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1 Engaging Students in the Science of Climate Change: Using Earth Observing Data in the Classroom Project Team: PI: Mary MartinErik Froburg Scott Ollinger.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Engaging Students in the Science of Climate Change: Using Earth Observing Data in the Classroom Project Team: PI: Mary MartinErik Froburg Scott Ollinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Engaging Students in the Science of Climate Change: Using Earth Observing Data in the Classroom Project Team: PI: Mary MartinErik Froburg Scott Ollinger Annette Schloss Lara Gengarelly Haley Wicklein

2 2 Cultivation in 1 Liter milk bottles CO 2 deprived Control NaOH absorbs CO 2 Carbon Cycle Basics Field Activities - measuring carbon storage Modeling - simple one-box biomass to global carbon cycle Plant-a-Plant CO2/light/fertilizer GLOBE Carbon Cycle Activities

3 3 Single-site biomass accumulation model diagram and sample output showing data runs for current and future climate conditions in the mid-Atlantic. The relationship between net primary production and (a) annual temperature and (b) annual precipitation for ecosystems around the world. From Leith 1975. Net Primary Productivity predicted from temperature and precipitation as shown to the left. Net Primary Productivity predicted from the MODIS sensor (annual NPP 2006)

4 4 Climate Maps Maps of temperature and precipitation patterns across the US and the globe for historic and future climate scenarios. Available annually and seasonally, for the entire globe, or just North America (higher spatial resolution). Data from: University of Santa Clara Statistically Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections.

5 5 Animations Animations over time of historical and future climate, biomass accumulation, and vegetation indices 200 year global temperature animation Global biomass accumulation over 200 years 10 year monthly NDVI animation

6 6 Single Site Climate Data This interactive tool generates a graph of historical and future climate for a specific latitude and longitude, as well as downloadable text data for further analysis. Enter latitude and longitude…. …and retrieve climate graphics and data specific to that location

7 7 Picture Post website:

8 8 Picture Post Extensions Picture Post supports environmental monitoring by citizens and students through digital images. Student Climate Data offers feature enhancement such as animations over time, activities, and connections with NASA satellite image products Animation of picture post imagery, as well as a corresponding calculated greenness index, MODIS NDVI, and MODIS albedo for the same period. Development of a detailed PicturePost image analysis activity using the Digital Earth Watch “Analyzing Digital Images” software.

9 9 Website and Data Access Website under development: Project Information Data resources and activities -Animations (climate, NDVI, biomass accumulation, etc) -Climate maps -Current and future climate projections -Student activities -Screencasts and podcasts -Biome and climate resources -Picture Post activities and animations Links to primary data sources and additional resources

10 10 What next? Landsat Clic’nPic - add image retrieval options to simplify classroom access and analysis. Albedo - develop data query, timeline, animation and activities utilizing MODIS albedo data. Carbon field data - upload, view, query of student carbon data. In collaboration with National Wildlife Federation (Eco-Schools). IGCCE - Engaging Minority University STEM Professors in the Science of Climate Change. In collaboration with Linda Hayden at Elizabeth City State University, NC. Use of GLOBE Carbon Cycle and NICE materials in week-long summer institute with year-round participant support.

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