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Illustrations MOAC Lesson 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Illustrations MOAC Lesson 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illustrations MOAC Lesson 8

2 Insert Tab Allows you to insert pictures, Clip Art, screenshots, WordArt, SmartArt, shapes, charts, etc. Embedded Object: an object that is inserted into a document that becomes part of the document (not separate) Linked Object: an object that is linked to the document but does not become part of the document

3 Cropping/Scaling Pictures
Cropping: Removing the unwanted parts out of a picture Picture Tools Format > Size Group Scaling: Adjusting the height and width of a graphic proportionally Size Dialog Box > Lock Aspect Ratio

4 Picture Styles Allow you to apply preset styles to a picture
Picture Tools Format > Picture Styles Group Can also modify the styles Picture Border Picture Effects Picture Layout

5 Caption Text that usually appears beneath the picture providing the reader with a description of the picture The captions are SmartArt graphics To add captions: Picture Tools Format > Picture Styles > Picture Layout

6 Adjusting Pictures Remove Background: allows you to remove the background of the picture Corrections: Allows you to sharpen and soften pictures as well as adjust the contrast and brightness Artistic Effects: allows you to apply cool effects (filters) to pictures

7 Adjusting Pictures Compress Picture: reduces the size of the picture
Change Picture: allows you to switch pictures, but the picture will be the same size as the original Reset Picture: Removes formatting of the picture

8 Arranging Text Around a Picture
Position: Places the picture at an exact spot in the document Wrap Text: Allows text to wrap around a picture Inline Object: Picture is located on the same line as text Floating Object: Picture can be clicked and dragged anywhere in the document

9 Screenshots/Screen Clipping
Screenshot: takes a picture of the entire computer screen Screen Clipping: takes a picture of part of the computer screen

10 Source John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2012). Microsoft Official Academic Course Microsoft Word 2013, Exam

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