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Rhythmic Fluency by Lance Piantaggini Overview - Why bother?

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2 Rhythmic Fluency by Lance Piantaggini

3 Overview - Why bother?

4 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons

5 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons -Scansion simplified scansion

6 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons -Scansion simplified scansion -Cola

7 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons -Scansion simplified scansion -Cola -Audio examples

8 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons -Scansion simplified scansion -Cola -Audio examples -Lingua Latīna card game

9 Overview - Why bother? -Macrons -Scansion simplified scansion -Cola -Audio examples -Lingua Latīna card game -Resources

10 Why bother? inclusion.

11 Why bother? inclusion. (oh, and it’s fun)

12 Why bother? When do you start poetry...3rd year...4th year?

13 Why bother? When do you start poetry...3rd year...4th year? What are your retention rates?

14 Why bother? When do you start poetry...3rd year...4th year? What are your retention rates? (how many of your students REALLY get to read poetry?)

15 Macrons required.

16 Macrons so you say they’re “used as a crutch?”

17 Macrons CAECILIVSESTPATER *This slide not approved by the North American Cambridge Classics Project for the purists...

18 Scansion absurd.

19 Scansion vs. Music about as silly as…

20 Scansion vs. Music about as silly as…

21 Music many music values...

22 Music


24 Scansion long or short Latin values...

25 Scansion WHY MARK BOTH?! Latin values...

26 simplified scansion arma virumque cano Troiae qui primus ab oris if you MUST scan...

27 simplified scansion arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs 0) Use macrons

28 simplified scansion arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs 0) Use macrons 1)Underline other long syllables

29 simplified scansion arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs 0) Use macrons 1) Underline other* long syllables (*2 consonant rule, diphthongs)

30 Scansion vs. simplified scansion arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs busy & destracting vs. clean & clear...

31 Cola meaningful.

32 Cola arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs many parts (feet) vs.

33 Cola arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs two (cola)...many parts (feet) vs.

34 Cola arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs Look, the pause aligns with the meaning!

35 Cola there are only a few rhythms, so use the power of music to help….

36 Activities α - Listen to audio files - Recite poetry - Scan some lines in groups (use Latin Scansion app) β - Sort vocab by syllables (use Google Doc) - Play card game

37 Standard Dactylic arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs

38 Standard Dactylic arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs Listen to the natural accentuation (on 2nd from last unless short, in which case on 3rd)

39 Standard Dactylic arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs busy, boring, bad... Unnatural accents emphasizing the “ictus” (downbeat) of the foot!

40 Dactylic Variations Ītaliam, fātō profugus, Lāvīniaque vēnit

41 Dactylic Variations lītora, multum ille et terrīs iactātus et altō

42 Dactylic Variations vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram

43 Dactylic arma virumque canō Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs Ītaliam fātō profugus Lāvīniaque vēnit lītora multum ille et terrīs iactātus et altō vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram

44 Hendecasyllables cēnābis bene mī fabulle apud mē paucīs sī tibi dī favent diēbus sī tēcum attuleris bonam atque magnam cēnam nōn sine candidā puellā

45 Scāzōn (Choliambic/Limping Iambic) Cūr saepe siccī parva rūra Nōmentī Lāremque vīllae sordidum petam, quaeris? nec cōgitandī Sparse nec quiescendī in urbe locus est pauperī negant vītam

46 Student Work

47 Rhythm Practice - Google Doc ( - Lingua LatīnaLingua Latīna

48 Advice avoid focusing on rules, but do teach them as needed: -“certē, syllaba longa est quia duae consonae sunt.” -“litterae l et r, facilē dictū, interdum secundae consonae nōn sunt. sīc, syllaba est brevis. -“diphthongus ae ūnum sonum habet; syllaba longa est.”

49 Advice consider using different terminology for vowels and syllables: a est littera/vocālis correpta ā est littera/vocālis prōducta ta in vocābulō “tabula” syllaba brevis est clā in vocābulō “clāmat” syllaba longa est

50 Resources for Teachers audio files podcasts lessons rants -Latin Scansion (app)Latin Scansion

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