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Effects of ICT. Today you will Be told about the Year 7 ICT Course Be made aware of the ICT homework policy Discuss how ICT now effects nearly all of.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of ICT. Today you will Be told about the Year 7 ICT Course Be made aware of the ICT homework policy Discuss how ICT now effects nearly all of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of ICT

2 Today you will Be told about the Year 7 ICT Course Be made aware of the ICT homework policy Discuss how ICT now effects nearly all of us on a daily basis Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

3 The Year 7 ICT Course Introduction to ICT –How to manage files and folders, email, internet, word processing, typing skills, and deciding which program to use Modelling –How to use a model for making predictions, how to create a model Handling Data –How to use a database to find information, how to create a database Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

4 The Year 7 ICT Course Presenting Information –How to create an effective presentation using sound, pictures, and animation –How to create a magazine front cover which has common features from one month to the next Control –How to create a computer control system using flowcharts. Examples include traffic light system and burglar alarm Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

5 ICT Homework Policy Homework is always expected to be due in on the next lesson unless the teacher states otherwise Some homework requires the use of a computer If you do not have a computer at home the computers in school are available to use at the following times Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

6 ICT Room Availability Rooms are available in the new block Every Lunchtime After school until 5:00pm Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

7 ICT Homework Policy If you are unsure what to do for your homework just ask! If you fail to hand in your homework you must have a note from your parent/guardian explaining why If you do not, the following sanctions will apply Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

8 Homework Sanctions – Per Term 1 Late Homework = Break time Detention 2 Late Homeworks = Lunch time Detention 3 Late Homeworks = After School Detention Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

9 The Effects of ICT A few years ago people said that ICT was the future Today is that future … Most of us now use ICT on a daily basis Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

10 Individual Activity Using your student workbooks try to think of as many different ways as possible of ways that we use ICT on a daily basis today Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

11 Effects of ICT Today Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

12 ICT and the Future We have discussed how ICT effects us today But what does the future hold for ICT now ? Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

13 Click to Play Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

14 Individual Activity Using your student workbooks try to think of as many different ways as possible of ways that we might use ICT in the future Learning Objectives Bronze: Know how ICT effects our daily lives Silver: Understand how ICT could effect your lives in the future Gold: Apply your ideas into descriptions of possible products!

15 ICT and the Future

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