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Introduction of a Web-CMS (Content Management System) to a HEP environment Carsten Germer DESY IT WebOffice.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction of a Web-CMS (Content Management System) to a HEP environment Carsten Germer DESY IT WebOffice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction of a Web-CMS (Content Management System) to a HEP environment Carsten Germer DESY IT WebOffice

2 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems1 The Project  Web Office @ DESY since 2003  Project of IT and PR  Planning and staffing started 2002  Manpower 1 Concept / Programmer (CMS) 1 Concept / Editorial Staff 1 Programmer (Building Sites) 1 Technician (Hardware and System) {Joined in later due to complexity of cluster-system} Funding for Consulting (Technical and graphics) {Graphics was to be handled inhouse, which proved to be impractical}

3 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems2 Where did we start from  Over 70 public accessable webservers  Uncounted internal webservers with a variety of functionality  Some single Websites with more the 2500 pages  No common design, neither in graphics nor in navigation  Many Pages/Trees/Sites far from UpToDate  No central support possible HTML, WebObjects, Mini-CMS, EmbPerl, C/C++, Java... Solaris, Linux, Windows... - Apache, IIS,...

4 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems3 PreStart Requirements  Mass hosting (license model)  Scalability (license model)  Multi Language  Blueprints and packages for quick setup of new sites  Quickly have real sites for testing  Iterative development  Interfaces to existing backend systems  Incorporation of existing (web-)functionality  Design and core functions to be managed centrally

5 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems4 Software chosen  Python application server "Zope"  Content Management System "ZMS"  Completely Open Source  Huge community world wide  Many big installations of Zope up and running  Professional consulting available  Easy to extend  Many special requirements already available as AddOns

6 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems5 Building, Phase I  Single Machine (with failover)  Sites built with common functionality No centrally managed objects Allowance for easy changes and extensions  Design according to DESY-CI No centrally managed templates Allowance for easy tweaking due to functionality

7 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems6 Lessons learned from Phase I  Learning a lot from groups and editorial staff  "Test"-websites swiftly used as productive systems  Functionality refined  Phase 1 lasted almost two years  Need of more technical support  Need of dedicated user support

8 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems7 Building, Phase II  Cluster with 6+ machines  Design according to DESY-CI through central templates  All extra functionality through central "Special Objects" Users and groups from DESY-Registry PlugIn of MS-Exchange calendars Easy integration of existing web-functionality Access into and incorporation of files from AFS Much more  Giving back all developed code into Open Source

9 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems8 Let‘s have a look!

10 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems9 Thanks for listening. Questions?

11 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems10 thank you for your attention

12 2006-15-03 – Carsten GermerCMS @ DESYIT–Systems11 STOP

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