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Published byBarnaby Gregory Modified over 9 years ago
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting0 CDF Performance and Improvements Detectors, Triggers, Offline, and Analysis Algorithms CDF Collaboration
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting1 Data Taking Efficiencies Initial Luminosity (10 30 cm -1 s -1 ) Data Taking Efficiency Thanks to the Accelerator Div. Detector/trigger/DAQ downtime ~5% Beam Conditions, Start/end stores ~5% Trigger deadtime ~5%: our choice ~85% of Run IIb Upgrade Projects were commissioned with beam during this period. Record 1.4 x 10 32 2002 2003 2004 2005 83.5%
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting2 Data for Physics COT Compromised Period QCD Electroweak B Top Sep-Dec ‘05 Shutdown Recorded Data up to Aug. 23, 2005 Recorded: 950 pb -1 Physics: 620 ~ 880 pb -1 Data up to Aug. 2004 Recorded: 530 pb -1 Physics: 320 - 470 pb -1 Store Number (Aug.23,2005)
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting3 Spring-Summer ’05 Highlights (Data up to Aug. 2004) hep-ex/0508051 M top : 5 papers in preparation Top mass l+jets Z’: 1 paper in preparation MSSM Higgs in ’s: paper submitted Z’ in ee CDF Run II Prelim. (448 pb -1 ) B s Mixing pub.: wait for better results CDF Run II Preliminary (Semileptonic + Hadronic) 95% CL Limit - 7.9 ps -1 (355 pb -1 ) M top CDF = 172.2 ± 3.7 GeV ~2% accuracy
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting4 Run II Publication Status 2005 Goal: –40 papers submitted 2005 Status: –20 papers - submitted (9 published, 2 accepted) –10 papers - drafts under collaboration’s review Results approved by CDF physics groups Drafts approved by internal reviewers –“Godparents committee” assigned for each paper. –27 papers - under godparents committee’s review Results approved by CDF physics groups year2001 First Collision Commissioning 2002 First Phys. data 200320042005 so far # submitted 41720
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting5 Current Status and Preparation for Future
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting6 CDF Detectors Performing very well. Even Run IIb Detectors! - Operational since early 2006
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting7 CDF Detectors Run IIb Upgrades: –Central Preshower Detector Replacing with a finer segmentation system Electron tagger, / separation Installed fall 2004 –Electromagnetic Timing New system for rejecting beam-halo and cosmic ray Searches with (e.g. GMSB SUSY, long-lived particles) Installed fall 2004 For the future, tracking systems are our main concerns.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting8 Tracking Performance: COT and Silicon COT Aging - Fully Recovered –Aging due to hydrocarbons coating sense wires –Fixed by adding Oxygen –Fully recovered May 2004 –99.7% working! Silicon detector lifetime is a complex issue involving –Component failures ~93% powered; ~84% working + 4% recoverable in offline Secondary vertex trigger requires 4 layers: 21 out of 24 wedges –Beam incidents lost ~2% of chips: conditions improved, but still concern –Long-term radiation damage COT Gain vs. Time Jan.2002 Aug.2005 May 2004
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting9 Silicon Detectors Radiation damage –> 90% of total radiation is due to collisions: NIM A514, 188-193 (2003) –Bias voltage scans as luminosity accumulates Study collected charge (hits on tracks) and mean noise Measurements agree with predictions up to 1 fb -1. Efforts to increase the Silicon lifetime –Lowered Silicon operating temp. gradually from -6 o C to -10 o C. –Thermally isolated SVX from COT inert regions such that the silicon can be kept cold during COT work. Lifetime 0 10 fb -1 20 fb -1 30 fb -1 40 fb -1 8 fb -1 Predicted Silicon Lifetime
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting10 Offline Software & Computing Readiness
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting11 Data Reconstruction Recently achieved 6 week turn-around time between data taking and availability of physics-quality data with final calibrations. –This reduced resource needs (person and computing). Reconstruction algorithms are stable since January 2005. –Incorporated Run II detector upgrades. –No major changes anticipated in the future. Ave. inv. mass at Z peak [GeV] Run Number (up to July 20, 2005) M(e + e - ) [GeV/c 2 ] CDF Run2 Prelim. L=790 pb -1 CDF Run2 Prelim. L=790 pb -1 Data up to July 20, 2005 yellow band: ±0.5% E scale
