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Presentation on theme: "ISOVECTOR EXCITATIONS OF sd-SHELL NUCLEI IN THE PARTICLE-CORE COUPLING VERSION OF SHELL MODEL N.G. Goncharova Skobelzyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISOVECTOR EXCITATIONS OF sd-SHELL NUCLEI IN THE PARTICLE-CORE COUPLING VERSION OF SHELL MODEL N.G. Goncharova Skobelzyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University

2 50 YEARS of Multiparticle Shell Model (MSM) G.E.Brown,M.Bolsterly,Phys.Rev.Lett.3(1959)472

3 Beyond particle-hole doorway basis Expanded basis →

4 Particle Core Coupling Shell Model Connection with direct reaction spectroscopy Form factors of Electroexcitation

5 Matrix elements of Hamiltonian

6 Nuclear photo- and electroexcitation 1ħ  resonances in sd-shell nuclei: E1, M2, E3, M4, E5,M6 Spin currents contributions to MR Orbital currents contributions to MR

7 Summed squared form factors

8 32 S( γ,p ) Exp:В.Варламов и др ЯФ.т.28 (1978)590 E, MeV mb

9 Spectroscopy of pickup reactions on 18 O and 22 Ne 18 O 22 Ne

10 PCC SM -IzvRAN,72(2008) 18 O(γ,n)

11 O-18 (γ,n)/ Exp. J.H. Kelley ea, Nucl. Phys.A564,1 (1993)/

12 E1 resonances at photopoint in 22 Ne Exp: V.V.Varlamov, M.E.Stepanov, BRAS Physics 64 (2000) №3 σ, mb E, MeV

13 27 Al+ γ → 26 Al+ n 26 Al (T=0) 26 Al (T=1)

14 27 Al+ γ → 26 Al+ n Exp: M.N.Thompson et al // Nucl. Phys.1965.V. 64.P.486.

15 Dynamic deformations in 27 Al photodisintegration 27 Al+ γ → 26 Al+ n 27 Al+ γ → 26 Mg+ p H. Röpke, P.M.Endt // Nucl. Phys.A632(1998)173.

16 Spin- and orbital currents interference in E1 1p shell form factors At q~0.5÷0.6 Fm -1 F E1 (p 3/2 -1 d 5/2 ) ~0 /HOWF/

17 Interference of spin- and orbital currents contributions into MR Exp:E1 in 12 C(e,e’) / Mainz,MAMI A,1988/: Calc. PCCSM

18 E1 in sd-shell nuclei electroexcitations

19 Nuclear Orbital M2 Current Orbital M2 TWIST Mode: Orbital current has opposite signes in the upper and lower semispheres. The current vanishes at Z=0 ( e,e’) excitation ~Spin +orbital(twist) modes (p,p’) excitations –SPIN part only Comparison of (e,e’) and (p,p’) reveals ORBITAL TWIST M2-

20 ORBITAL (TWIST) M2 MODE in the transitions from sd-shell

21 M2 in 32 S Experiment: S-DALINAC 1997 (E max =14 MeV) E, MeV F 2  10 5 F 2  10 6 q = 0.6 fm -1

22 Spin and orbital currents in M2 32 S E, MeV F g=0.7g free q = 0.6 fm -1

23 q-dependence of M2 peaks

24 M6 stretched states in sd shell Spin current contributions only:

25 M6 in sd-shell nuclei : 28 Si E, MeV 2  102 2  102 F 2  10 2 q = 1.8 Fm -1 S.Yen, T.E.Drake et al., Phys.Lett.B289, 22(1992)

26 M6 in Ca-40

27 M6 in sd-shell nuclei : 32 S Exp.: Clausen B.L et al, Phys.Rev.C48, 1632(1993). PCCSM, NG,Phys.At.Nucl.(2009)#10

28 Summary The deviation of (A) nucleus from closed shells or subshells reveals in a wide range of energy distribution for ”hole” among the (A-1) nuclei states. In the PCC version of SM these distributions are taken into account in microscopic description of multipole resonances using spectroscopy of pick-up reactions. The energy spread of final nuclei states is the main origin of the multipole resonances fragmentation in open shell nuclei. Comparison of PCC SM results with experimental data on MR confirms the validity of this approach for a range of momentum transfer from “photopoint” up to q≈2 Fm -1. The assumption that some very valuable information on MR in excited deformed nucleus is embedded in direct reactions spectroscopy data proved to be right.

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