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Club Secretary Kim Gibson, DTM District 44 Secretary 2014-2015 Mid - Year Training 2015 Loudermilk Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Club Secretary Kim Gibson, DTM District 44 Secretary 2014-2015 Mid - Year Training 2015 Loudermilk Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Club Secretary Kim Gibson, DTM District 44 Secretary 2014-2015 Mid - Year Training 2015 Loudermilk Center

2 Target and Goals

3 Agenda  Finding Your Target as a Club  Finding Your Target as a Club Leader  Target Practice

4 As a Club Leader Find Your Target

5 Club Secretary Check List  Maintain accurate membership roster.  Submit club officer list to World HQ.  Handle club correspondence.  Keep club files  Attend club executive committee meetings.  Attend District Sponsored club officer training  Arrange for replacement, assistance and successor  Record and post meeting minutes

6 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

7  Specific  Measurable  Achievable  Results-oriented  Time-bound Goal Setting

8 As a Club Find Your Target

9 Distinguished Club Program #DCP Goal 1.Two Competent Communicators (CCs) 2.Two more Competent Communicators (CCs) 3.One Advanced Communicator (AC) AC Bronze, AC Silver, or AC Gold 4.One more ACB, ACS, or ACG 5.One CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM 6.One more CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM 7.Four new members 8.Four more new members 9.Min. 4 officers trained each training period – July & January 10.One membership dues renewal and one club officer list submitted on time

10  Talk Up Toastmasters  Triple Crown Award  Dues Renewals  Spring Conference  Beat the Clock Additional Goals

11 Where is your club now? Where does your club want to be? What is your club’s current brand? What will be expected in the future? GAP Gap Analysis

12 Goal Setting  Specific  Measurable  Achievable  Results- oriented  Time-bound

13 Target Practice 1. Establish action strategies 2. Set a time-table 3. Assign responsibilities 4. Anticipate obstacles 5. Modify the plan as necessary

14 Target Practice Club Goal Plan Action StepsDue DateAssigned to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Obstacles ObstacleHow to Overcome Accountability Partner Name: Contact Info: Follow-up Date:

15 Are You on Target?

16 Questions?  Feel free to reach out: Kim Gibson, DTM Cell: 770-314-6273

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