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Preparation for Beam commissioning Mike Lamont Acknowledgements: Brennan Goddard, Verena Kain, Reyes Alemany, Gianluigi Arduini, JJ Gras, Stefano Redaelli,

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Beam commissioning Mike Lamont Acknowledgements: Brennan Goddard, Verena Kain, Reyes Alemany, Gianluigi Arduini, JJ Gras, Stefano Redaelli,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Beam commissioning Mike Lamont Acknowledgements: Brennan Goddard, Verena Kain, Reyes Alemany, Gianluigi Arduini, JJ Gras, Stefano Redaelli, Bruno Puccio.

2 LHC status 2 18/01/2008 Objectives All required hardware systems tested All required instrumentation deployed and tested Machine Protection system tested & qualified. All software deployed and required functionality tested Control system integrity tested Full integration tests performed with all systems driven through operational cycles Clear that when we finally get beam we don’t want to waste time solving problems that could have been resolved before. Get ready for first beam

3 LHC status 3 18/01/2008 Conditions Cool-down of remaining sectors Extensive Hardware Commissioning of circuits Installation of remaining components Individual system commissioning Roll out of controls infrastructure Roll out of beam interlock system Roll out of beam instrumentation Software development and deployment, roll out of magnet model etc… Commissioning of access system (DSO tests etc.) While starting-up and operating SPS/PS etc.

4 LHC status 4 18/01/2008 HWC - baseline Cooling and Ventilation Cryogenics Plant Cryostat Instrumentation Electrical Network Beam Vacuum [warm & cold] QRL Vacuum Insulation Vacuum Powering Interlocks QPS and energy extraction QRL Instrumentation Access Survey/Alignment

5 LHC status 5 18/01/2008 Incoming this session Cryogenics Magnets/circuits Vacuum Injection system Beam Dump System Collimators RF Beam Instrumentation Machine protection … Some how pull this lot together to give us a operational machine

6 LHC status 6 18/01/2008 Approach Define objectives and prioritize (as usual) Individual System Tests/ Hardware Commissioning  Equipment groups/HWC team Individual high level control tests  From CCC using controls infrastructure and software  Check the functionality of the individual systems Integration tests (dry runs) + HWC/PGC Partial machine checkout Machine Protection commissioning Full machine checkout Try and document it – something we’ll have to do every year

7 LHC status 7 18/01/2008 Approach

8 LHC status 8 18/01/2008 Comments There’s a lot going on the same time This not going to be particularly tidy or particularly easy Accept dry runs as a debugging exercise Accept it won’t be perfect first time Iterate [but at an appropriate frequency] Look for robust solutions that follow established standards.

9 LHC status 9 18/01/2008 Integration Tests (Dry Runs) Multi-system tests to check integration and readiness of all systems involved in a given phase of LHC operations:  Check data acquisition chain  Check all equipment control functionality  Check timing and low synchronization  Check functionality of the control system from CCC high level applications.  Drive all relevant systems in a synchronized way through the standard operational sequence  Check machine protection and interlock systems Organization  Coordinated by Operations. Preparations for, and results of, dry runs to be discussed at LHCCWG.  In close collaboration with equipment groups, technical issues to be discussed in ABCIS meetings.  Seen as a prelude to full system tests to be performed before beam. Debugging – establishing control & integration from the CCC

10 LHC status 10 18/01/2008 Objectives- Instrumentation Priority Conc Settings State Logging PM SIS MCS Application FDisplay Daemon BPM [D,I] 1XXXXXX BLM 1XXXXXXX BCT [DC, FD, FR] 1XX BTV 1XXXXXX Rest Gas [BGI] 3XXXXX Sync. Rad [BSRA] 1XXXXXX Wire Scanners [BWS] 2XXXXX Luminosity [BRA,S,G] 1XXXX Tune [BQBBQ] 1XXXXXX Tune [BQHT] 2X AGM [BSRA] 2XX Schottky [BQS] 2XXX BST [BOB] 1


