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Review Questions !. What are three activities/theories theatre may have come from? 2. What does a Shaman do? 3. Why did primitive tribes perform rituals?

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Presentation on theme: "Review Questions !. What are three activities/theories theatre may have come from? 2. What does a Shaman do? 3. Why did primitive tribes perform rituals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Questions !. What are three activities/theories theatre may have come from? 2. What does a Shaman do? 3. Why did primitive tribes perform rituals? 4. What did primitive man believe caused good and bad occurrences in the village/community? 5. What literary concept in modern plays did the sequence of events in primitive plays/rituals resemble?

2 Review Questions 6. What is the definition of amphitheatre?
7. What was the name of the first drama contest? 8. Who was the first winner of the first drama competition? 9. What was Thespis famous for? 10. Who was Dionysus? 11. How many years ago did humans start performing rituals?

3 Review Questions 12. Where did the term Thespian come from?
13. What is an artifact? 14. What did drawing of ritual ceremonies usually involve? What did they depict? 15. What did the chorus in an ancient Greek play do? 16. Who was in the chorus of an ancient Greek play?

4 Review Questions 17 What city was the center of Greek theatre?
18. What was the date of the first drama contest? 19. What was the orchestra in Greek theatre? 20. What time of day did performances take place in ancient Greek theatre? Why? 21. What is the definition of a shaman? 22. What was the purpose of masks in Greek Theatre?

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