.Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 2.Tactics of memorizing information-- Visualization 3.Memory in interpreting: Outlining and Re-arranging information (记忆练习 — 提 纲式记忆、推理式信息逻辑组合记忆)

11 Unit 8 Translation Analysis Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedures  Skill-learning  Warming-up Activities  Text Interpretation Practice  Homework

12 Unit 8 Translation Analysis



15  奥运会 Olympic Games  奥运会选拔赛 Olympic trial  国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee  奥运会会歌 Olympic anthem  奥运火炬 Olympic torch  奥运会徽 Olympic emblem/ logo  奥运会代表团 Olympic delegation  奥运村 Olympic village  组委会 organization committee  开幕式 opening ceremony  闭幕式 closing ceremony  火把点燃仪式 flame-lighting ceremony  吉祥物 mascot  颁奖台 podium  东道国 host nation

16 Olympics ABC Olympic Motto 更快、更高、更强

17 Olympics ABC Olympic Oath 代表所有参赛运动员,我宣誓我们参加 本次奥运会,尊重并遵守大会各项规则, 恪守体育道德,为体育争光,为团体争 光。 ”

18 Olympics ABC Olympic Creed 参加奥运会最重要的目的是参与,而并非 赢得冠军;就象生活最重要的是奋斗, 而不是成功;最本质的事情不是征服, 而是战斗不息。 ”

19 Slogan of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: “One world, One Dream”

20 Slogan of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: “One world, One Dream” 同一个世界,同一个梦想Related: The slogans of the Olympic Games: (summer) 1984 23 届 美国洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史 1988 24 届 韩国汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步 1992 25 届 西班牙巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友 1996 26 届 美国亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世 纪庆典 2000 27 届澳大利亚悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精 神 2004 28 届 希腊雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家

21 Unit 8 Translation Analysis Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedures  Skill-learning  Warming-up Activities  Text Interpretation Practice  Homework

22 Homework prepare a 2-minute speech in English One World, One Dream One World, One Dream 2. After-class Practice

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