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Published byJoan Brooks Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1 Global Marketing Management, 4e Chapter 8 Global Marketing Strategies 글로벌 마케팅 전략
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2 Chapter Overview 1. Global Strategy 2. Global Marketing Strategy 3. Regionalization of Global Marketing Strategy 4. Competitive Analysis
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.3Introduction On a political map, country borders are clear as ever. But on a competitive map, financial, trading, and industrial activities across national boundaries have rendered those political borders increasingly irrelevant. Not only firms that compete internationally but also those whose primary market is considered domestic will be affected by competition from around the world.
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.4 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) Global Industry( 글로벌 산업 ): 글로벌 전략의 첫 번째 측면 –Those industries where a firm’s competitive position in one country is affected by its position in other countries( 한 기업의 한 국가에서의 경쟁입지가 그 기업의 다른 국가에서의 경쟁입지에 의해서 영향 받는 산업 ). –The first question that faces managers is the extent of globalization of their industry( 한 기업이 속한 산업의 글로벌화의 정도 ). –Every industry has global or potentially global aspects( 모든 산업이 글로벌 또는 잠재적인 글로벌 측면을 갖고 있음 ).
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.5 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) Industry Globalization Drivers( 산업글로벌화의 동인 ) (see Exhibit 8-1): –Market Drivers( 시장동인 ) 1. Common customer needs( 공통의 고객니즈 ) 2. Global channels( 글로벌 유통채널 ) 및 organizations as global customers( 글로벌 기업고객 ) 3. Transferable marketing( 국제적 마케팅활동 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.6 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.7 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) –Cost Drivers( 비용동인 ) 1. Global economies of scale and scope( 글로벌 규모 및 범위의 경제 ) 2. Accelerating technological innovations( 기술혁신 강화 ) 3. Favorable logistics( 운송수단의 발달 ) 4. Emergence of NICs with productive capabilities and low labor costs( 생산능력과 저임금을 갖춘 신흥공업국의 등장 ) 5. High product development costs relative to shorter product life cycles( 높은 제품 개발비용 대비 제품수명주기의 단축 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.8 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) –Government Drivers( 정부동인 ) 1.Reduction of tariff and nontariff barriers( 관세 및 비관세 장벽완화 ) 2.World Trading Regulations( 국제무역규범 ) 3.Deregulation/privatization of industries( 규제완화 및 민영화 ) –Competitive Drivers( 경쟁동인 ) 1.High exports and imports( 수출입의 증가 ) 2.Rise of countries and firms becoming key competitive players ( 핵심 경쟁력 갖춘 국가 및 기업의 등장 ) 3.Interdependent countries( 국가들의 연계성 강화 ) 4.Globalized competitors( 글로벌화된 경쟁자들 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.9 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) Competitive Structure( 경쟁구조 ): 글로벌전략의 두 번째 측면 – 경쟁력이란 ? (A firm has a competitive advantage when it is able to deliver the same benefits as competitors but at a lower cost or deliver benefits that exceed those of competing products) –Cost leadership( 원가우위 ) –Product differentiation( 제품차별화 ) –Niche strategy( 틈새시장공략 ) – 경쟁구조의 본질 (see Exhibit 8-2): »Industry competitors( 산업내 경쟁 : 기존 기업간의 경쟁 ) »Potential entrants( 잠재적 진출기업의 위협 ) »Bargaining power of suppliers( 공급업자의 교섭력 ) »Bargaining power of buyers( 구매자의 교섭력 ) »Threats of substitute products or services( 대체재의 위협 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.10 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.11 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) Gaining Competitive Advantage( 경쟁력 확보방안 ) –Creative destruction( 창조적 파괴, 즉 hypercompetition: No type of competitive advantage can last) – First-Mover Advantage vs. F-M Disadvantage( 최초 진출자의 장점과 단점 ) –Competitor-focused Approach( 경쟁자 집중 접근 ) –Customer-focused Approach( 고객집중 접근 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.12 1. Global Strategy( 글로벌 전략 ) Interdependency( 상호의존성 ): 글로벌전략의 세 번째 측면 –Interdependency of modern companies –Example: Global computer industry –Governments also play a larger role, affecting parts of the firm’s strategy.
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.13 2. Global Marketing Strategy ( 글로벌 마케팅 전략 ) Benefits of Global Marketing( 글로벌 마케팅의 이점 ): –Cost Reduction( 비용절감 ) –Improved Products and Program Effectiveness( 제품 및 프로그램 효과성의 개선 ) –Enhanced Customer Preference( 고객선호의 개선 ) –Increased Competitive Advantage( 경쟁력 증대 ) Limits to Global Marketing( 글로벌 마케팅의 한계 : counteracting forces): –Standardization vs. adaptation issues(1960s) –Globalization vs. localization(1970s) –Global integration vs. local responsiveness(1980s) –Scale vs. sensitivity(1990s)
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.14 2. Global Marketing Strategy
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.15 2. Global Marketing Strategy
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.16 3. Regionalization of Global Marketing Strategy( 글로벌 마케팅 전략의 지역화 ) Regional strategies are the cross-subsidization of market share battles in pursuit of regional production, branding, and distribution advantages( 지역적 생산, 브랜드 및 유통 이점을 활용하여 시장점유율 확대 경쟁에서 교차보조 ). –Issues in regionalization of global marketing strategy: Cross-Subsidization of Markets( 시장간 교차보조 ) Identification of Weak Market Segments( 열세세분시장 ) Use of “Lead Market” Concept(‘ 선도시장 ’ 개념의 활용 ) Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets( 신흥시장국가에서의 마케팅전략 )
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.17 4. Competitive Analysis( 경쟁분석 ) SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis (see Exhibit 8-5) –A SWOT analysis divides the information into two main categories: internal and external factors( 내부적 요인과 외부적 요인 ). –Based on SWOT analysis, marketing executives can construct alternative strategies( 대안전략 ). –The aim of any SWOT analysis should be to isolate the key issues that will be important to the future of the firm and that will be addressed by subsequent marketing strategy.
Chapter 8Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.18 5. Competitive Analysis 5. Competitive Analysis
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