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting12 Data Reconstruction CDF Production executable is fast. –~110 million events / week –50 streams: high p T e, , , jet, Hadronic B, J/ , J/ ee, …. –The ave. executable time increases by x2.5 from L peak = 1x10 32 cm -2 s -1 to 3x10 32 cm -2 s -1. We have already demonstrated this capacity. –Plan to process all the data until the end of Run II at Fermilab. Number of data events written to tape by Production Farm Aug 23 - Sep 3, 2005
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting13 Monte Carlo Simulation and Production Detector simulation reaching maturity - matching data –Incorporated detector configuration changes with time –Incorporated multiple interactions for data instantaneous luminosity Increasing access to global computing resources (GRID philosophy) to match physics needs. –Running on worldwide computing clusters - shared with LHC ~100% of MC samples are generated outside of US. Planning data analysis centers at remote sites –Physics analyses produced with remotely located datasets –Italian inst.s, Karlsruhe: J/ lifetime, B tagging, Single top –Worldwide computing resources transparent to physicists. Aim to support more computing with fewer FTEs
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting14 Alignments, Calibrations, Algorithms
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting15 Tracking and High p T Lepton Status COT Tracking –Alignment: wire positions aligned better than 10 m –Efficiency: 99.6% (isolated tracks), > 96% (non-isolated tracks) Silicon Tracking –Alignment: internal - 5 m, w.r.t. COT < 10 m –Efficiency: 94% with r- , 83% with r- and z –Misidentified: 0.5% - 1.5% High p T Electron Identification –Efficiency: 82-93%, Misidentified jets: ~10 -4 High p T Muon Identification –Efficiency: 93%, Misidentified jets: ~10 -4 Numbers are stable with time, instantaneous luminosity up to 10 32 cm -1 s -1.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting16 Momentum and Energy Scale Status Understand passive material well: see E/p tail Momentum scale: flat over a large p T range. M W uncertainty due to P, E scale Run II current (Run Ib) : 30 (87) MeV, e: 70 (80) MeV better than Run Ib E / p of W electrons p / p = - 0.0013 ± 0.0001 1 / p T (GeV -1 ) + - mass (GeV) near Upsilon p / p = - 0.0010 ± 0.0001 J/ + - mass vs 1/p T pppp Data MC Simulation
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting17 Forward Tracking and Lepton Improvements Forward leptons –Acceptance improvements (e.g. 30% for SM Higgs) Forward tracking, Forward electrons(used for many analyses) Forward muons: –efforts in improving triggers and algorithms |||| Electrons without tracks > 90% up to | | < 3 Electrons with tracks e.g. W charge Asym. Tracks Efficiency
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting18 B and Tau Tagging: Status / Improvements Ongoing efforts: Increasing efficiency / reducing fake rate (better algorithms) increasing acceptance (forward region) 3rd generation is important: Top, Higgs, SUSY, … Better algorithms: Neural Network Forward Loose (1.8% mistag) Tight (0.6% mistag) Sec. Vertex B Tagging Hadronic Tau Jet mis-id (%) efficiency (%) E vis (GeV) E jet (GeV)
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting19 E Jet Scale & Resolution: Status / Improvements Jet energy scale uncertainty: precision meas.s (M top ), searches(Higgs) now ~2.5% uncertainty for jets in top decays further improvements: generators, higher order QCD better scale for E T > 100 GeV region complete by end of this year Jet energy resolution: searches (Higgs, …) currently 17%, goal 10-11% (jets from M W =120GeV) further improvements: combine track, calorimeter Info: 2% expand cone size: 2% b-jet specific corrections:1-2% better algorithms: 1-2% complete by spring 2006 bb invariant mass (GeV) M higgs = 120 GeV Scale Corrections 0 50 100 150 200 250 Resolution Improvements No corrections 17% resolution 0.2 1.0 0 0.2 1.0 0 10% resolution
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting20 Algorithms for B s mixing: Status / Improvements Complex meas.s involving many detector systems and analysis tools –Triggering: optimized SVT algorithms –Reconstruction modes Currently adding B s D s 3 (x1.5) Will add B s D s * by summer 2006 Currently adding B s D s l sample using SVT 2-track triggers (x2) –Tagging ( D 2 ) e, , jet charge (1.5%) Same-side K tagging in progress (~2%) –Decay length resolution Improving vertex resolution by 10~20% for larger m s Implementing into analysis by fall 2005 –Reducing systematic uncertainties by fall 2005 Hadronic modes - better calibration in flavor tagging Semileptonic modes - better understanding of backgrounds
