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Factoring and the Factor Theorem Hints to determine each type.

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Presentation on theme: "Factoring and the Factor Theorem Hints to determine each type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factoring and the Factor Theorem Hints to determine each type

2 Difference of Perfect Squares Simple Trinomial Complex Trinomial Factor by Grouping Two TermsThree TermsFour Terms Examine the Number of Terms Each term is a perfect square separated by a “-” sign Is of the form x 2 +bx +c Is of the form ax 2 +bx +c, where a≠0. Always look for a Greatest Common Factor Group in pairs of terms Should be able to factor twice Finally, check each factor to see if it can be factored further. Sum/Diff of Cubes

3 Sum and Difference of Cubes Sum of cubes: x 3 +y 3 = (x+y)(x 2 -xy+y 2 ) Difference of cubes: x 3 -y 3 = (x-y)(x 2 +xy+y 2 ) Eg. x 3 -27 Eg. 8x 6 +125y 3 = (x-3)(x 2 +3x+9) =(2x 2 +5y)(4x 4 -10x 2 y+25y 2 )

4 Factor Theorem A polynomial P(x) has x – b as a factor if and only if P(b) = 0. Factor: P(x) = 2x 3 – 5x 2 – 4x + 3 Since P(-1) = 0, therefore x + 1 is a factor. Try factors of +/-3 and +/- 3/2 to get the root Repeat the process to find other factors or use long division to find remaining factors P(x) = (x+1)(2x-1)(x-3)

5 Factor Completely 1.x 2 – 3x - 18 2.y 2 -6y + 36 3.2x 2 +4x + 6 4.x 2 – xy – x +y 5.t 3 + 64 6.x 3 - 1 7.16a 4 - 256b 12 8.x 3 – x 2 – 16x + 16 9.x 3 + 5x 2 – 2x - 24

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