12 LHC status 12 18/01/2008 Objectives - Controls Slow timing, fast timing, synchronization Alarms, logging, post mortem, fixed displays Equipment control & access Real-time feedback system Analogue acquisition Software: measurements, trajectory acquisition and correction, ramping etc. etc. Controls infrastructure: servers, databases etc. Software Interlock System Management of Critical Settings Role Based Access Control

13 LHC status 13 18/01/2008 Objectives – Deploy and Test LSA Core Functionality  Optics, ramp, squeeze, magnet model (transfer functions etc.) Equipment Instrumentation Measurements Operational exploitation Timing On-line Models  MADX, FIDEL, Aperture Mode, data distribution Applied LSA applications  Orbit, luminosity scans etc. Data exchange

14 Proposed Integration Tests

15 LHC status 15 18/01/2008 Injection/Transfer Dry Run Kickers  control, monitoring, logging, settings, FD Timing & synchronization  Events, tables, telegrams, injection requests  RF pre-pulses Instrumentation  Acquisition, logging, control, FD, timing etc. for Screens, BLMs, BPMs, BCT Applications  YASP (threading, etc)  Injection Quality Checks Modes  Injection and dump, Circulate and dump, Nominal Injection TDI Controls  RBAC, MCS, Mode, DIP BIS

16 LHC status 16 18/01/2008 Injection & Transfer

17 LHC status 17 18/01/2008 Injection, Ramp & Squeeze Dry Run Injection, ramp, squeeze, ramp-down, pre-cycle  Settings - full LHC parameter space  Power converters, RF, Collimators  FIDEL  Bumps, experiments’ magnets Trims  Actual and function – full parameter space Control  RF units, cavities, loops etc., FGCs…  Collimator – set, functions, limits etc. Applications & Tools  YASP, sliding bumps  Multi-turn acquisition and analysis Instrumentation Sequence, mode Power converters in SIM_VS

18 LHC status 18 18/01/2008 Beam Dump Dry Run LBDS  Monitoring, GUI, trigger, IPOC XPOC BETS Timing Sequence  Re-arm Monitoring Logging, fixed displays, alarms, MCS BIS  Permit loops, PM suppression etc. Dump line and point 6 instrumentation Abort gap, RF TCDQ/TCS settings and control

19 LHC status 19 18/01/2008 Instrumentation Every BI SW responsible will organize the continuous assessment of its instruments, ie find/organize time slots, also outside official dry runs, where conditions allowing to test functionality [see JJG] Maintain the dashboard info up to date (color scheme and details on the box dedicated page) and prepare battle field for the next iteration

20 LHC status 20 18/01/2008 Beam Loss Monitors - acquisition & concentrationroll out Beam Loss Monitors - XPOC, Post mortem, study bufferstest, test, test Beam Loss Monitors - Loggingroll out and test Beam Loss Monitors – OP displayops Beam Loss Monitors – expert applicationTo spec Beam Loss Monitors – MCS – configuration & tests – threshold management MCS, application and test Bunch Current Transformers acq & display BCTDCLHC & BCTFDLHC & BCTFRLHC Acq, log, FD Instrumentation - DR 1/3 Find/organize time slots, also outside official dry runs where conditions allow testing of required functionality Play simulated injection, ramp etc… Plus dedicated dry runs

21 LHC status 21 18/01/2008 Instrumentation – DR 2/3 BPM: acquisition & concentration & publish All modes: capture, FIFO, orbit Logging, SDDS, roll out and test BPM: acquisition, log, displayRoll out BPM: trajectory and orbit correctionYASP BPM: multi-turn analysisApplication - test BPM: beta beating analysisApplication – deploy and test BPM: real time feed backDeploy and test BPMDLHC - dump line BPMXPOC BPMITLHC – interlocked BPMsAcq/BIS, XPOC BTVI/BTVMLHC Screens (matching monitors)Acq, Control, BIS

22 LHC status 22 18/01/2008 Instrumentation – DR 3/3 Tune/kickers (tune, aperture, AC dipole) control- acq – timing- applications – deploy and test Radmon (TW)acq – conc - display BQHTLHC – head-tail Chromaticity BSRALHC Abort gap monitorDeploy & test BSRTFLHC/BSRTSLHC Synchrotron radiation monitors Deploy & test BGILHC – Rest Gas MonitorDeploy & test BWSLHC Wire ScannerDeploy & test Wall Current Monitors (RF)Talk to Andy BQSLLHC - SchottkyDeploy & test BRASCLHC/BRASGLHC - Luminosity monitorsApplication++ +LSA

