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On the Outside Looking In: Social Deficits Among Children and Adults with LD By Tara Smith Ward.

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1 On the Outside Looking In: Social Deficits Among Children and Adults with LD By Tara Smith Ward

2 Startling Facts…… 75 to 80% of children with LD exhibit social deficits resulting in peer rejection and isolation Children identified as LD are rejected beginning as early as kindergarten. Students with LD who lack appropriate social skills are less accepted than students with more severe disabilities. Studies have shown that children and adolescents with LD who lack social skills demonstrate more behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties and are at risk for substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, depression and dropping out of school.

3 Characteristics of LD which Contribute to Social Deficits poor peer group entry skills aggressiveness inability to request information/help lack of social perception ineffective processing of nonverbal social elements poor social strategies lack of self control impulsiveness low self esteem expectations of failure depression

4 Promoting Social Development of Children with LD AT SCHOOL social autopsy affection/acceptance talent scout awareness of peer pleasing and teacher pleasing qualities pre-selection of teams positive reinforcement AT HOME support system modeling self talk reinforcement

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