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Agenda for final meeting for on-going Partnerships  Presentation of participants  Novelties in the LLP  Evaluation  Dissemination and exploitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for final meeting for on-going Partnerships  Presentation of participants  Novelties in the LLP  Evaluation  Dissemination and exploitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for final meeting for on-going Partnerships  Presentation of participants  Novelties in the LLP  Evaluation  Dissemination and exploitation of results  Presentation of good practice  Continued activity - Sustainability  Questions and discussions  Concluding remarks

2 Presentation of participants Name, profession Name, profession Organisation Organisation Title of Project Title of Project Project’s Main Theme Project’s Main Theme Ideas for discussion Ideas for discussion

3 Novelties in LLP ????

4 Final evaluation tools  Inquiries  Interviews  Observations  Measuring  Group discussions  Role plays  Evaluation tools:, www.i- www.MICE-T.netwww.i- www.MICE-T.netwww.i-

5 Dissemination & Exploitation of results  How to use the results within the organisation  Other interest groups :  The local community  Decision makers  Parents, stakeholders, social partners  Associated partners  Meetings, fairs, personal relations  Web sites  Press and media  The National Agency  Press releases  Website, links from other websites …  Newsletters  CD, DVD, (VHS)  Exposition material (for travelling activities)

6 Good Practice Partnership – tips and hints for the presentation KISS – Keep It Short and Simple! KISS – Keep It Short and Simple! Aims and incentives Aims and incentives Participants from the organisation and their involvement Participants from the organisation and their involvement Impact Impact Results and dissemination Results and dissemination Support from management/local authorities etc Support from management/local authorities etc

7 Continued activity ”Sustainability”  Consolidation  Development  Continuity

8 Consolidation & Development, examples  Identify efficient strategies  New contents in curricula  Continued (extended) use of ICT  Continued integration and cross-subject learning  Continued in-service training for staff  Establish an international coordinator!!!  QAS Sustainability Kit!

9 Continuity, part 1 - New funding  New application for a Partnership with new idea/new angle and extension of participating organisations  Move on to a Multilateral Project or a Network  Look for national funding  In-service training for staff, funded by EC

10 Continuity, part 2 – without funding, examples  E-twinning (through EU) for Comenius Partnerships  Netd@ys (through EU):  Create or develop websites from the Partnership  Virtual classes  Further ICT possibilities:  Travelling exposition/travelling suitcase/culture box….  Create new networks (through NA)  QAS Sustainability Kit!

11 For NA use only – what to distribute List of participants with e-mail addresses and name of organisation List of participants with e-mail addresses and name of organisation Copies of the powerpoint presentation Copies of the powerpoint presentation Brochures of the LLP programmes Brochures of the LLP programmes

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