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2 2 Table of Contents CONTENTSLIDE NO. Introduction and Background 1-4 Vision and mission, National Outcomes and Departmental Strategic Goals 5-7 Provincial Management & Demarcation8 Footprint for the Province9 Stakeholders Forum10-11 SERVICES12-22 Civic Services  Birth Registration 2013/2014 Comparison  Late Registration of Birth -  Identity Documents First and Reissue  School Project  Duplicate Cases  Passport  Queries 12 13 14 - 16 17 18 19 22 IMMIGRATION SERVICES  Port Control Statistics23

3 3 CONTENTSLIDE NO.  Deportation  Permitting statistics  Queries Register  Photos of office and outreach 24 25 26-27 28 – 29 SUPPORT SERVICES  Staff Profile  Performance Management  Staff Development and Staff Engagement  Employee Wellness  Provincial Finances (Budget Expenditure & Revenue Collection) and Assets  Fleet Management  Counter Corruption & Prevention  Labour Relations Cases  Vetting  Security Services  Achievements  Challenges 30 31 32 - 33 34 35 - 41 42 43 - 44 45 46 47 48 49 Thank you 50

4 4 NTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND The Free State Province in the RSA, accounting 6% of SA population. Has a population estimated at 2.8 Million as released by Stats SA. The Province has 4 District Municipalities and 1 Metropolitan Municipality. DHA Offices in Free State are aligned to 4 District Municipalities and 1 Metropolitan Municipality. The launching of Stakeholder Forums on the District and Local Municipalities have greatly improved the way of delivering services especially in rural areas. Monitoring & Evaluation of the departmental performance relating to DHA is at the centre of Service Delivery Improvement Plan. The department in the province is operating in terms of the three outcomes for the Minister. We are targeting all rural areas to end the Late Registration of Birth (LRB)

5 5 STRATEGIC OVERVIEW VISION STATEMENT A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship. MISSION The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of migration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligation. VALUE STATEMENT The DHA is committed to be: People-centred and caring, Patriotic Professional and having integrity, Corruption free and ethical, Efficient and innovative.

6 6 MINISTER PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT IN TERMS OF NATIONAL OUTCOMES The 12 National outcomes are at the heart of the strategic planning process of the Government and DHA is accounting for three as per the signed Minister`s performance agreement. The departmental relevant out comes are NATIONAL OUTCOME 3 All People in South Africa are free and feel safe NATIONAL OUTCOME 5 Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. NATIONAL OUTCOME 12 An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship

7 7 DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC ORIENTED GOALS (OUTCOMES) STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 1 Secure South African citizenship and identity engineered by the Civic Services Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 2 Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development engineered by the Immigration Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 3 A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free to be realised by all the departmental Units.

8 8 PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT AND DERMACATION – NEW OPERATING MODEL Provincial Manager Bonakele Mayekiso Xhariep District * Vacant Office and Port Managers * 3 Local Offices * 3 Ports of Entry Mangaung Metro Ms. Manthateng Sehlabo- Monyaki Office and Port Managers * 3 Local Offices * 1 Port of Entry Lejweputswa District Ms. Henda Erasmus Office Managers * 2 Local Offices * 5 Local Small Offices Fezile Dabi District * Interviews done Appointment soon Office Managers * 2 Local Offices * 4 Local Small Offices Thabo Mofutsanyane District * Vacant Office and Port managers * 3 Local Offices * 3 Local Small Offices * 3 Ports of Entry Finance and Support Director Mr. Mohodi Tsosane Acting Provincial Coordinator * Office Manager Tshotleho Sedia

9 9 DHA FOOTPRINT FUTURE – FREE STATE Local Small office Large office Planned office

10 10 SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT FOOTPRINT FOR THE FREE STATE PROVINCE TYPE OF OFFICE DHA current footprint Operational Non Operational due to accommodation challenges Local Office Large ( former RO)Bloemfontein Large Welkom Large Phuthaditjhaba Large 3Phuthaditjhaba still in the building phase we operate from an old Magistrate building Local Office Average ( former DO)99N/A Local Office Small (former PSP)13 N/A Health Facilities (HSP)26 Ports of Entry (POE)88 Mobile Offices116 Thusong Service Centre (TSC)66 Total7671 Overview of footprint per type of DHA service point (SP) *

