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My Life’s a Circle. Matter Cycles n the movement of INORGANIC materials from the atmosphere or soil into living ORGANISMS and back again.

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Presentation on theme: "My Life’s a Circle. Matter Cycles n the movement of INORGANIC materials from the atmosphere or soil into living ORGANISMS and back again."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Life’s a Circle

2 Matter Cycles n the movement of INORGANIC materials from the atmosphere or soil into living ORGANISMS and back again.


4 WATER CYCLE n EVAPORATION - liquid to gas n PRECIPITATION - gas to liquid n Organisms return water to the atmosphere through TRANSPIRATION, PERSPIRATION, and EXCRETION


6 Carbon/Oxygen Cycle n Photosynthesis – plants use CARBON DIOXIDE and release OXYGEN n Respiration – plants and animals use OXYGEN and release CARBON DIOXIDE

7 Carbon/Oxygen Cycle n Burning of FOSSIL FUELS increases the amount of CARBON DIOXIDE in the atmosphere. n This may be increasing the temperature. n (GREENHOUSE effect)


9 Nitrogen Cycle n Nitrogen is necessary to make AMINO ACIDS n Nitrogen FIXATION is done by plants containing rhizobium bacteria. n DENITRIFICATION is the returning of nitrogen into the atmosphere

10 Population n A group of individuals of the same SPECIES that live in the same AREA at the same TIME.

11 Population growth rate n CHANGE IN THE # OF INDIVIDUALS TIME

12 Biotic Potential n The rate at which a POPULATION will grow if all individuals SURVIVE and REPRODUCE at maximum capacity.

13 Growth Curve n Lag Phase – little or no increase in a population n Exponential Phase – population DOUBLES in a specific time interval and keeps DOUBLING in increasingly shorter periods of time.

14 Exponential Phase Time Lag Phase

15 Carrying Capacity n The MAXIMUM number of individuals that the ecosystem is capable of SUPPORTING.

16 Carrying Capacity Lag Phase Exponential Phase Time

17 Limits to Growth n Density-dependent factors n Density-independent factors

18 Density-dependent factors n As the DENSITY changes, these factors change n Space n Food n Predators

19 Density-independent factors n Factors that affect population that have nothing to do with DENSITY n Climate changes n Natural disaster

20 Oh Deer!

21 Succession n The gradual, SEQUENTIAL replacement of POPULATIONS in an area

22 Pioneer Species n The first SPECIES to colonize an area

23 Seral Community n Intermediate COMMUNITIES

24 Climax Community n A community that will remain STABLE as long as it is left undisturbed


26 Primary succession n The sequential REPLACEMENT of populations of an area that has not previously supported LIFE n Example: Sand dunes, volcanic rock, glaciers removing soil, pavement

27 Secondary succession n The sequential REPLACEMENT of populations in DISRUPTED habitats that have not been totally stripped of soil and vegetation. n Example: FOREST FIRE, LOGGING, FARMING, MINING n Old field succession – Replacement of populations in abandoned farm fields

28 Succession in lakes n The transformation of CRYSTAL CLEAR BODIES OF WATER to dry LAND

29 Eutrophication n An increase in the amount of NUTRIENTS in an environment

30 Oligotrophic n A lake that is so low in NUTRIENTS that few organisms can LIVE in it.

31 Eutrophic n A lake with many NUTRIENTS in it.

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