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ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: Atmospheric circulations transport matter, gases, particles, energy and momentum.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: Atmospheric circulations transport matter, gases, particles, energy and momentum."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: Atmospheric circulations transport matter, gases, particles, energy and momentum. Breakout session: 5c Recorder: Breakout session: 5c Recorder:

2 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Initial Comments ► Q: Circulation or circulations? ► Q: Transport momentum or transfer momentum? ► Q: Where are forces covered? ► Q: EP1: Structure and composition of atmosphere should be in EP1? Should include aerosols, basic chemical structure, and ionosphere (including upper atmosphere) ► Q: EP2: Should include sun variability and other forces (IR heating (indirect solar response), Coriolis force, etc) which gives rise to the circulation. ► Q: EP 4: The atmosphere changes over time and space giving rise to weather, climate, and space weather. (reword) ► Point: These fundamental concepts link to other essential principles and should reinforce the system approach.

3 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #1 ► Patterns of motion/circulation can be observed at different levels from the global to local. The spin of the earth and differences in atmospheric heating/pressure establish the basic circulation.

4 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #2 ► The atmosphere transports water vapor and particles that impact the formation and development of precipitation and weather systems. It is an important component of the global water cycle. There is a dynamic relationship between atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere.

5 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #3 ► Atmosphere transport produces episodic events of energy exchanges resulting in cyclones, hurricanes, tornados and other extreme weather and climate effects.

6 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #4 ► Circulation(s) distribute energy, water, gases, particles, globally establishing climate, weather, and upper atmosphere patterns that can be beneficial or detrimental to the health of the planet and the health of individuals (air quality, pollution, droughts, floods, wildfire, severe storms, stratospheric ozone, satellite, and communication systems, power grids).

7 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #5 ► Energy exchanges occur at the atmospheric boundaries which in turn have an interface with the ocean, land, space, and sun. These energy exchanges drive circulation(s). (Latent heating, conduction, convection, sensible heat, radiation, albedo, density differences, absorption, particle heating).

8 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #6 ► Matter exchanges at the atmospheric boundaries affect other important cycles that are essential to life (carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis, fresh water).

9 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #7 and #8 ► Technology enables us to observe, model, and predict circulation transports in the atmosphere (EP 6) ► Human activities contribute to change in atmospheric circulation patterns (EP 7)

10 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Concluding Remarks ► What are the properties of a system? ► Concern that we are not addressing system issues and that this process is reinforcing existing paradigms.

11 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Final Step ► At the end of the breakout session, the Recorder should save this file, using the following naming convention: ascl_breakout_.ppt eg., ascl_breakout_6c.ppt ► Once you have saved the file, please transfer it to your session’s OPL, who will upload it for use in the following plenary.

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