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Annual Work Plan & Budget 2014-15 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Union Territory Mission Authority Dadra and Nagar Haveli Silvassa.

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1 Annual Work Plan & Budget 2014-15 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Union Territory Mission Authority Dadra and Nagar Haveli Silvassa

2 UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli

3 General Information Geographical area: 491 Total Population ( Census:2011) : 3,42,853 Male: 1,93,178 Female: 1,49,675 Urban Population ( Census:2011) : 1,59,829 Rural Population ( Census:2011) : 1,83,024 No. of districts : 1 Density of population: 698 per (C e nsus 2011 ) Sex ratio ( No. of females per Thousand males): 775 (Census 2011) Sex ratio : 0-6 year age group : 924 (Census 2011) ( No. of Girls as per Thousand Boys) Literacy rate (in %): 77.65 % ( C e nsus 2011 ) Male ( C e nsus 2011 ): 86.46 % Female ( C e nsus 2011 ) : 65.93 %

4 Educational Indicators Schools Management : Sr. No.School Management Schools Primary only Upper Primary only Primary with Upper Primary Total 1 Department of Education15801113272 2 Local body [Special School-Red cross] 00 01 3 Pvt. Aided08000412 4 Pvt. Unaided15001732 6 Central Govt. Schools like KVS, Navodaya Vidyalaya 00 02 18101137319

5 Sr. NoSchool Primary School (I-V) Upper Primary School (VI-VIII) Total ( I-VII) BoysGirlsTotalBoysGirlsTotalBoysGirlsTotal 1 Department of Education 1332312107244309763889518658220862100243088 2 Local body[Special School-Red cross] 6328912413378741128 3Pvt. Aided610418102839623963510066571663 4Pvt. Unaided5885394998341922129932217807524813055 6 Central Govt. Schools like KVS, Navodaya Vidyalaya 235203438247173420482376858 Total191161670535821123521061922971314682732458792 Enrollment Summary Educational Indicators

6 Sr. NoIndicatorBoysGirlsTotal 1GER ( 6-11 years)99.3995.8797.72 2GER (11-14 years)112.02106.71109.50 3NER ( 6-11 years)91.9989.2090.66 4NER (11-14 years)82.6780.2881.54 5Retention rate (I-V)99.2398.4898.87 6Retention rate(VI-VIII)98.9998.3798.70 7Drop out rate (I – V)0.771.521.13 8Drop out rate (VI – VIII)1.011.631.30

7 Year Annual Work Plan & Budget Received from GOI Received from U.T. Expenditure % of Expenditure on AWP&B 2011-12 2117.89564.35500.001003.74 47.39% 2012-13 2449.55652.76500.001344.48 54.88% 2013-141426.46386.24475.00928.7465.10% Year wise Allocation and Expenditure (Rupees in Lakh)

8 Access: 03 Primary school Up-graded to Upper Primary School within a walking distance of 3 km of the neighbourhood. Transport/Escort Facility provided to 10 children Singdongri habitations of Medha village. 15 Out of School Children direct enrolled in existing regular schools. 23 Out of School children covered under Special Training Programme and they are mainstreamed. 11 CWSN Out of School children covered under Home Based Education (HBE). Retention: Free text book provided to all students form UT budget and provided to student of Govt. Aided Schools from SSA budget. Teaching Learning Equipment grant provided to 01 Primary School Achievement during 2013-14

9 Enhancing Quality: 446 Primary/Upper Primary School Teacher working on contract basis under SSA. Refresher Training on issue of Quality in Elementary Education for Resource Persons, Master Trainers, BRC & CRC faculty and Coordinators has been organized. 07 days Refresher Training organized for 1295 In-service teachers of Govt. and Govt. Aided schools teachers at cluster level. Early Grade Reading, Writing and Comprehension as well as an early Mathematics programme has been implemented. Activity Based Learning implemented in all Primary School. Achievement during 2013-14

10 Annual Grants: School Grants : School Grant of Rs.5000/- has been provided to 283 Primary School and Rs.7000/- provided to 114 Upper Primary Schools. Maintenance and Repair grants : Maintenance Grant of Rs. 5000/- provided to 145 schools having upto 3 classroom and Rs.10,000/- provided to 115 schools having more than 3 classroom. Meeting & TA grant: Meeting & TA grant provided to all CRCCs/BRCCs. During the year 2013-14. Achievement during 2013-14

11 Bridging Gender and Social Gap: The Disability Detection Camp organized for identification of disability and assess the requirement of Aids & Appliances. Aids and Appliances provided to 134 Children With Special Needs (CWSN). World Disabled Day celebrated to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. School Management Committee constituted in all Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools. Community Mobilization training organized in all clusters. 1586 School Management Committee member has been trained. Achievement during 2013-14

