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Bender the Offender Final Presentation Chris Wells.

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Presentation on theme: "Bender the Offender Final Presentation Chris Wells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bender the Offender Final Presentation Chris Wells

2 Overview  Bender will look for two specific colors  Seeing Red will make Bender want to run away  Seeing Blue color will make Bender aggressive  Bender will also be able to seek out dark hiding places

3 Collision Avoidance  2 Front-Mounted Sharp IR Sensors  Each sensor’s value is the avg of 10 measurements  Movement via 2 hacked servos  Example of movement function: void left_stop() { if (LEFT_SPEED > LEFT_STOP) LEFT_SPEED += -2; }

4 Light/Dark Seeking  Array of Photo-resistors on top  When Bender is in seeking mode, data from the photo-sensor supersedes collision avoidance while(1) { DARK_FOUND = 0; if (HIDE_STATE) DARK_FOUND = light_sensor(); if (!DARK_FOUND) collision_avoidance(); }

5 Special Sensor Front-Mounted CMU Camera  Identify and react to seeing blobs of Red or Blue  First look for Red blob  If found, Bender will stop looking and run  If not found, check for Blue blob  If this color is found Bender will attack

6 Special Sensor Code for the CMU Camera  Send the following via serial interface to the CMU  Send “TC 150 255 0 30 0 30\r”  If a value is picked up go into run/hide mode  If not, send “TC 0 30 0 30 150 255\r”  If a value is picked up, turn Bender based on X value returned.

7 Current Form

8 Future Work  Mounting and coding the photo-sensors  Tracking for the CMU camera  Actuation – have a servo activate based on CMU data  Misc body work – not just rely on glue and tape to hold everything together

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