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What motivated the Europeans to pursue policies of expansion and colonization?

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Presentation on theme: "What motivated the Europeans to pursue policies of expansion and colonization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What motivated the Europeans to pursue policies of expansion and colonization?

2 The Right of Discovery  Renaissance  Gold  Route to the East  Glory for the monarch  Technological advances  Increased wealth of European monarchs  Development of limited liability company  Sense of adventure

3 The Right of Colonization  Protestant Reformation  Religious Glory  Mercantilism  Power struggles between European nations  Search for Utopia  Humanitarianism  Eliminating undesirables

4 The Emergence of Modern Europe  Renaissance- emergence of a new consciousness  Scientific Revolution-new innovations and methods of inquiry  Reformation- Holy dignity of one’s work (Protestant work-ethic)  Mercantilism-central planning of the economy=imperialism

5 Discuss How did all of those characteristics of modern Europe create a climate for exploration?

6 The New World: Idea and Reality Gold, Glory and God

7 The Right of Discovery  Circa 1500 America was free for the taking since there were no Europeans  Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 Pope Alexander VI divided the New World between Spain and Portugal


9 Imperial Rivalry and Colonization  Right of discovery turned into right of colonization  Enlightenment of European institutions and government OR enforced dispossession or alienation of aboriginals  Struggle for empire

10 The Search for Wealth  Myth of “El Dorado”  Gold and silver from Aztecs and Incas  Slaves  Tobacco, potatoes and strawberries to Europe  Fur trade

11 “Civilizing” the New World  Ethnocentricity of the Europeans  Viewed aboriginals as ‘primitive’  Duty to apply ‘civilization’

12 Case Study: Jacques Cartier deo.php?video_id=158266 deo.php?video_id=158266

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