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Winter School 24th and 25th March 2011 Organized by.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter School 24th and 25th March 2011 Organized by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter School 24th and 25th March 2011 Organized by

2 15/10/2010 V 1.1 confidential 13:30 13:45Registration/coffee 13:45 14:00Welcome to Caen 14:00 15:30Jeffrey Snyder – Talk? Caltech Laboratory - California 15:30 17:00 Thermoelectric materials: focus on some state of the art intermetallics Dr. F. Gascoin, CRISMAT Laboratory 17:00 17:30Coffee break 24th March

3 15/10/2010 V 1.1 confidential 24th March 17:30 19:30An overview of oxides as thermoelectric materials (Tutorial) Low temperature thermoelectric properties (Visit/training) Seebeck, resistitivity Thermal connectivity (PPMS) Dr. Antoine Maignan, CRISMAT Director Dr. S. Hébert, Solid state physics team leader 20:00Dinner

4 25th March First Session 08:3008:45 registration and coffee 08:4510:30 Synthesis and processing of oxide and intermetallic thermoelectric materials Dr. F. Gascoin, CRISMAT Laboratory Dr. E. Guilmeau, CRISMAT Laboratory 10:3012:00 Thermoelectric applications: from material to devices Prof. Christophe Goupil, CRISMAT laboratory - CNRT Matériaux vice- director 12:0013:15 Lunch

5 13:1516:15 Visit of the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) apparatus: Experiments showing the fast sintering of intermetallic and oxide cobaltite thermoelectrics Visit of the high temperature thermoelectric properties Room: experiments on ZEM3 ULVAC-RIKO ( Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity) and Netzsch Laser Flash LFA457 ( Thermal conductivity) Dr. E.Guilmeau/F.Gascoin Other?Christophe? 16:1516:30 Closing remarks Coffee 25th March Second Session


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