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting21 High Lum. Impact on Reconstruction / Physics Understanding Tracking, B-tagging Performance at 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 – ~ 10 –Data vs primary vertices vs bunch-by-bunch lum. –MC + multiple interactions –Work in progress Developing Analysis Techniques –W Mass MTWMTW 0.2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 1.0 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 2.0 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 3.0 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 p T lepton 7 8 9 10 Tracking performance vs. # vertices Z ee events
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting22 Instantaneous Luminosity: 2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (IIa) 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (IIb) –Ave # of interactions = 10, more hits / event Level-1: Tracking Triggers –low p T tracks + hits from extra interactions mimic high p T tracks –Lower purity higher Level-1 trigger rate –Upgrade: 2D to 3D tracking high purity and lower rate Level-2: Decision System and Secondary Vertex Trigger –Upgrade: Lower processing time higher bandwidth, more flexible DAQ, Level-3 computing, Data Logging: –Upgrade: higher bandwidth + event size increase Run IIb Trigger / DAQ Upgrades
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting23 DAQ / Trigger Specifications Run IIa Specification Run IIa Achieved (typical) Run IIb Specification Luminosity0.9 x 10 32 3.0 x 10 32 Level-1 Accept45 kHz25 kHz *30 kHz Level-2 Accept300 Hz350 Hz1000 Hz Event Builder75 MB/s 500 MB/s Level-3 Accept75 Hz80 Hz100 Hz Data Logging20 MB/s 60 MB/s Deadtime Trigger5% 5% + 5% ** Run IIa Level-1 Accept not achieved due to higher than specified Silicon Readout and Level-2 Trigger execution times. ** Assume ~5% from readout and ~5% from L2 processing
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting24 Run IIb Project Status Trigger and DAQ Upgrades –Level-1 Track Trigger (XFT): Add z (stereo) info for 3D tracking - In production –COT TDC modification to achieve L2 rate of 1000 Hz (readout time) 12 out of 20 crates are operational. –Level 2 decision system: faster,flexible - operational since April 2005 –Level 2 Silicon Vertex Trigger (SVT) Faster - 3 step upgrade: the first 2 steps are operational. –Event Builder: operational since August 2005 –Level-3 Computing Farm 1st procurement(64 PCs) in place-replace current system in Nov’05 2nd procurement(64 PCs) - ~Jan.06 –Data Logging (20 MB/s 60 MB/s) 1st step operational (~35MB/s), complete by end of 2005 Installation & commissioning parasitically with minimal impact on operations.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting25 Run IIb Upgrade Status Very successful so far: –85% complete –Will finish by early 2006 Upgrade success due to: –Highly successful Run IIa detector/trigger design & operation –Carefully targeted to specific high luminosity needs –This allowed for incremental and parasitic implementation and commissioning with minimal impact on operations. –Some cases (e.g. COT TDC), instead of building new detectors, we gradually improved the systems.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting26 Physics Triggers for 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting27 Extrapolation to 3 x 10 32 cm -1 s -1 at 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 ~3% of Level-2 bandwidth ~50% of Level-2 bandwidth. Reduce to ~10 % with XFT upgrade Triggers are sensitive to multiple interactions. Measure cross section vs # of primary interaction vertices. Calculate cross sec vs lum. using Poisson distribution of # of primary vertices. Good agreement with bunch-by-bunch data. Stereo confirmation of tracking triggers Level-2 high p T electron Level-2 high p T muon (0.6 < | | < 1.1) Average luminosity (36 bunches) Bunch-by-bunch luminosity a highly non-linear behavior trigger rate = cross section x L
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting28 Extrapolation to 3 x 10 32 cm -1 s -1 ~1/3 of Level-2 bandwidth at 3x10 32 cm -2 s -1 : studying further improvements Studied triggers for “full” high p T physics program: ~2/3 of bandwidth. Aim for 50% of bandwidth Cross sections of high p T triggers (high p T e, , ,jet,E T ) with Level-1 upgrade Covers W, Z, Top, WH, ZH, H WW, SUSY (partial), LED, Z’
