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An Introduction to the stuff you will be learning this year.

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1 An Introduction to the stuff you will be learning this year.

2 Psychology What is it? The study of our inner feelings and behaviors. Do our feelings always match our behaviors? If you make fun of what I am wearing, I may feel sad inside. But I will still act tough. (but I will be crying on the inside, so be gentle).

3 History of Psychology Although the science of psychology started in the late 1800’s, the concept has been around a lot longer. It was like a bad SAW movie!!!! Early behavior was sometimes thought to be caused by Satan or evil forces

4 Waves of Psychology The science of psychology has gone through about 5 different waves since it started. Waves are different ways of thinking over time and make up some of the perspectives of psychology.

5 Wave One: Introspection Kickin’ it old school Wilhelm Wundt’s first psychological laboratory and his concept of introspection (structuralism). William James:The Principles of Psychology and functionalism. These guys were considered hot, back in the day!!!!

6 Wave Two: Gestalt Psychology Led by Max Wertheimer, these guys focused not on how we feel, but on how we experience the world. Seeing the whole picture: perception of total/global construct by seeing the parts of the whole This may seem like one picture, but it can be perceived as 3 different faces. Can you find them?

7 Wave Three: Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (in the early 1900’s). Feelings and behavior come from a hidden place in your mind called the unconscious. We protect ourselves from our real feeling by using defense mechanisms. Later psychologists; Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney

8 Wave Four: Behaviorism (early to mid 1900s), people started to ignore how you feel inside and stressed how you learn Learn by observation or association, how you act Watson and Little Albert, Thorndike and law of effect, B.F. Skinner and pigeons, Ivan Pavlov and salivating dog, Albert Bandura and BoBo doll

9 Wave Five: Eclectic We are now in wave five….which is about variety. Psychologists pick and choose what theories to use depending on the situation and the client. Just like Ben 10 choosing the right alien to fight the bad guy depending the situation.

10 Wave Five is made up of about 7 different perspectives. In other words, psychologists today, pick from about 7 schools of thought to help you with your problems. Some evolved from waves Thus we have: THE SEVEN SCHOOLS OF PSYCHOLOGY

11 Biopsychology (Neuroscience) Perspective feelings and behaviors have an organic root. brain, body chemistry, genetic make-up, neurotransmitters, injury, damage, chemical activity levels Let us imagine for a second that your dog died (sad but it may happen). You become depressed. You stop eating and sleeping. What would a psychologist from this school say is going on and how might they help you?

12 Evolutionary Perspective Focuses on Darwinism. We behave the way we do because we inherited adaptive behaviors Twin studies show inherited/innate behaviors versus taught or nurtured How do we adapt to male/female roles, new ways to succeed in changing societies Why are their generations of actors, plumbers, etc.?

13 Psychoanalytic Perspective Refer back to early slide Freud studied conflict when we are young molding our behavior We fix ourselves by recognizing what is repressed and/or in our unconscious If a man has intimacy issues and cannot form relationships with others. What do you think someone from this school may think? Perhaps they may delve into the man’s unconscious and discover that he was bullied when he were younger. The bullying may have caused fear in getting close to others.

14 Behavioral Perspective Refer to previous slide on behaviorism Observe, associate then learn Pretend that you fail psychology class. You become depressed. In turn, you begin to binge and gain weight. What do you think a behaviorist may do? They would probably ignore the fact that you are depressed and just focus on your overeating. Identify how you watched your dad solve his problems through eating. Have you ever watched the Addiction shows?

15 Humanistic Perspective Peaked in the late 1960’s and 70’s….so it focused on spirituality and free will. We have to strive to be the best we can be “self- actualization”. Happiness is defined by the distance between our “self- concept” and “ideal self”. Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers

16 Cognitive Perspective Focuses on how we think (or encode information) How do we see the world? How did we learn to think and act to sad or happy events? Cognitive Therapist attempt to change the way you think. You meet a girl… Hopes are high!!! She rejects you…don’t even get digits. How do you react to the rejection? Some learned get back on the horse And try again. Some learned to give up and live a lonely life of solitude.

17 Social-Cultural Perspective behaviors and feelings dictated by the culture you live in. Some cultures kiss each other when greeting, some just bow. Does your culture place value on individual or the group? How about your age group?

18 Credits Myers textbook images Microsoft and cartoonstock images AP institute

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