12 Research, Evaluaton, Monitoring & Supervision: Study on students achievement at the end of Primary level and Upper Primary level in Language, Mathematics and Science. Training of all Head Teachers/Head Masters organized on DISE data capture formats. Jan-vanchan programme conducted in all Govt. schools Post Enumeration survey of 5% of DISE data. Household survey for the children age group of 6-14 years. School Infrastructure : Modification of existing toilet to CWSN toilets are completed in 64 schools and 207 in progress. Construction of 10 Additional class room completed and 165 in progress. Achievement during 2013-14

13 UT Commitment & Implementation Sr. No. Major Recommendation made by the PAB 2013-14 Action taken by UT 1. UT will ensure that all child entitlements, including textbooks, supplementary material, uniforms, etc. are provided at the beginning of the academic year to all children. UT has provided all the child entitlements including textbooks, supplementary Teaching Learning Materials, uniform, Shoes-Socks, etc. in the beginning of the academic year to all children. 2. UT will ensure completion of civil works sanctioned under SSA by December, 2013. Spillover and fresh works was under progress and some of the ACR work is not taken up as UT is adding additional fund/ Gap funding from the UT budget to construct the ACR of RCC instead of load bearing structure. The U.T. has continuously reviewed the progress of civil works. UT has release of initial installment for civil works was also enhanced to maintain the speedy works.

14 UT Commitment & Implementation Sr. No. Major Recommendation made by the PAB 2013-14 Action taken by UT 3. UT will ensure that teacher recruitment is expedited. U.T. has initiated the process for recruitment of 495 vacant post teachers. Some of major political parties have raised the issue of consideration of Domicile for appointment of the teachers as essential condition. Therefore, the interview process for the post of SSA teacher are been kept in abeyance and UT administration taken up matter with ministry of Home Affairs and ministry has suggest to give some weightage to domicile candidates. OM issue for weightage given to domicile candidate and recruitment process has re- initiated.

15 UT Commitment & Implementation Sr. No. Major Recommendation made by the PAB 2013-14 Action taken by UT 4. UT will put in place a Grievance Redressal Mechanism in accordance with the Advisory No. F. No. 1-18/2010 – EE 4 issued by the MHRD under section 31 and 32 of the RTE Act by October, 2013 by July, 2013. UT has already initiated the process for making Grievances Redressal Mechanism in the U.T. accordance with advisory issues by the MHRD at School, Cluster and S.P.O. level 5. UT will continue to hold regular meetings of the Executive Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee for SSA. The U.T. is conducting Executive Committee meeting in each quarter. District Level Monitoring Committee has been constituted for SSA,RSMA and MDM. Meeting is will schedule upto end of the February 2014.

16 UT Commitment & Implementation Sr. No. Major Recommendation made by the PAB 2013-14 Action taken by UT 6. The UT will do a sample study learning level outcomes which will be shared in the next PAB. State Level Achievement Survey at the end of Primary and Upper Primary level is under process. The report will be prepared at the end of March and then it will submit to the Ministry of HRD. 7. The UT will roll out and use Quality Monitoring Tools developed by NCERT. UT has already implemented Quality Monitoring Tools developed by NCERT for strengthen monitoring mechanism in the UT of DNH. Compilation report of the third quarter is under preparation and it will be submitted to NCERT and Ministry of HRD. 8. The UT will study the CCE exemplar developed by NCERT and revise/ modify its own Systems, if necessary. UT has follows the curriculum developed by Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT). Therefore, UT follows CCE pattern of GCERT, Gujarat State.

17 UT Commitment & Implementation Sr. No. Major Recommendation made by the PAB 2013-14 Action taken by UT 9. The UT will widely disseminate and use the CCE information material developed by Government of India/UNICEF for spreading understanding amongst parents, Community and teachers. This would be distributed and used in community training programmes also. UT has follows the CCE pattern of Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT). Therefore, UT has used material in training programme of Teachers, Community which is developed by GCERT and GoI. UT has initiate to implement CCE information material developed by Government of India/UNICEF for spreading understanding amongst parents, Community and teachers 10. The UT will provide its share for the approved plan on 65:35 centre state sharing pattern and first installment of the UT share would be released to the State Implementation Society within one month of release of central share. UT has released UT share of Rs. 475.00 lakhs to the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Union Territory Mission Authority for the financial year 2013-14. UT of DNH has excess released of Rs. 1142.57 lakhs to SSA.

