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Mrs. Geimer’s 3rd Grade Class Welcome to our Learning Cottage!

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2 Mrs. Geimer’s 3rd Grade Class Welcome to our Learning Cottage!

3 Schedule 7:30-7:40Students unpack, fill in agenda, do Math Boxes, and make lunch choice. 7:40-7:50Husky TV 7:50-8:20 Math Intervention/Acceleration Block 7:45-8:20 (Gabby and Yesenia) @ Ms. Walker (Writing) 8:20-9:10 Everyday Math 8:50-9:10 (Gabby and Yesenia) @ Ms. Walker (Reading) 8:50-9:20 (Charles and Genevieve) @ Mrs. Bowman (Speech) (T/Th) 9:10-9:45 Science 9:10-9:35 (Gabby and Yesenia) @ Ms. Walker (Reading) Shared Reading 9:45-10:35 Related Arts A: Computer Lab, B: Spanish, C: Art, D:Music, E: PE, F: Art 10:35-11:22Writing Workshop 11:22-11:42Lunch 11:42-11:55 Energizer Break in Classroom Students have opportunity to go to restroom, participate in student-led exercise activity or get an early start on Media Center time during recess. 11:55-12:15Recess 12:20-12:50 Reading Intervention/Acceleration/Kite-ll Block 12:30-1:00 (Gabby and Yesenia) @ Ms. Walker (Math) 12:50-1:20 South Carolina History Mrs. Tamayo comes in to work with Nayzhet Shared Reading 1:20-2:10 Reading Workshop Focus Lesson & Guided Reading/Strategy Groups 2:10-2:20 Afternoon Meeting Basket Cleaning

4 What about Mrs. Geimer? My husband, Ian, and I have been married for 2 years. He works at Lexington Baptist Church. We have one dog. He is a puggle. His name is Sammy. I have been teaching for 4 years. I have taught third grade in Charlotte, NC and fourth grade at CSES.

5 Credentials I graduated from Liberty University in 2008 with a B.S. degree in Elementary Education. I am certified to teach K-6 in VA, NC, and SC. I consider myself to be a life-long learner. I will always be looking for new creative and innovative teaching strategies.

6 Related Arts A Day Computer B DaySpanish C DayArt D DayMusic E Day P.E. F DayArt This is a 6 day rotation.

7 CSE Huskie Pledge Be Caring Be Caring Be Respectful Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Responsible Be Trustworthy Be Trustworthy *We encourage our parents to learn the pledge along with our students. We say the school pledge after announcements along with the Pledge of Allegiance.

8 Blaze Bucks Students receive Blaze Bucks as a reward for positive behavior. Every Friday, students have the opportunity to win a prize when all the Blaze Bucks are turned into the office for a drawing.

9 Agenda & Take Home Folder Agendas go home daily, please keep a check on your child’s work. Please tell your child if you put a note in their agenda. That way they can show it to me Take home folders come home every Monday (if we have material to come home) Please send back any items in the “Return to School” side

10 Homework Your child will have homework assignments some nights (with the exception of Fridays!). Homework is listed on the newsletter. Homework reinforces what is taught in class and allows practice with the skills. I do not give much homework but what I do give is very important. **Reading Homework every night

11 Attendance Make up work will be given when the child returns to school. Appropriate time will be allowed based on the length of the absence.

12 Communication 821-5100

13 Language Arts Reading Workshop Stories from Textbook Chapter Books Leveled Readers Basic Skills: Sentence Structure, Parts of Speech, comprehension strategies, etc. Writing Workshop Rubric Friendly Letters, Narratives, Expository, Journal Word Study will be added in a few weeks!

14 Swinging in Math Mathematical Processes Multiplicatio n Addition & Subtraction Numbers and Operatio ns Geometr y Probability & Data Collection Algebra Measurement

15 Science Plants Forces and Sound Rocks, Minerals, Soil and Landforms Heat and Matter Animals Health

16 SC History Colonial Times Revolutionary War Civil War State Geography State Symbols State Regions Government Reconstruction of S.C.

17 Clip Chart & Data Journal

18 Let’s Have A GREAT Year!! *Encourage your child to do his/her best, and have faith in your child! *I am looking forward to a successful year! *Thank you for coming!

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