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Modern State of Israel. SS7H2B EQ: How do anti-Semitism, Zionism, the Holocaust, and the Jewish religious connection to the land form modern Israel?

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Presentation on theme: "Modern State of Israel. SS7H2B EQ: How do anti-Semitism, Zionism, the Holocaust, and the Jewish religious connection to the land form modern Israel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern State of Israel

2 SS7H2B EQ: How do anti-Semitism, Zionism, the Holocaust, and the Jewish religious connection to the land form modern Israel?

3 How did Anti-Semitism form Modern Israel? 33CE: Jews killed Jesus. That is when people started hating the Jews.

4 How did Anti-Semitism form Modern Israel? Jews were allowed into other European countries. They became bankers, lawyers, scientists, etc… They were TOO SUCCESSFUL. People began to hate them more. JEALOUS. Russian Jews were forced to live in ghettos. Pogroms, mass killings, were happening in Russian empire. 1880’s Dreyfus Affair- France 1890,s Nazi Holocaust 1939-1945 Palestinian Arabs: they had their land taken away.


6 1880’s Russian Pogroms “to wreak havoc” A massacre that lasted 1 to several days Overcome with anger at the murder of his father Alexander II at the hands of revolutionaries, the young czar Alexander II immediately blamed the Jews Jealousy of Jewish economic advances & malice erupted into violence

7 1890’s Dreyfus Affair Alfred Dreyfus was a high-ranking Jewish captain in the French army accused of selling army secrets to the Germans. He was convicted of treason and imprisoned on Devil’s Island. Four years later, the famous writer Emil Zola exposed the affair with his open letter entitled ‘J’accuse!’ A Catholic officer was the REAL traitor, but they kept Alfred Dreyfus in jail ANYWAY. The public protested so, the French pardoned him in 1906.

8 How did Zionism form Modern Israel? Zionism is the Jewish desire to live in Israel. Started 1800’s… – Russian pogroms – Dreyfus Affair Jews began to try to move to Israel. They had no rights because the Ottomans were in control. Ottomans were anti-semantic. “There’s no place like home!”

9 Jewish emigration from Russia 1880-1928 DestinationNumber Australia5,000 Canada70,00 Europe240,000 Israel45,000 South Africa45,000 South America111,000 USA1,749,000


11 How did the Holocaust form Modern Israel? 1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor for Germany, which was suffering from defeat in World War 1. “Final Solution”- the Nazi plan to eliminate all Jews from Europe Germany’s economic problems are because of YOU!!!

12 How did the Holocaust form Modern Israel? Jews lost their rights (jobs & education) and were forced to move into the ghettos. They had to wear the Star of David on their clothing to mark them as a “dirty Jew” Forced into concentration camps 6 million murdered or died of starvation and disease Work Makes You Free

13 How did the Holocaust form Modern Israel? The world was astonished after finding out about the atrocities of the Holocaust. 1950 - The U.N. gave the Jews the State of Israel The Law of Return

14 How does the Jewish religious connection to the land form Modern Israel? Yahweh, Jehovah God, told Abraham to go to “a land He would show him”, Israel. This land would belong to his descendants through his son, Isaac, and the Israelites.

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