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the biomarker company™

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Presentation on theme: "the biomarker company™"— Presentation transcript:

1 the biomarker company™
Delivering Biomarker Discovery Data to Customers and Collaborators using Posters Keith Joho, Ph.D. Vice President, Informatics and Bioanalytical Operations

2 Low MW (Metabolome) Proteome Cytometry (SurroScanTM cytometer)
Biomarker Discovery Her2 Cells CD4+ T-cells Clinical Phenotype Homocysteine Cholesterol PSA CRP ? Glucose TG Insulin HbA1C Complex Systems Simple molecules metabolites carbohydrates steroids lipids peptides proteins protein complexes Mass Spectrometry Low MW (Metabolome) Proteome Immunoassays Cytometry (SurroScanTM cytometer) eCRF, eMR SurroMed Technologies: Gene chip mRNA/genes cells patients

3 SurroMed Data Warehouse
Oracle Cytometry LIMS Clinical eCRF EMR ELISA Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Metabolomic

4 SurroStat™ Architecture
CLIENTS HTTP/ HTTPS Web Server S-Plus AS Sun ONE J2EE Application Server Oracle Posters Decision Site JSP EJB Servlets SurroStat™ JDBC

5 SurroStat™ Spotfire Integration

6 SurroMed Posters Architecture
Customer A Publish HTTPS Customer B DecisionSite Server (Production) Posters DecisionSite Server (Internal) Posters Data Warehouse HTTPS HTTPS Customer C Posters Repository User Profile Database Posters Repository User Profile Database Surromed Internal Network Internet DMZ

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