11 11 Provincial Profile Mangaung Metro Lejweleputswa Thabo Mofubetswane Xhariep Distribution of DHA offices within these districts Fezile Dabi DO Koffiefontein Do Zastron MPCC Trompsburg 16 SERVICE POINTS L/O Bloemfontein M/O Botshabelo S/O Thaba Nchu S/P Ladybrand 11 Service points R/O Phuthaditjhaba D/O Bethlehem D/O Harrismith 3- MPCC 16 Service Points D/O Kroonstad D/O Sasolburg 3 Service points 13 Service points R/O Welkom D/O Bultfontein 4 Service Points 12 Service points 135 245 728 262 725 939 460 312 657 011

12 12 BIRTH REGISTRATION- STATISTICS BIRTH REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS MONTH30 DAYS 31 DAYS & above LATE REGIS TRATI ONTOTAL PREVIUOS YEAR 2011/201230DAYS 31 DAYS & ABOVELRB Apr-1341621603839 6604 Apr-1231601398 May-1340461443916 6405 May-1238761863 Jun-1321851112910 4207 Jun-1231871614 TOTAL1039341582665 17216 TOTAL102234875 NOTE: TARGET 2012 : 9965 TARGET 2013 : 10890

13 13 ANNUAL TARGET: Projected to 43560 births registered within 30 days of the birth event against the estimated 1.1 million births per annum, (Quarterly Target is 10890 total births to be registered) ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE IN RELATION TO STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE TARGET THE STANDARD HAS BEEN PARTIALLY ACHIEVED We have registered 10393 births within 30 days for the quarter (2013/2014), and 9645 births within 30 days for quarter 1 (2012/2013) this show an increase in birth registration during this financial year. Our quarterly projection were not achieved for this financial year with less births of 587. The province for this financial year has connected another health facility in Windburg to Improve our birth registration within 30 days. We will be deploying more full time staff in areas were the hospital births is more to ensure all children's are registered within 30 days. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Priorities' hospital staff. Visitation to be improved Way forward/Remedial action Continuous engagements with stakeholders and our education programs at the hospitals Type of Evidence NPR REPORT

14 14 LATE REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS (LRB)- STATISTICS The High impact Outreach programs and Farm visits has significantly improved the number of applications taken at the rural areas and school farms. The stakeholders forums also played a pivotal role in identifying these areas. The appointment of Immigration Officers also helped in resolving and identifying fraudulent applications and to resolve issues within 28 days.. Analysis ITEMSNUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Closing balance of LRB cases as at 31 March 20122364 Number of LRB applications received (April- June)2665 Number of applications approved2555 Number of applications rejected498 Number of applications referred to IMS for investigations110 TOTAL NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS ON HAND2057

15 15 1 ST Issues ID and Re- Issues- STATISTICS ID APPLICATIONS MONTH 2013/20141 ST ISSUERE-ISSUESDIFFERENCE% PREVIUOS YEAR 2012/20 131 ST ISSUERE- ISSUEDIFFERENCE Apr-1342493162108774.%Apr-12499628782118 May-1353153060225558%May-12615440202134 Jun-1365683656291256%Jun-12544730802364 TOTAL 161329878625463% TOTAL 1659799786616

16 16 Identity for first issue and Re-issue( April – June 2013)

17 17 Identity for first issue and Re-issue

18 18 DHA Annual Target : First & Re-issue ID’s received from Head Office registered on T&T by front offices within 1 day BASELIN E ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGET 2012/2013 QUARTER 1 ACTUAL 2012/2013 QUARTER 1 TARGET 2013/2014 QUARTER 4 ACTUAL 2013/2014 ANALYSIS One day to register ID received at Front Office The Province has performed very well with the registration of first identity application vs Re-issue application for the first quarter both in 2012.2013 and 2013/2014. Achieved PROGRESS PER QUARTER 2012/2013 First Issue = 16597 Re-Issue = 9978 2013/2014 First Issue = 16132 Re-Issue = 9878 One day to register ID received at Front Office One day to register ID received at Front Office Type of evidence Track and Trace reports

19 19 IDENTITY DOCUMENT CAMPAIGN – SCHOOLS PROJECT PROVINCE Targeted schools to be visited No of Schools Visited Number of applications collected Number of ID issued FREE STATE80154894403 TOTALS80154894403 SCHOOL REPORT: APRIL - JUNE 2013

20 20 ANNUAL TARGET: 100% of South African learners with IDs as required by examination regulations ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE IN RELATION TO STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE TARGET We visited 50 school for the month of April 2013, with taking 253 applications, whiles during May 2013 we did 67 schools and collected 283 application, For the Month of June we only visited 37 Schools, for the quarter we have already provided services to 154 school with 894 applications taken. These schools are visited within the 4 Districts and 1 Metro Municipality in the Province. Our drive of 15 Years old to know why an identity document will be important is a continuous process. Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Presence of foreigners at schools without proper documentation Way forward/Remedial action Visits will only be at schools were permission is granted Awareness of undocumented learners be made at schools Type of Evidence Letters of schools.

