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ACCREDITATION: What disease is this?. Do you have these SYMPTOMS?

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Presentation on theme: "ACCREDITATION: What disease is this?. Do you have these SYMPTOMS?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCREDITATION: What disease is this?

2 Do you have these SYMPTOMS?

3 Headaches?

4 Writer’s Cramp?

5 Boredom? Yawn! Get me out of here!

6 That feeling that you forgot something you had to do…?

7 Visions of a short dean with red hair standing at your door with a fake smile on her face…?

8 A strong desire to run from someone who says, “I want to help you.”

9 Not to worry… The actual visit and full report is not due until October 2012. HOWEVER…

10 There’s still a lot to do and sufficient time planned in the schedule… TODAY, we decided to give you TIME…

11 Time to ask questions Time to ask advice of your colleagues Time to have a colleague review your work Time to identify your data needs which might also help others as well. To work with those standards that require a team of people

12 Next steps… Revise your work and identify the core themes and objectives that relate to your standards.

13 CORE THEMES 1.Educational Attainment (Student Success) 2.Program Excellence 3.Community Engagement 4.Access and Diversity 5.College Stewardship

14 Err…ooh, I feel a symptom coming on…

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