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درس امروز بررسی عضلات ناحیه سوپرا و اینفراهایوئید

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Presentation on theme: "درس امروز بررسی عضلات ناحیه سوپرا و اینفراهایوئید"— Presentation transcript:

1 درس امروز بررسی عضلات ناحیه سوپرا و اینفراهایوئید
بررسی عضلات دهنده چهره بررسی اسکالپ

2 Neck triangles

3 Infrahyoid & Suprahyoid regions

4 Infrahyoid muscles Thyroid Omo-hyoid Sterno-hyoid Strno-thyroid
Thyro-hyoid ORIGIN Scapula, Sternum INSERTION Thyroid cartilage, Hyoid bone ACTION Depresses thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone NERVE Ansa cervicalis nerve (C1,2,3)

5 Omo-hyoid Sterno-hyoid Strno-thyroid Thyro-hyoid ORIGIN: Scapula, Sternum INSERTION: Thyroid cartilage, Hyoid bone ACTION: Depresses thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone NERVE: Ansa cervicalis nerve (C1,2,3)

6 Suprahyoid muscles Digastric Stylo-hyoid Mylo-hyoid Geni-ohyoid

7 Digastric ORIGIN Anterior belly: mental, posterior belly : mastoid
INSERTION Fibrous loop to hyoid bone ACTION Elevates hyoid in swallowing NERVE Anterior belly: mylohyoid nerve (V). posterior belly: facial nerve (VII)

8 Stylohyoid ORIGIN Styloid process INSERTION Hyoid bone
ACTION Elevates hyoid bone NERVE Mandibular branch of facial nerve (VII)

9 Mylohyoid ORIGIN Mylohyoid line on mandible INSERTION Hyoid bone
ACTION Elevates hyoid bone. supports floor of mouth NERVE Mylohyoid nerve (V)

10 Geniohyoid ORIGIN Mental spine in mandible INSERTION Hyoid bone
ACTION Elevates hyoid bone. Depresses mandible NERVE C1 fibers

11 Hyoglossus ORIGIN Hyoid bone INSERTION Tongue ACTION Depresses tongue
NERVE Hypoglossal nerve (XII)

12 Review Anterior

13 Neck triangles

14 Posterior triangles

15 Anterior triangles







22 S: The skin on the head from which head hair grows.
C: Connective tissue. A thin layer of fat. A: The aponeurosis called epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica). L: The loose connective tissue. P: The pericranium is the periosteum of the skull bones.


24 aponeurosis

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