21 21 ITEMSNUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Duplicates cases on hand as at 31 March 2012203 Number of new duplicate cases received (April-June)53 Cases referred to HO for issuance of Identity document41 Number of unfinalized cases215 DUPLICATES CASES - STATISTICS

22 22 PASSPORT TYPENUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Tourist Passports (NORMAL)4151 Temporary Passports4076 Child Passports910 Official Passports62 Maxi Passports180 TOTAL9379 PASSPORT APPLICATIONS – STATISTICS- APRIL- JUNE 2013 7062

23 23 IMMIGRATIONS STATISTICS – APRIL – JUNE 2013 MONTHS PERIOD PORT CONTROL STATISTICS PORT ArrivalDepartureTOTAL RSAForeignerRSAForeigner Caledonspoort19 95451 60819 22137 659128 442 Ficksburg 83 162 321 59983 234244 911732 906 Makhaleen Bridge1 4455 2101 4854 07612 216 Maseru bridge92 189341 49292 242288 027813 950 Monontsha Pass1 3085 5151 3333 53211 688 Peka Bridge1 8895 0721 3452 55110 857 Sephapus Gate2067971564231 582 Van Rooyensgate13 25657 51812 55943 982127 315 TOTAL 213 409788 811211 575625 161 1 904 956

24 24 DEPORTATIONS – STATISTICS (APRIL–JUNE 2012/2013) DEPORTATIONS MONTH 2013/2014NUMBERS PREVIOUS YEAR 2012/2013NUMBERS DIFFERNCE % Apr-13468April – 12 447 21 May-13288May – 12 486 -198 Jun-13356Jun- 12 0 356 TOTAL1112TOTAL933179 There is an overall increase when comparing quarter 1 2013/2014 vs quarter 1 2012/2013. All National we have deported are from the SADC Region. Analysis

25 25 PERMIT APPLICATIONS STATISTICS PERMANENT RESIDENCE & TEMPORARY RESIDENCE MONTH PERMANENT RESIDENCE TEMPORY RESIDEN CE RECEIVED HQ (PERMAN ENT RESIDEN CE) RECEIVED HQ (TEMPOR ARY RESIDENC E) OUTSTANDIN G PERMAN ENT RESIDEN CE OUTSTANDING TOTAL OUTSTAN DING Apr-13333502691310 May-1326255411924136160 Jun-13444644414405090 TOTAL103106910122495186281 There is an increase in the application of Residence permits at our offices in the Free State. The duration of finalizing Permanent Residence takes far longer then the standard set. Analysis

26 ProvinceQueries /complains volumes Q1 Number of queries resolvedComments Nature of complaints Average resolution time Consolidated queries CivicPermit ting Refuge es TotalCivicPermitti ng Refuge es Total Ci vi c Permittin g Refuge es FREE STATE PROVINCE 113401172800 13 marriages. 12 citizenship. 2 Forename s. 3 unabridged B/C. Rectification of place of birth. Late registration of death. Late registration of birth. 1 passport. 3 amendments need consent. 2 ID one does not have address on NPR and the other needs online verification. 1 duplicate case needs an affidavit. 2 permits one need consent of parents one is not allowed for extension 5 unabridged. 2 Hanis. 1 false registration. 1 ID outstanding. 2 passports. 1 Permit application. 1 Address issue. 1 track and trace at matsovele. I surname change.