23 LHC status 23 18/01/2008 Physics/Experiments Dry Run Luminosity  Acquisition and display, BRA application  Optimization, trims, bumps etc.  Scans Experiment Instrumentation & signals  BCMs, Lumi etc. Experiment communication  DIP – to & from  Vetos Interlocks  Beam abort, injection inhibit Magnets  Alice/LHC dipoles and compensation

24 LHC status 24 18/01/2008 Physics

25 LHC status 25 18/01/2008 Beam Interlock System Complete the IST of the BIS by April.  This will be carried out by the BIS team (independently of the HWC). Perform the Commissioning of the BIS in // with the HWC.  Tricky - involves all LHC systems: Experiments, COLL, VAC, BLM, other Beam Instrumentation, RF, Access, and so on...  BICs are installed either side of IP, done for each one of the 8 points.  8 periods of ~5 days (or twice 2,5 days) during the HWC.  Either inserted before the Powering tests or just after them.  The possibility to have a sector(s) test is going to be taken into account in trying to give priority to points 8, 7 and 6 (or 2,1,8). Perform a final test- dedicated week during the cold-check period. Concerning dry-runs, we have recently installed 2 more BICs in point 6 in order to participate to the LBDS dry-runs in // with our BIS commissioning. The goal is to do NOT disturb our commissioning and move ahead with the interfaces with you, the Timing and the Kickers. c/o Bruno Puccio

26 LHC status 26 18/01/2008 Machine Protection Dry Runs As part of other dry runs  Injection kickers  LBDS – link to BIS, protection devices Integration in machine cycle  Resets, tests, SBF, SBP, BPF  Interface to timing system/BST  PM suppression  Link-Unlink  Injection inhibit  Experiments

27 LHC status 27 18/01/2008 PGC as part of circuit HWC Allows us to test & check:  LSA settings generation Optics Injection - Ramp - Squeeze - Ramp-down - Pre-cycles Parameter space (Q, Q’, bumps, harmonics…)  Magnet Model (FIDEL) Calibration curves Harmonics, decay, snapback Corrections  Sequencing machine cycle  Power converter functionality Power converters  Tracking, control, ramping, squeezing (constraints), real-time

28 LHC status 28 18/01/2008 Collimation Dry Runs Full control system functionality Machine cycle  Injection versus intensity  Ramp, limits,  Squeeze Trim  Parameter space, limits Interface to BIS Monitoring, logging, FD, alarms etc Optimization procedures  Interface to BLMs etc.

29 LHC status 29 18/01/2008 Partial Machine Checkout Possible pre-cursor to sector test Injection & dump N sectors through full machine cycle plus RF & Collimators All distributed instrumentation from N sectors All available stand alone instrumentation All relevant software/controls Beam Interlocks One week given extensive dry runs

30 LHC status 30 18/01/2008 Integration & commission  Good for sector test/first turn

31 LHC status 31 18/01/2008 Full Machine Checkout 

32 LHC status 32 18/01/2008 So far… Injection dry run – December 2007 Beam dump dry run – February 2008 PGC 4-5 – February 2008 LHCb – November 2007 Alice – February 2008 Acknowledgements: BT, BI, ATB, OP, CO, PO, HWC

33 LHC status 33 18/01/2008 Injection Dry Run – December 2007

34 LHC status 34 18/01/2008 Beam Dump Dry Run – February 2008 Verena Kain

35 LHC status 35 18/01/2008 PGC – “HWC shadowing” – February 2008

36 LHC status 36 18/01/2008 Residual Saturation MDC Geometric PGC – deployment of FIDEL

37 LHC status 37 18/01/2008 Plans - March

38 LHC status 38 18/01/2008 Plans - April ++

39 LHC status 39 18/01/2008 Conclusions Individual system commissioning from CCC Integrations tests (Dry Runs) Partial machine checkout Full machine checkout When the going gets tough, the tough get operational. We have a plan…

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