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Used car retrieval system Group member: Wangxin Li Zhuoqing zhang Yiwei Wang.

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Presentation on theme: "Used car retrieval system Group member: Wangxin Li Zhuoqing zhang Yiwei Wang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Used car retrieval system Group member: Wangxin Li Zhuoqing zhang Yiwei Wang


3 outline Introduction Analyze Query Conclusion

4 outline Introduction Analyze Query Conclusion

5 it will be inconvenient for people to anywhere without a car the price of a new car is still too high for some group of people

6 Function & object Dealers can post detailed car information on the system, and customer could search the particular type of cars. Dealers can learn customer as well. Customers can write review for other customers to reference.

7 outline Introduction Analyze Query Conclusion

8 1. E-R model

9 2.Normalized table CUSTOMER (CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerPhone#, CustomerAddress, PriceRange) CAR (VinNumber, Make, Model, Years, Miles, Price, CARFAXReportNumber, CertifiedType, PreownerID, DealerID) PRE-OWNER (PreownerID, Age, Occupation, Gender, DealerID) DEALER (DealerID, DealerAddress, Ratings) ORDER (OrderNumber, OrderDate, CustomerID) REVIEW (CustomerID, DealerID, Comment) SEARCH (CustomerID, VinNumber, Date)

10 3. relationship

11 Attribute Attribute Description Data Type VinNumberID of carLong Text MakeBrand of carShort Text Model A type of car in particular brand Short Text YearsYear the car made inDate/Time MilesMiles run by the carNumber PriceThe price of CarNumber CARFAXReportNum ber ID of CARFAX reportNumber CertifiedType Whether the car has been certified Short Text PreownerID Primary key of Preowner Number DealerIDPrimary key of dealerNumber Attribute Attribute Description Data Type CustomerID Primary key of customer Number CustomerName The name of customer Short Text PhoneNumber Phone number of customer Long Text AddressCustomer addressShort Text PriceRangePrice range the customer prefered Short Text Table name :Car Table name :Customer Attribute Attribute Description Data Type DealerIDPrimary key of dealerNumber AddressDealer addressShort Text RatingsThe evaluate of dealer Number Table name :Dealer Attribute Attribute Description Data Type OrderNumberPrimary key of orderNumber OrderDateDate placed the orderShort Text CustomerIDPrimary key of cusromer Number Table name :Order 4.Data dictionary

12 Attribute Attribute Description Data Type PreownerID Primary key of preowner Number AgeAge of preownerNumber Occupation Occupation of preowner Short Text Gender Gender of the preowner Short Text DealerIDPrimary key of DealerNumber Attribute Attribute Description Data Type CustomerIDID of customerNumber DealerIDID of carLong Text commentCustomer’s comment to dealer Long Text Attribute Attribute Description Data Type CustomerIDID of customerNumber VinNumberID of carLong Text DateDate when customer select a car as favorite Date/Time Table name :Review Table name :Search Table name :Pre-owner

13 outline Introduction Analyze Query Conclusion

14 1.Select dealers and sort by the amount of comment


16 2.Select the dealers which possess the highest rating.

17 3. Select dealers whose rating is larger than three and select customer comment of them.


19 4. select name and rating of dealer who owns most kinds of car model types.

20 5.Select the car which has the least miles or with the lowest price

21 6. Select the price,dealer and information of the car which is selected as favorite by most customer


23 7. Select the top three of the most favorite car types.


25 outline Introduction Analyze Query Conclusion

26 Customers can find suitable cars Dealers can learn customers well

27 Thank you!

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