27 Query and compliant management ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE IN RELATION TO STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE TARGET - 113 queries for civic and 4 for permitting section - 28 queries are resolved to date -* ID issue = 9, *Duplicate cases = 7, False registration = 3, Amendments = 20, Rectification = 12, BMD applications = 33, Unabridged certificates = 32, Permitting applications = 4 Challenges/Reasons for non achievement Head office not having records for unabridged certificates and taking long to modify these Way forward/Remedial action Decentralization of function for rectification and amendments

28 28

29 29

30 30 STAFF PROFILE AS AT END MAY 2013 LEVELMALEDISABILITYFEMALEDISABILTYTOTAL 14101 13123 12202 11224 10819 9437 8291843 7262955 61860420505391 515317 3141731 TOTALS 2840427305563

31 31 DESCRIPTION PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS PERCENTAGE (%) PMDS conducted (2012/13) Conducted100% PMDS conducted 2013/14 (Half yearly)Due end of Sept 2013Expect 100% PERFORMANANCE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM

32 32 MONTH TRAINING CONDUCTED EQUITY APRIL PMDS TRAINING (All Manager and Supervisors) 78 Employees Males & Females MAY PORT Control ( Induction and Policy and Port Control training) Civic Services ( Learning academy DHA Qualification) 39 Employees 13 employees Male & Female JUNE PORT Control Civic Services( Learning Academy DHA Qualification) 39 Learners 20 Learners. Male & Female TOTAL150 employees training STAFF DEVELOPMENT

33 33 INTERACTION OF STAFF The Province interact with staff through the following meetings:  Top Provincial Management (SMS) – Fortnightly.  Provincial Management meetings (SMS, Provincial Support & Office Managers) - Monthly  District Management Meeting (Local Office Managers & Support) - Weekly  Staff Meetings – Weekly  Quarterly Reviews Meetings STAFF ENGAGEMENTS

34 34 KEY AREAACTIVITIES Occupational Health & SafetyEstablish & Train OHS in all District Absenteeism Management--- Managers have been trained on Abseentism Employee Wellness Support activities Moral support is being given to officials especially those that are on Incapacity Leave or involved in the accidents Workforce Healthcare - The company has been contracted to render employee wellness services. -Render telephonic & face-to-face counseling services to staff -Early identification of employees that needs referral EMPLOYEE WELLNESS

35 35 BUDGET ITEM Budget 2013/14 Actual Expenditu re YTD (R) Outstanding Commitment s-YTD Total Projected expenditure April- June 2013/14 Total Projected expend iture April- June 2012/13 YTD Savings/ (Overspend ing YTD Budget Expendit ure (%) 1 ‘000 2 ‘000 3 ‘000 4(2+3) ‘000 5(1-4) ‘000 6 (4÷1 ) Comp of Employees R130’580 R 29,215 R22 086 R 101,365 22% Goods and Services R 9’846 R 2,939R 1,178 R 4,117 R2 482 R 5747 42% Provincial & Local Government R 88’ R 40 R 48 45% Household R 30 R 25 (R 30) Capital Assets R 150 R17 R 133 11% TOTAL R140 665 R 32 224 R 1,195R33,419 R24 595 R 107,263 24% BUSINESS UNIT QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT – 2013/14

36 36 NOTES FROM FINANCIAL REPORT According to the norm the expenditure in the first quarter should have been 25%, however 24% is reported as actual expenditure on the total overall Therefore, goods and service is under tremendous pressure, where expenditure is sitting at 42% above the norm of 25% and last year quarterly expenditure. This risk was projected by the province hence the submission of the budget pressure document to budget committee, where areas of concerns were raised that:  Procurement of 22 additional vehicles in the province without additional operational budget  70% of our fleet has exceeded 160 000 kilometers and is expensive to maintain the ageing vehicles  Appointment of 76 officials in the province also brought the current budget under pressure Therefore the estimated additional budget requested amounts to R6 million

37 37 Payment of Invoices within 30 days ( April – June 2013) Total nr of invoices received Nr of invoices paid within 30 days Age breakdown of unpaid invoicesComments Older than 30 days Older than 60 days Older than 90 days 241234040201Comments on the next slide

38 38 Payment of Invoices within 30 days ( April – June 2013) Order number Invoice number Reasons FS000816HOF0242607 Accruals that were paid in the current financial year. This invoice was amongst invoices that were on hold up until a directive from HO is given to continue to pay in the current financial year FS000620HOF0223430 There was a technical error of the system were it could not allow capturing to be completed. Therefore, a system controller from HQ had to assist by correcting the lines in the system FS000569HOF0239375 Accruals that were paid in the current financial year. This invoice was amongst invoices that were on hold up until a directive from HO is given to continue to pay in the current financial year FS000967HOF0249534 Accruals that were paid in the current financial year. This invoice was amongst invoices that were on hold up until a directive from HO is given to continue to pay in the current financial year FS0007055917Banking details had to be corrected by HQ FS001013 HOF0254240 Accruals that were paid in the current financial year. This invoice was amongst invoices that were on hold up until a directive from HO is given to continue to pay in the current financial year FS0009110299353Accruals that were paid in the current financial year. This invoice was amongst invoices that were on hold up until a directive from HO is given to continue to pay in the current financial year

