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Note Cards for Textbook and Book Sources. Overview You will write 10 note cards based on information from your textbook You will write 10 more note cards.

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1 Note Cards for Textbook and Book Sources

2 Overview You will write 10 note cards based on information from your textbook You will write 10 more note cards based on information from at least 1 library book. Textbook The Language of Literature. Evanston: McDougal Littell. 2006. Pages 323-416 1 Source (BOOK) Card 10 note cards

3 Witches’ Words and Macbeth Topic or subtopic 1 The witches repeated several key words and phrases like “hail” and “fair is fair and foul is fair” which remained etched in Macbeth’s head as he ambitiously sought to gain power to become Scotland’s next king. Source # Paraphrase and Quotation NOTE CARD for a TEXTBOOK SOURCE Act 1, Scene 1 Act 1, Scene 3 (Indicates that you are paraphrasing and quoting the passage)

4 Lady Macbeth and false appearances Topic or subtopic 2 “Her reference to books, serpents, and time conveys the necessity for false appearances” Source # Quotation NOTE CARD for a BOOK SOURCE Page # 16 (Indicates that you are quoting the passage from the book)

5 BOOK Nostbakken, Faith. Understanding Macebth. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997. 2

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