18 Access: Proposal for providing Transport / Escort facilities to 1979 students. Special Training Programme will be Implemented for age appropriate admission of 112 Out of School children. UT has initiate to start English section in 14 existing school and Hindi section in 5 existing schools. Retention: Proposal to provide TLE grant to 3 Upper Primary Schools which is upgraded in 2013-14. Textbook, Uniforms, Learning Materials and shoes-socks will provided to all children of Govt. and Govt. Aided schools at Elementary Level from UT budget. Work Plan during 2014-15

19 Enhancement of Quality 485 Primary/Upper Primary School Teachers will be recruited under SSA. 10 days In service teachers training to 1289 In-service teachers to be conducted during the academic year 2014-15. One day monthly cluster level meeting for 10 month for all In-service teachers to be conducted at cluster level. 30 days Induction training for newly appointed teachers to be conducted on completion of recruitment process. 10 Days Refresher Training for all Resource Persons, Master Trainers, BRC & CRC faculty and coordinators to be conducted. Work Plan during 2014-15

20 Annual Grant Provision of Teachers grant of Rs. 500/- per teacher per annum for 1289 teachers serving in Govt. and Govt. Aided School for preparation of teaching aids. Provision of School grant of Rs. 5000/- for 283 Primary Schools and Rs. 7000/- for 117 Upper Primary Schools to all Govt. and Govt. Aided School for the development of schools.. Provision of Maintenance and Repair grant of Rs. 5000/- for 137 school upto three classroom and Rs. 10000/- for 127 school more than three classroom school for minor repair works in schools. Provision of TLM Grant, Contingency Grant and Meeting and Traveling Allowances Grant for BRC & CRC. Work Plan during 2012-13 Work Plan during 2014-15

21 Bridging Gender and Social Gap Assessment camp to be organized for detection of disability of Children With Special Need (CWSN). 62 CWSN to be covered through Home Based Education (HBE) during the year. Aids and appliances to be given to the CWSN after detection of disability/needs of Aids and Appliances. Celebration of ‘World Disable Day’ for the encouragement of Children With Special Needs. Teachers training on Inclusive Education for 103 teachers will be organized. Provision for Organizing of Special Olympic for CWSN of Dadra Nagar Haveli. Parental counseling programme for parents of CWSN will be organized. Work Plan during 2014-15

22 Bridging Gender and Social Gap Children and Parental Counseling programme to be organized for Upper Primary School Girls and their Mothers under Girls Education. Competition like Elocution, Quiz, Singing will be organized under Girls Education. Excursion trip for SC/ST student will be organized under SC/ST education. Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision: Post enumeration survey of DISE data to be conducted through the independent agency. A study on effectiveness of Early Literacy and Mathematics programme in Primary Schools of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Provision of Action Research to be undertaken by Teachers. Work Plan during 2014-15

23 Work Plan during 2012-13 Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision: Post enumeration survey of DISE data to be conducted through the independent agency. Study on Effective classroom transaction in Primary/Upper Primary Schools. A study implementation of 3R skill in Primary Schools of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Provision of Action Research to be undertaken by Teachers. Computed Aided Learning: Teachers Training on Computer skill and Computer Aided Learning to be imparted through IGNOU/private partners. Technology and Non-Technology Infrastructure to be provided to 20 uncovered schools under CAL. Work Plan during 2012-13 Work Plan during 2014-15

24 Work Plan during 2012-13 Community Mobilization: 06 days Community awareness training programme to 3264 SMC members & 59 members of Gram Panchayat/Municipal Council will be organized under Community mobilization. School Development plan to be prepared by School Management Committee. Jan Vanchan programme of DISE data to be organized for community member. SMC member and parents will be aware on Early Literacy and Mathematics programme at Primary level and enhancing skill of Science and Mathematics subject at Upper Primary level. Work Plan during 2012-13 Work Plan during 2014-15

25 Learning Enhancement Programme : Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation for children's understanding of knowledge and his or her ability to apply the same. implementation of Activity Based Learning (ABL) in all Primary Schools. Activity Lab and existing laboratory improvement at Upper Primary level. Programme to improve 3R (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) Skills. Introduction of English subject in class-I & class-II in all schools. Civil Works : Construction of In-progress 165 Additional classroom will be completed by adding additional fund from UT budget. Completion of In-progress 207 CWSN toilet modification. Work Plan during 2012-13 Work Plan during 2014-15

26 BUDGET PROPOSED FOR 2010-11 (Cont…)Sr.No.ActivityAmount 1 Transport/Escort Facility 59.37 2 Special Training for mainstreaming Out-of-School Children 6.72 3 Teaching Learning Equipment Grant 1.50 4 Teachers Salary 1070.40 5Training41.09 6 Academic support through Block Resource Centre 46.32 7 Academic support through Cluster Resource Centre 5.50 8 Computer Aided Education in UPS under Innovation 50.00 9 Teachers Grant 6.45 BUDGET PROPOSSED FOR 2014-15 ( in lakh) ( Rs. in lakh)

27 BUDGET PROPOSED FOR 2010-11 (Cont…)Sr.No.ActivityAmount 10 School Grant 22.34 11 Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision 6.00 12 Maintenance Grant 19.55 13 Intervention for CWSN 12.27 14Innovation47.36 15 SMC/PRI Training 9.97 16 Civil Works 526.44 17Management151.26 SSA Total…. 2082.54 18KGBV25.88 Grand Total (SSA + KGBV)…… 2108.42 BUDGET PROPOSSED FOR 2014-15 (in lakh) ( ` in lakh)

28 Thank you

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