39 39

40 40 Assets classification Number of assets Value of assets ‘000 Number of assets Value of assets ‘000 %Chan ge of No. 2013/142012/13 Minor Assets79909 420761396195% Capital Assets111833 611105530 5096% Total Assets910843 031866840 1285% ASSETS REGISTER FREE STATE PROVINCE

41 41 NOTES TO THE ASSETS REGISTER Number of assets has increased by 5% compare to 2011/12 financial year in the province The number excludes 1033 assets earmarked for disposal The total value of assets increased by 7%, due to number of new capital assets procured in the year 2012/13

42 42 KEY AREANUMBERPERCENTAGE Total Number of vehicles in the Province126100% Number of vehicles involved in accidents21.5% Number of Functional vehicles12498.5% Total Number of mobile offices11100% Number of Functional mobiles545.4% Number of dysfunctional mobile655.6% GRAND TOTAL FUNCTIONAL12995% FLEET MANAGEMENT

43 43 CORRUPTION PREVENTION AND PROSECUTION NATURE OF OFFENCEPROGRESS 1.3 x reported cases of theft of money. 2.1x reported case of abuse of petrol card. 3.1x reported case of fraudulent ID. 4.11x reported cases of fraudulent visas. 5.6x reported cases of corruption 6.1x reported case of a fraudulent permit. 7.1x misuse of state vehicle. 8.1x Fraudulent marriage 1.Under investigation 2.Under investigation 3.Under investigations 4.Compiling reports 5.Cases with labour relations for formulation of charges. 6. Compiling report 7. Under investigations. 8. Under investigations

44 44 CORRUPTION PREVENTION AND PROSECUTION Alleged Fraudulent registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths Alleged Theft Corruption Activities NATURE OF CASES KEY AREA NUMBER OF CASES STATUS Opening balance of cases as at 01April 20132518 compiling reports, for submission. Previous year cases under-investigation7Still under- investigation Number of New cases RECEIVED (April- June 2013) 11Cases reported Arrests ( officials )7Cases with Employee engagement Projects driven investigation to address Corruption 4Still under investigation Closing Balance29

45 45 LABOUR RELATION CASES Financial misconduct- 2 finalised 1 still under- investigation, Labour relations. Fraud & Corruption – all 7 candidates has been suspended pending finalisation. NATURE OF CASES KEY AREA NUMBER OF CASES OUTCOMES Fraud & Corruption7Cases with Employee relations Improper Conduct0 Financial Misconduct3Under investigations Closing Balance10

46 46 KEY AREAACTIVITIES DHA is a security Department All employees are expected to undergo security vetting. Appointments Current staff complement is 562 including the 67 newly appointed officials in the first quarter Number of security clearances issuedNumber of clearances issued to date 65 Pending security Clearances 273 Z204 forms submitted to State Security Agency for registration Security Clearances Denied0 Number of security clearances forms issued ( Z 204) 67 forms issued to all newly appointed officials VETTING

47 47 KEY AREAACTIVITIES Security Services  Ulwazi Security contracted to render security services  9 security Offices Security Awareness Security awareness conducted on a monthly basis Cash In Transit G4 security company contracted to provided cash in transit at --6- offices in the Province. SECURITY SERVICES

48 48 IssueAchievementsWhat has improved Health connectivity1 extra Hospital connected E.g. birth registration within 30 days has improved. Increased capacity at borders Maseru bridge 35 Extra people Ficksburg 9 Extra people Calendonspoort 6 extra people Better service delivery and clients are cleared faster. Decentralisation of Procurement Quick ordering of operating tools Payment within 30 days improved Better relations with Transport19 vehicles procured for the province Improve service delivery, access to services of the department. Cluster meetings We are attending cluster meetings which were not taking place for two years. Better coordination of Provincial stakeholders. Achievements

49 49 IssueChallenges What needs to be been done Infrastructure at the borders No houses and office space for staff in Maserubridge, Ficksburg, Calendonspoort, and Vanrooyensgate and sephaphus gate Accommodation should be provided to staff. Lesotho citizens that frequent Free State and over stay. Deportation of Lesotho citizens is done weekly and we just cannot stop because they come back again. Look for an alternative to deal with Lesotho citizens Challenges



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