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Latissimus Dorsi.

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Presentation on theme: "Latissimus Dorsi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latissimus Dorsi

2 Latissimus Dorsi Latissimus- means broadest Dorsi- means back
The latissimus dorsi is the broadest muscle of the back The latissimus dorsi forms a large fan shaped muscle, which takes up most of the back.

3 Anatomy of Latissimus Dorsi
Origin Iliac Crest (Pelvic Bone) Insertion Intertubercular Groove (Humerus)

4 What does the latissimus dorsi do?
The primary function of the latissimus dorsi is to pull the arm towards the pelvis. It is responsible for extension, adduction, rotation of the shoulder joint Also it is used for extension and lateral flexion of the lumbar spine.

5 Common “lat” injuries. Common injuries of the latissimus dorsi include. Muscle Strain Muscle ruptures Muscle Tears Commonly caused by lifting too much to early.

6 Injury prevention Warming up the latissimus dorsi through stretching.
Appropriate lifting technique Appropriate amount of weight for lifting. Strengthening the muscle to withstand sport injuries.

7 Latissimus Dorsi Exercises
Reverse Flys Shoulder Rotation with Resistance Band Resistance Band Pull Backs Resistance Band Pull Downs Resistance Band Adduction Lat Pull Down Bent Over Row Pull Ups Machine Row Back Extension on Exercise Ball

8 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Lat pull-downs

9 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Bent over row

10 Latissimus dorsi exercises

11 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Machine Row

12 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Back Extension on Exercise Ball

13 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Reverse Fly

14 Latissimus dorsi exercises

15 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Resistance Band Pull Backs

16 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Resistance Band Pull Downs

17 Latissimus dorsi exercises
Resistance Band Adduction

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