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting29 Physics Triggers at 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Trigger Table in current operations is good to ~1.5 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 –Kept improving as luminosity increases. Significant efforts! Trigger Table for ~3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 –high p T physics program - aim for 50% –The remaining bandwidth will be given to B physics Strategy: Developed high purity triggers for high luminosity while keeping inclusive heavy flavor triggers at low luminosity. Level-1,2 upgrades improve purity, reduce processing time. Other tools being implemented: –vetoing high multiplicity events –Final decision on the trigger composition based on physics priority and purity of triggers –Straw Trigger Table ready by October 2005. 66% 34% L peak = 3 x 10 32 In 3.5 hours, L < 1.5 x 10 32 hours L (10 32 )
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting30 Concluding Remarks: CDF Strategies
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting31 Concluding Remarks CDF experiment is operating well. Better than ever! –Typical data taking efficiencies in the mid 80%’s with increasing inst. Luminosity and Run IIb commissioning –All detectors are in excellent conditions –Stable offline software –Established fast calibrations, data processing scheme –Good detector simulation –MC production at remote sites Challenging ahead… –x2 higher instantaneous luminosity –x8 higher integrated luminosity –Resources going down CDF Strategies in preparation for the future –Planning ahead: we have been identifying those areas that need further development and are beginning to address them immediately. Goal is to complete the work by early 2006.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting32 Concluding Remarks (cont.) To be done by the end of 2005 or early 2006 –Complete Run IIb upgrades (~85% currently operational) Expected to be done by the end of this year. –Physics trigger table up to 3 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 being prepared. Straw Trigger Table by October 2005 –Tuning simulation Need one more iteration for analyses with L > 1 fb -1 –Calibrations and algorithms that require large resources Reducing Jet energy scale uncertainty –Need one more iteration for analyses with L > 1 fb -1 Implementing algorithms for better Jet energy resolution Improving forward tracking and B tagging –Preparing reconstruction algorithms for high inst. Lum. Tracking B tagging
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting33 Concluding Remarks (cont.) Looking forward to Summer 2006 conferences Results with x3 increase in statistics over Summer 2005 Report on > 10 x Run I Luminosity !! The upcoming years will be an exciting time with increasing statistics Discovery through searches Discovery through precision experiments CDF Experience: –With ~4 pb -1, Top limits set –With ~20 pb -1, Evidence paper out! –With ~65 pb -1, Discovery paper out! Hoping for new discovery with ~1 fb -1 New physics could appear with every factor of 3~4. CDF is committed to operating well and analyze the data through 2009.
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting34 Back-up Slides
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting35 Upgrading Silicon Vertex Trigger (SVT) 3 step upgrade: first two steps complete and operational As expected, core of timing stays the same, but tails are significantly reduced. Bigger improvements expected later. SVT processing time ( s) Run 203624 Sep.1 2005 Run 203325 Aug.26 2005
CDF Performance and Improvements: Young-Kee Kim (U.Chicago), Sept.12 2005, P5 Meeting36 Future B Triggers Current B triggers –High bandwidth tracks and leptons at L1, followed by SVT at L2. What we’ve done so far –Developed high purity triggers for high lum, while keeping inclusive heavy flavor triggers at low lum. 2 tracks - vetoing high multiplicity events Transverse mass requirement 2 tracks + For the future –XFT (L1) and SVT (L2) will improve purity and reduce L2 processing time. –Multi track combination - dedicated +track trigger. –Kinematic variable requirements with stereo information at L2. Upgraded L2 decision is extremely flexible (firmware). B program will not be fully active at peak lum, but we will continue to accumulate large hadronic B samples throughout the life of CDF.
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